What politicians are evil (as opposed to being good people with whom you just happen to disagree about politics)? Or deplorable, despicable, unethical, bad, ...
How many Senators fit the spec? What percentage of the voting public fits the spec?
What percentage of your friends and relatives have political views you despise?
I don't think any current US Senators are evil. I thought John Edwards was evil or despicable or whatever. Hillary is disgusting but not evil. I despise Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren but I suspect that they are actually good people. They just have absolutely detestable political ideas.
In my life I don't have a problem with people like Bernie Sanders. I can disagree without being disagreeable. I only have problems with people I think are immoral. If they lie or cheat I have a problem. I may not get along with them if they are the type (and there are many) who can't disagree without being disagreeable. If they start acting like an ass then I'll have a problem with that.
I'm on very good terms with many people who hold political views I despise.
One of the things that perplexes me is how people can see so many political views as right and wrong. Some are. Not many. Most are just the way I things things should work versus the way you think. I can see, for example, how you can have a different opinion on guns, God or gays. I can't see why you think someone whose positioon is different from yours is evil. Or why you get angry at a person who expresses a different opinion, as if they are bad.
When I look at posts and posters, some people talk about positions. Others talk about the poster or people with that idea. Go down threads on, for example gun control, and see which posts are about gun control policy and which are about posters. I just don't get it.