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Burnt Ends
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About kingkoopa6

  • Birthday September 12

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  1. Just binged 3 episodes of recruiter season 2. they turned this up to level 12. good shit
  2. Jordan is my guy. But I picked curry. That 3 ball is a killer.
  3. Main guy is in season 2 of The Recruit on Netflix. Only on episode 2 but so far he’s a Korean ass kickin bad ass
  4. I rewatched s1 last week. It’s not a bad rewatch. Worth it
  5. I see a new movie on Netflix came out Bogota City of the lost. staring main guy from Vincenzo watching tonight. Trailer looked promising
  6. sucks about dragusin. We need bodies. but besides his cool name. He ain’t really been doing it for me. He’s no vdv or romero Or gray or Davies
  7. We watched it two nights ago and it started feeling late, so I’m like we should prolly get ready for bed. hit pause to see how much time was left thinkin we could power through. saw there was still 45 minutes to go I was like god damn
  8. Not bad. Def 20 mins to long tho.
  9. Bring her back to life. Lose the costume. Do new show half naked
  10. Season finale. Wow. Got a bit dusty there the final 15 mins
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