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Yev Kassem

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Everything posted by Yev Kassem

  1. Secondary on it is anywhere from $7500-$10k. A buddy of mine in New Braunfels got one last year and I was lucky enough to try it. It’s very good, no doubt, but we also had ER17 with it and I preferred ER17.
  2. It’s good for $65 (the original price), but not at $85/$90 (new price).
  3. He put out some great stuff tonight. Wish I lived in Austin to visit his store more.
  4. I don’t blame South Austin for missing periods. His mom missed them all the time while he was growing up.
  5. How about this one from Sanford and Son?
  6. Do any other stores around the state do decent drops or do they just send everything to the big drop store?
  7. I’ve seen a lot of bad Texans games over the years. This may be the worst when you consider quality of opponent.
  8. Damn, Ralph died yesterday. Apparently his heart gave out during a routine procedure to treat the lymphoma he had been battling. RIP.
  9. My son had seizures from just before his first birthday until just after he was four years old. Between ages three and four he had 12 grand mal seizures, one routinely about every four to five weeks. It was absolute hell and no cocktail of meds seemed to help until he was approved for compassionate care prescription of CBD. No less than a month after being prescribed the CBD the seizures stopped cold. Luckily he hasn’t had an incident in over five years. Although my wife and I had an extremely stressful stretch, he’s doing well now. I always thank God that we weren’t in the situation we saw some parents in at our son’s neurologist’s office.
  10. Fuck Tech and their STD-riddled campus.
  11. Cerebral palsy says hello.
  12. This poor man wouldn’t last a season on aggy sidelines based on his health history. https://www.denverpost.com/2016/10/10/gary-kubiak-known-health-scares-timeline/amp/
  13. Baxter, bark twice if you’re in the endzone!
  14. In a pinch, a brisket, bean and cheese taco from Bill Miller kinda slaps.
  15. I think this game comes down to the ability of our team to score more points than their team.
  16. Guys who bitch about Salt Lick would also complain about a blow job from Sydney Sweeney if she didn’t put her hair in a ponytail beforehand.
  17. They were supposedly pissed off coming into the game. Too bad our pussy ass coach took his foot off the throttle like he always does and let Houston back in the game.
  18. The Old Fitz 1849 was pretty wild. It’s from somewhere between 1955-65 and was crazy to drink something from that era. It’s only around 90 proof or so, but tons of flavor. Didn’t taste thin either at that proof.
  19. The OFC definitely benefits from the 25 years in the barrel. It’s only like 90 proof, so it needs the oak to punch up the flavor. Pretty typical bourbon notes, but a cool experience to say I’ve had it. Didn’t get into the High West, but my buddy owned it up later in the evening and he said he liked it.
  20. Nice little drinking session on a Saturday afternoon…
  21. Why should call lists be a thing? I spend probably $5k a year on whiskey, with most of it going towards various picks and groups I’m part of. I don’t just go for the tater bottles. I like a variety of high quality, interesting stuff. I spend maybe a few hundred bucks a year at the big box stores in TX. I don’t need to buy daily drinker BS that’s on the shelf because I’ve moved on from most of that stuff (and appreciate their participation in my bourbon journey). I drink/share everything I buy and only participate in trades with local friends. My collection is to the point where I choose to be selective with what I buy. I get that BTAC level stuff should go to best customers, but why should stuff like ECBP and Stagg be on a call list (which is what I’m told every time I go into a Specs)? Basically, fuck Spec’s (except last Friday when they actually put something great on the shelf 🤘🏻).
  22. Surprisingly this was around 3:30pm on a Friday. A buddy of mine in town texted me that afternoon and let me know it was dropping so I figured I’d take a chance. Glad I did. Hopefully this is a trend that continues. So tired of the fucking call lists where all the good stuff goes to the same people over and over.
  23. It was moronic to run it three consecutive plays. Once, I get. Twice, maybe. Three? Gtfo.
  24. The biggest problem with Sark is not just that he has at least one certifiable “wtf” moment each game, it’s that it’s coupled with the decision being in the most crucial of moments. No matter what happened the rest of the game, it was over for us after the goaline stand. There’s just no way you can recover mentally from being stopped four times from the 1. The decision having two defenders on the field on offense on three consecutive plays in the most crucial of moments cannot be forgiven. We’re all going to have to relive that moment ad nauseam in RRS highlight packages for the rest of our lives thanks to that fucking meathead decision.
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