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Everything posted by Girdwood

  1. All CDC cares about is dolla dolla bills. Winning is secondary. Just like his predecessor did. Winning is not a priority for Bellmont.
  2. Baylor is going to win the conference again and probably go to the playoff after going 1-11 in 2017. Texas has never even sniffed the playoff. Maybe this will light a fire under the BMDs? Yeah right.
  3. Jesus Christ that is depressing.
  4. Pretty much. No one gives a shit.
  5. I’m sending from my utexas gmail account, not that they give a fuck
  6. Where’s Lobo? He should have his cell since they are such close friends.
  7. Mine went through
  8. 100% correct. As long as the money keeps flowing in the way it has been, they never will. We are the Dallas Cowboys of college athletics.
  9. Go fuck off to an LSU board you steaming pile of human garbage.
  10. 15 years since we’ve won a National championship....in football, basketball, or baseball. 10 years since we’ve won a conference championship in football. Texas is becoming irrelevant.
  11. The current state of Texas sports is what happens when you value making money over winning championships.
  12. You are part of the problem fucktard.
  13. You’re right, but they haven’t won a title since 1988. Michigan 1997. Texas 2005. Vince Young saved our ass and Colt nearly did it as well.
  14. Modern era Michigan and Notre Dame would like a word with you.
  15. Go back to the cloak room pussy
  16. He won’t.
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