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Everything posted by TahoeHorn

  1. Is that directed to me, or are you just using my quote to elaborate to others?
  2. http://www.printmag.com/imprint/on-hoaxes-spoofs-and-parodies/ I've seen the picture but never a magazine with it. I'm not clear how many hit the streets. I know I couldn't find one.
  3. It would be nice to get analysis which is a few notches more sophisticated than "Trump is smart" or "Trump is stupid". I'd like to know what trade deal would be smarter and what worse. My laymen idea is to get concessions on high value goods we produce and they don't (e.g. stuff with high intellectual property content or high tech) and grant concessions on products in industries every country has but China produces best value (e.g. steel).
  4. Thanks. I get 60 hours of work. They supply equipment, fuel, insecticide and such. Some is complicated like taking down big trees. Some is easy like hedging bushes or weedeating.
  5. I think does were unlimited. I don't know is the real answer. So, how much should I charge?
  6. IIRC the issue never went to print.
  7. I hope it wasn't financed by mob loan sharks.
  8. Year round Any animals The best feature, by far, is that it's one of the few good hunting areas near the city. (Most of the county is either highly populated or open fields with row crops.) Hunters have to drive to less populous counties. But the worst is that it isn't the full hunting experience with lodging and such. It's a pocket (80 acres of the 160) of woods with water amidst civilization and animals flee to it. It's the place to be if you're an animal. I've done some informal asking but there aren't good comps. What I'm getting is comparable per hunter to what one might pay for a spot 150 miles away. It would be better (no civilization) but there would be multiple hunters with a designated area to stay in, and scheduling requirements. My deal is for whenever with no scheduling. And I don't allow rifles. But one year the guy got nine deer. A different hunter got five turkey one year but he was a great turkey hunter.
  9. North Alabama (Madison County (county population 346,000) Creek a little over a half mile, typically about two feet deep and 25 feet across, but varies 160 acres minus area near my house No facilities provided. Hunter puts up his own blinds, camera, feed He can take what the law allows. I should have said no rifles. If I'm in range it's not allowed. A slug with a shotgun is ok; black powder and bow is ok. I don't want to get shot because the hunter forgets where my house is. I don't want my neighbors shot either. Most of the time there will be woods and several hundred yards between any person. And only a few houses are within rifle range. But I'm not taking chances.
  10. Nope. Wrote in Jeb Bush.
  11. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2018/04/04/the_grisly_history_of_chappaquiddick_136698.html Will you watch the movie? Do you remember Chappaquidick? How did you view it then? What about now? I thought then and I think now, that there are few acts by a politician that I consider more disqualifying than what Kennedy did. I was stunned and disgusted that he continued to have a political career.
  12. It's Gambling 101 that betting on ferriners like Noren, Hatton and Fleetwood is smarter than on big names like Woods and Mickelson.
  13. I lease to hunters (man and wife) and have no idea what I'm doing. The guy I lease to got an eight point buck and four does this past year. I don't know what other game he got (e.g. turkeys) It was not a good year. I live on the property and don't allow high powered rifles. What should I be charging?
  14. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/tigers-back-but-hes-not-the-same/?addata=espn:frontpage
  15. General public? I'm on an Internet board entertaining myself, talking to people who have proposals which they are clueless about. I figure fewer than a hundred will read my posts. Fewer than ten will care.
  16. But you know damn well that most hunters do (except those who hunt small game like birds and squirrels, or big game like bear and elk). Regardless, the inventory of semi-automatic center-fire rifles is huge. And they cost a lot more than bolt action rim fire. A lot. OK. I looked up the number. Here's one article: https://www.quora.com/What-percentage-of-guns-in-the-US-are-semiautomatics The percentage of rifles is smaller than I guessed. The portion of rifles which is semi-auto is about what I thought. And the ones that aren't are mostly "plinkers".
  17. Dude, what you don't understand is that you're either proposing to ban most every "real" hunting rifle or self defense rifle or you have a 1994 silly cosmetic, do nothing ban. I can't see anything that gets "scary" rifles but not most everything. People own (1) some plinkers for kids, (2) basic rifles, and (3) target rifles, and (4) big game rifles. TwiceHorn's proposal gets all of (2). That's most rifles. And even more of the value. If you own $10K in rifles it's probably $8K of it. It won't fly. Period. Most cars on the road will outperform the "hot rod". You can't come up with a ban of cars that go over 70mph that makes sense. You can't come up with a ban of cars with lots of power that doesn't ban every truck of size and every luxury car, and every car that needs to pass going uphill or tow a trailer. And most of, say, 150MM cars on the road would be banned.
  18. The last ban did that. And it was ridiculous and failed. As I said before it's like banning hot rods. I don't know what a hot rod is. I want to know whether you're proposing a ban that bans half the cars on the road or is a silly nothing that talks about numbers painted on the side. Until you tell me what a hot rod is I don't know what you're saying. I understand TwiceHorn's definition. It includes a very high percentage of real rifles. It would include almost every deer rifle I see. It includes the pink Ruger Mini above. I understand. It's an honest coherent definition. It won't fly but it makes sense. Are there any other definitions?
  19. Is it only newly manufactured ones or is it the, say, 50MM that already exist?
  20. If you're going to propose a ban, sooner or later you'll have to say what one is. The last attempt at a ban failed because the definition of an assault rifle was utterly ridiculous. It's not clear to me that you can come up with a definition that isn't. Try.
  21. What hunter doesn't have a closet full of those? How many are there? 50MM? 80MM?
  22. What's an assault rifle?
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