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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kingkoopa6

  1. Come on RT. Dont let Missouri dog walk us. put that coaching hat on.
  2. Catch the ball you turd
  3. 30 for 232. wtf
  4. Give me the skins fuck it
  5. Pat would have got that flag
  6. We need all out tank. I’m down. need to get our hands on a top QB Giants bout to get a ward or sanders
  7. NfcEastNfcEast!! N F C E! N F C E! N F C E!
  8. I miss davinson Dier Doherty and sissoko
  9. Never mind. Butt plug 13
  10. Who the last rookie qb to be in conference champ game ?
  11. 5 turnovers. Damn
  12. So the cowboys don't suck? Was just in a tough division ? next year our year baby!
  13. Dan knew he was out the door. Held his interviews didn’t care about the game. Dan said fuck Jerry. And prolly gave pack the d script just to stick it to Jerry Hook em !
  14. Holy shit!!!!! I bought points to make it +9.5!!! Did that count ?
  15. Need td 🤞🏻
  16. Is Cj cheeks ? I don’t watch Texans football
  17. Touche Texans still in this thang.
  18. lol. Why go for it ?
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