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Yev Kassem

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Everything posted by Yev Kassem

  1. The election will be called well before he gets to that part of town.
  2. Coincidentally, I just got this email promoting a new dessert. This would be sublime after 3 margaritas, a Big Smasher and a couple bowls of chips and salsa
  3. Chili’s lovefest started in 10/24 and has been gloriously kept alive since then. Kamala’s momentum shift started soon afterwards, so I think we played a part in this, boys.
  4. My reaction to all the Chili’s love since I touted the Big Smasher earlier this week. Proud moment
  5. There’s no “fixing” his footwork. He’s been here three fucking years. It’s a feature, not a bug.
  6. Picked these up today via trade for a Blanton’s SFTB. The Disco 12 is fucking 🔥.
  7. Does anyone know when early voting starts? /Helobious
  8. Yes, because I prefer grilled onions instead of raw. YMMV
  9. The new Chili’s smash burger is fucking great. And at $10.99!
  10. Pato gave the perfect answer here. Lighthearted response and then move on. Instead she gave a meandering response and can be spun into “she can’t even answer an interview question we all get asked….how can she fix the economy?”
  11. Right. But she was asked “do you think building a wall is “stupid” and she gave a pretty poor and vague answer. Got these vibes from her “what is your biggest weakness” question.
  12. Agreed. This was more in response to Anderson’s direct question to her about “do you think building a wall is stupid now”. She kept dancing around the question instead of taking it head on with a direct answer.
  13. What is so hard about saying “if building some form of a wall will bring enough Republicans into the fold to support a bipartisan bill, I would endorse such a compromise”.
  14. The only reason I stay friends with one of my low-key Trump supporter buddies is because he gets me on Tiger’s course at Bluejack National. I ain’t giving that shit up.
  15. I’ve heard that 2024 Maker’s Cellar Aged is a big disappointment. Bummer
  16. Is that actually any good? Regular Balcones rye is one of the most vile things I’ve ever tasted.
  17. I was in Detroit last weekend and I got a M10R at a mom and pop store for $210. I almost passed out.
  18. Why hasn’t anyone Photoshopped him jerking off a couple of dongs in these memes? I bet that would get him to stop doing that pretty quickly.
  19. Yeah word is it’s hit Central Texas as well.
  20. Spec’s call list?
  21. Interesting. I’m in SA and TW is always cheaper than Spec’s down here. Agree that it’s not worth retail anymore.
  22. Aren’t they just reacting to the MSRP? In my experience TW is about as cheap as you can find a bottle.
  23. Getting only one major battle this season is horseshit. They’re totally fucking up this whole thing and trying to draw it out much longer than it needs to be. There are plenty of GOT projects in the pipeline than can project well over a decade of future content. This show, done well, only needs three, maybe four seasons. They’re gonna draw this thing out over five seasons, which will entirely kill the pacing.
  24. They were upset about all the terror that the Blackwoods brought to the Brackens under the Targaryen banner. Daemon gave Willem Blackwood free reign to do whatever was needed to make the Brackens bend the knee. Rape, pillaging, etc.
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