Two more appellate judges will be confirmed today. Voting will begin in an hour and last about an hour. That'll bring us to 21 of the 42 Trump has to fill. Of the remaining 21 seats 3 (Oldham, Bounds and Bennett) will get confirmed within a month, 7 more will get confirmed this Summer. I'm unclear on the last 11. I'll guess they all have to be named fairly soon (i.e May) to have a great chance at being confirmed before the Senate breaks for elections. It'll be a scramble unless the GOP puts a halt to stalling moves.
The district judge situation isn't as pretty, mostly because the priority (for both parties) has been appellate judges. Trump has filled 17 of 164. Of the 147 remaining 32 are ready for a Senate vote, 40 are in the Judiciary Committee and will get confirmed this Summer. The last 75 need to be named soon if they are to get confirmed by this Senate (unless the GOP puts a halt to stalling moves).
It is clear to me that the nomination "packages" have been heavily state oriented. For example, this latest package had a lot of the New York nominees. The White House has been trying hard to work things out with the Senators from each state to avoid "blue slip" fights. The White House had no trouble with some states (mostly GOP states). Some Dem states ultimately got worked out through a long process. Two states (Wisconsin [1 Senator], Oregon [both senators]) couldn't get worked out and the GOP did not honor the obstruction. Some states are still being negotiated. I expect a lot of the 11 appellate and 75 district to get named soon as "packages" are clearly in the final stages of negotiation. The drama is around big states like California (10 District and 5 appellate). Will things get worked out as they have in most states, or are the last ones all the most contentious?