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  1. What do you do for a living, does it involve life and death split second judgement and antagonists?
  2. What an eloquent, clear and concise message. You must be a rocket scientist. People make mistakes, when we start prosecuting police for politicized reactions, the Marxists win.
  3. Lost the soccer moms that were on the fence.
  4. https://concealednation.org/2020/08/was-jacob-blake-holding-a-knife-video-shows-something-many-may-not-have-noticed/ It is in the article. BTW, Biden and the Governor of WI pissed off lots of voters by jumping to conclusions and not saying lets not rush to judgement. Instead, they fueled the flames.
  5. People in Iowa love the Second Amendment, but not like Texas. Educationally challenged.
  6. I stand corrected.
  7. Cops are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Shit job these days and BLM is just making it worse. When cops cannot do their job or coupled with a disintegration in the quality of recruits because no one want to be a cop anymore (People Scream that cops need more training. Thirty percent have Degrees, usually Criminal Justice. Good luck getting to pay for collge for that career White flight is going to be the result, and companies are going to allow their employees to flee not just to the burbs, but to small rural town America. The large older cities are screwed.
  8. The van itself becomes a weapon. He could have killed his kids. He was agitated. People drive their kids into lakes and rivers when despondent. This is policy, do not allow hostage situations. Isn't your call to get rid of the cowardly cops a call to defund the Police? They have a politics group for that.
  9. But if he had killed the kids or run over an innocent bystander the police would have been criticized for allowing that to happen. The Rabble is so irrational right now it blows my mind.
  10. Yes, they knew that, they had been filled in on the way to the call. in addition to the gun issue, he had some domestic violence charges pending (from the same incident as the gun in the bar).
  11. Now you are just trying to be incendiary. Your argument is ridiculous. Cops have a tough job being made impossible by the media and the Democratic Party. That is why their suicide rates are so high. What surprises me is how the Democratic Party has turned its back on the Police and Firefighter unions, and defacto the civil workers throughout most all cities and towns. This used to their base. Now they pander to Antifa radicals and BLM Marxists. Both Biden and the Governor of Wisconsin took the BLM line before the facts came out. BIG MISTAKE.
  12. He was not murdered, he was a bad actor acting irrationally. Looked an awful lot like a suicide by cop attempt. to m Not to mention, the guy is still alive.
  13. Police are trained to never allow hostage situations. Just sayin.
  14. True, plus people do kill their own kids when they know they are going to prison. Some people are just crazy. He was looking at 8 1/2 years from a weapons issue back on 7/6.
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