Dude, what you don't understand is that you're either proposing to ban most every "real" hunting rifle or self defense rifle or you have a 1994 silly cosmetic, do nothing ban. I can't see anything that gets "scary" rifles but not most everything. People own (1) some plinkers for kids, (2) basic rifles, and (3) target rifles, and (4) big game rifles. TwiceHorn's proposal gets all of (2). That's most rifles. And even more of the value. If you own $10K in rifles it's probably $8K of it. It won't fly. Period.
Most cars on the road will outperform the "hot rod". You can't come up with a ban of cars that go over 70mph that makes sense. You can't come up with a ban of cars with lots of power that doesn't ban every truck of size and every luxury car, and every car that needs to pass going uphill or tow a trailer. And most of, say, 150MM cars on the road would be banned.