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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kingkoopa6

  1. Let’s fuck broom these Bs
  2. THROPE BABY. LFG one block away from pick six championship walk off
  4. We didn’t lose. That’s good
  6. Gotta crack these rangers like 5-0 for me to feel good
  7. Read thread up into yall started talking about 2. They fucked for how many hours?? Them Scissors were scissoring. Starting 2 now. episode 1 action was unbelievable. lol what was that like 10 humvees and trucks with 40 guys Chasing them But it still kicked ass.
  9. Probably my favorite episode. how I met your mother cameo. She🔥
  10. Out on Netflix. been killing episodes again. still funny the second time around.
  11. Last half hour had me glued.
  12. FUCK. DAMN
  13. Jerry sucks. watching rush ball out on single digit million. man. If we just had a good gm. We’d be gods
  14. Get his ass to Germany. And see the must see doctor everyone talks about. No idea who it is. But I always read athletes flying to Germany
  15. Home dub inbound ? or down by 20 by halftime again?
  16. If Quinn could use his feet to pick up 5-8 yards 5 or 6 plays a game. pick up 1st downs or give us better 3rd downs. He’d be unstoppable. college game needs that. qb gotta be a threat with the wheels. He has zero wheels
  17. Still ain’t read thread yet. will eventually. just finished season 1 gotta say, when the action kicks in… this show 10/10
  18. I got drunk that night. Fun times Shitty seats tho. Felt I was to damn close. Couldn’t see shit
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