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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kingkoopa6

  1. but yes. Dudes be horny
  2. Just rewatch it. Bruh. 2.1 The nun from nacho libre. it all makes sense.
  3. He’s one of our own 🎶
  4. 3 kids scored for the first time for their club. That’s dope. Never seen that before
  5. LMAO ” two minutes ago he’d never played for the club “
  6. That chick in the crowd on the slo mo replay of dragu injury
  7. https://x.com/discussingfilm/status/1885017969262014476?s=46&t=v7wCZeGqP5LtzUsYCy1rWQ Teaser out for OG2
  8. New season dropped. 💪🏻💪🏻
  9. First season done 💪🏻💪🏻 bartender/ manager a really good character… surely she won a supporting actress award? She cracks me up.
  10. 22% from 3 not gonna do it.
  11. Damn. Clean look. Kinda. Looked off balance. But he do be hittin those tho
  12. Damn. Tre was there too. Fuck.
  13. Ole Miss hoes kinda ugly
  14. 9 sec for a 3 to tie. Unless they foul us
  15. Damn. It’s what you want tho.
  16. LFG. FEED TRE. everyone else follow
  17. Asked cgpt of a show rec. top of the list is this. I’m only 30 mins in and digging it. see yall when’s it all over 💪🏻
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