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Everything posted by TahoeHorn

  1. I used to worry about you. I thought something bad had happened. Now I think you're just trying out an act - testing a Trump-style anti-Trump populist shtick to see how it plays in Peoria.
  2. I can see that if 2,000 read a post. Here it's more like 20.
  3. You all seem to be missing the point: The war is getting uglier and uglier. You can't argue that either side is behaving well. Both sides believe in blocking well qualified opponents. This will not end well.
  4. https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/uncategorized/GAO/Web rating Chart Trump 115.authcheckdam.pdf Not so, Scooter. You need to see how the Dems behave with the highest rated judges. Hey, look at the rating of Gorsuch. It's the highest possible.
  5. Some of the people on the team didn't vote for Trump.. Actually a lot. I was one. And some people not on the team did vote for Trump. Actually a lot. Our GOP headquarters had Trump people show up who wanted to work there and tell everybody how great Trump was and how much the rest of the GOP sucked. 65MM is obviously a crude guess of people leaning GOP. And I'm curious how you could think that I believe Trump is a god.
  6. You need to follow the detail instead of the headlines. See what happens to each nominee. https://ballotpedia.org/ABA_ratings_during_the_Trump_administration The guy who the Dems are making a big stink about (Bounds) received to highest possible rating (unanimously well qualified).
  7. I thought it was frogs, not people.
  8. We also have a long list of nominations which may get reported out of committee. https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/05/10/2018/executive-business-meeting And we have nine judges which were formally nominated yesterday (Monday).
  9. This will be an interesting week. There will be votes on six Circuit Court Judges. The Dems have been dragging the vote out forever. The whole confirmation process is getting uglier and uglier with each party taking the war to new heights. Historically refusing to return blue slips killed the nomination. The Dems are using this aggressively in spite of strong efforts to work with Dems. In a few cases the White House was able to work things out and get the blue slips, even in Hawaii which is in the Ninth Circuit. But the Oregon Senators played hardball so the GOP finally decided to go forward without the blue slips for Bounds. This has the Dems fuming.
  10. Oh, I get the concept. But I'm going with the homeless lunatic. I'll smile at him and nod. That's better than giving money to the hippie chick.
  11. I understand. I'm sure I have more of a concern with the problem than you. And more understanding of it. I'm not saying that there is no change in the GOP. Or that Trumpism isn't causing damage. I just see it as more of an unwise temper tantrum with no staying power. It is populism that will fall under its own weight.
  12. Let's take your example. I think it's EXACTLY what I'm talking about. George Will is the same as he was. George Will did not change his position on trade because of Trump. George Will still writes his columns for the Washington Post. He didn't go anywhere. Trump didn't replace him at the Post with a Trumpist. Trump didn't get me to start liking Buchanan instead of Will. Will didn't go anywhere. I didn't go anywhere . Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush and so on are all still here, part of the 65MM people who make up the coalition which is the GOP. People's influence ebbs and flows, but I see no realignment or major change in who has a seat at the table. How many GOP US Senators will be replaced by a Trumpist? 20 of 51? Or 1? Or zero? It's the same crowd. They may parrot some popular Trump rhetoric but they aren't new people with new ideologies.
  13. Leaders like me are in charge of deciding whether the phone bank volunteers show up at 2 or at 3, whether Susie should bring soft drinks and whether the candidate's campaign will supply them. We do not give instructions to Congressmen. Now maybe I can be one of 2,000 that talk to the Congressman this month but he doesn't take orders from me, or even Trump. You are confused about how this works. Now I agree that Trump can energize the crazies. It's like when Obama got elected and people were telling police that they couldn't arrest them because Obama ... Trump can even get the Senate to introduce different bills. Trump brought some new people to the GOP. These people didn't show up and take over the Alabama State Legislature or the Madison County GOP. I don't even know what a Trumpist is. It's more of a cult following than any coherent policy position. Trumpism is about noise and theater not a change in governance. I was looking at brochures for the GOP primary. For my curiosity I wondered if I could find any position that an opponent would not support. So if a candidate says he supports family values and his opponent says he does too he gets no credit. If he says he supports higher tariffs on steel and his opponent says he wants lower tariffs I give credit. Nobody got any credit. There is no Trumpist platform. Can you identify any positions that legislators have that they didn't have before Trump? I can't. Trump is like a new cult leader, not like a new religion. I have no idea what his positions really are. It's just today's reality TV episode. It doesn't even make sense. It is NOT the basis for a new GOP. The GOP is the same people with the same positions. What you are seeing is the shiny coin the magician has you watching. You are seeing Billy Bob and the reality TV show that Trump is directing. That is neither governance nor the GOP. It is just TV.
