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Everything posted by Genco

  1. So your contempt for black folks is merely a conduit to stick it to woke white leftists?
  2. I'm wondering why they were brought into the conversation at all.
  3. Do you think those fat, angry leftist women would take a safe, FDA approved vaccine that would unfat them if one existed?
  4. Is that how it works? I send a few texts to my lawyer and then BOOM...I have a privileged Batphone to conduct whatever business I wish and is beyond the reach of law enforcement and civil discovery? Are they represented by Saul Goodman?
  5. I admire the humility. Big Pharma has had so much good PR this decade I'm not sure the brand could possibly support any more goodwill.
  6. Another fucking moron with a martyr complex. Being willfully ignorant and childishly stubborn does not make you principled. 100 people offered to donate one of their kidneys and countless friends and neighbors have a vested interest in seeing this guy live and this is the shitpile he chosen to die on? Get fucked dude. I fully support your decision to "die free." Give the kidney to someone who wants to live.
  7. God must have needed another total fucking moron in heaven for...something.
  8. We haven't even begun to approach "unelectable" yet. Especially in his district. Now if your mom shows up on his Venmo timeline all bets are off.
  9. You patronize places where you have to request they not jerk off on your food?
  10. I can't imagine being this invested in defending Aaron Rodgers on a Longhorn football board.
  11. I thought you were gonna tell us you slipped your tube steak into their daughter.
  12. I didn't realize that Seeger was also in Beverly Hills Cop. Jenny Summers would absolutely get my D.O.R.
  13. Refer to Road House as "bad" again and I'll seal your fate.
  14. Lynette won't be faking any more pregnancies.
  15. This is the second guy that you're sticking up for on this thread that you don't really follow or know what the controversy is surrounding him.
  16. Desantis is a known quantity this election and voters' opinion of his performance the last three years will have an impact much greater than the net gain/(loss) of 2018 voters. Plus he'll be running without TFG's endorsement and possibly against some LeeRoy Jenkins kamikaze sabotage. But I suppose mental masturbation is kinda what we do around here.
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