  14. Cabinet appointments don't work the same way as appointments for the Director of the US Mint. The Prez knows who Ben Carson is. He does not know who the Director of the US Mint is. He has nothing to do with the Sheriff of Madison County or the Madison County Tax Assessor.
  15. The GOP is 65MM voters and a gazillion elected officials. It is not the President. The Legislative Branch is the most powerful branch. The election of Trump doesn't change, say, Cornyn and Cruz that much. They are who they are. So is the GOP Dogcatcher in Bugtussle. He doesn't adopt new Trump dogcatching policies. The Judicial Branch didn't become Trumpists. Alito will still be Alito. Even Gorsuch is not a Trumpist. In the Executive Branch most appointees are not Trumpists. When Trump appoints the US Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama or the Director of the US Mint he a a GOP guy, not a Trumpist. Trump couldn't tell you who it is and hasn't met them. Trump has very little impact on how they do their job. A lot of you have very little clue how little power one person has and how much power the collective force of the people have. And how much power a long history of culture has. Put a new Police Commissioner in charge of the NYPD and 40K policemen and see what happens. Or put a new CEO in charge of Sears. It's like pushing on a string. The CEO says move and nothing happens. It doesn't work like a new football coach or a new sergeant.
  16. Yes. However: - liberal posters are more entertaining. - most posters are not liberal or conservative; they are "smart ass" or "angry".
  17. No. I'm saying that the EVP is the powerful position in the NRA. Read what I said.
  18. Executive Vice President, not President, is the job that matters in the NRA. The EVP is CEO. The Prez is a celebrity spokesman.
  19. My wing is the power nationally and in some states. It is not the power in the reddest states.
  20. Translation: Don't nominate somebody so bad he loses to a Dem.
  21. If the party is the same the Congressional investigation is worthless. If it's the opposition it's semi-worthless.
  22. There are investigations, and there are investigations. One type of investigation of Trump/Russia is being conducted by Mueller. The other type is being conducted by Devin Nunez. The Benghazi investigations were the Nunez kind. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Investigation_into_the_2012_Benghazi_attack
  23. Will the Dems call for impeachment? Should they? https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/05/opinions/democrats-midterms-trump-impeachment-opinion-zelizer/index.html
  24. What politicians are evil (as opposed to being good people with whom you just happen to disagree about politics)? Or deplorable, despicable, unethical, bad, ... How many Senators fit the spec? What percentage of the voting public fits the spec? What percentage of your friends and relatives have political views you despise? I don't think any current US Senators are evil. I thought John Edwards was evil or despicable or whatever. Hillary is disgusting but not evil. I despise Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren but I suspect that they are actually good people. They just have absolutely detestable political ideas. In my life I don't have a problem with people like Bernie Sanders. I can disagree without being disagreeable. I only have problems with people I think are immoral. If they lie or cheat I have a problem. I may not get along with them if they are the type (and there are many) who can't disagree without being disagreeable. If they start acting like an ass then I'll have a problem with that. I'm on very good terms with many people who hold political views I despise. One of the things that perplexes me is how people can see so many political views as right and wrong. Some are. Not many. Most are just the way I things things should work versus the way you think. I can see, for example, how you can have a different opinion on guns, God or gays. I can't see why you think someone whose positioon is different from yours is evil. Or why you get angry at a person who expresses a different opinion, as if they are bad. When I look at posts and posters, some people talk about positions. Others talk about the poster or people with that idea. Go down threads on, for example gun control, and see which posts are about gun control policy and which are about posters. I just don't get it.
  25. The smart ones do. The angry emotional ones don't. And don't underestimate anger and emotion. I have some stories about candidates who do stupid stuff or who are tempted to do stupid stuff because they get angry about their opponent. There are Democrats so mad at Trump they froth at the mouth. They may know not to talk about impeachment. their campaign may tell them over and over. But don't believe that, in the heat of the moment, some won't get stupid.
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