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Everything posted by TahoeHorn

  1. Fresno? Hell, there are places where you can buy a house for $10K. Parts of Detroit, for example.
  2. I don't consider it being fucked with no lube if other party people elect somebody else VP of Doughnuts. That has almost nothing to do with what 65 million people decide to do about electing national leaders. I make a big distinction between the actions of the party people and the actions of 65 million GOP voters.
  3. I don't expect to continue to have all my roles as a party leader in Alabama. I will get ousted from some, or burned out. I get along with the other Republicans; the smart ones want me and the angry ones largely leave me alone. But sooner or later the angry ones will get angry about something and I'll get whacked. For example, there is a move to go after Shelby for his Roy Moore position. There is a move to go after Kay Ivey for appointing a Dem that we can work with to a minority Commission seat. There will one day be a move to go against Trump - in 2020 if not sooner. And there is always the pro-life and pro-gun stuff. It's the Right vs. the Establishment. I'm in the latter. The Smart Right hold all the power, but some time the Angry Right get their way. The Center Right is just along for the ride (in Alabama). One day, after some big fight, the Angry Right will demand my head and get it. That's how this stuff works. Think of me as a local Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Jeff Flake or whomever. People bitch and moan and tolerate because I'm better than a Dem. But then one day they will get mad and demand a "true Republican", not a RINO. No more Bush or Romney. A Santorum, a Cruz or a Trump. Everywhere. Some "RINO"s get purged. Eventually TahoeHorn. It happens. Survival isn't my objective. Fighting every lost cause isn't either. People with my approach make Colonel but rarely General. The smart survivors are the Generals. The fighters of lost causes get bounced as a Major. But that has almost nothing to do with whether I get my agenda nationally. And not too much at the state or local level either. To beat up a bad analogy, my army will be pretty much the same without me. For most of my next thirty years I'll have the same impact as the other sixty or seventy million GOP voters.
  4. Most of the people who read these threads can read. I sure can. Why do so many posters think that mischaracterizing another poster's point is to their benefit?
  5. My wing of the party is the largest and contributes the most money. It has also had good success in producing the Presidential nominee. An outsized percentage of civil servants and political appointees come from my wing. Even federal judges. Just because the latest Presidential nominee is not from my wing doesn't depress me. I expect to vote another thirty years. I'm one of 325MM citizens. And the number is rising. It would be kind of silly for me to expect to get my way all the time. I don't expect that the 2020 election will go well at the top of the ticket. I do expect that the GOP will remain strong at state and local levels. I think Alabama may start to get nutty.
  6. It's the Copernicus position in Copernicus v. Catholic Church. (pro science, anti- political correctness)
  7. There is a whole article which lays out the thesis. You weren't trying to understand the thesis or have a discussion. You were trying to cross examine. You were attempting a rebuttal, Internet style. If you have a rebuttal make it. Write a critique of Sullivan's argument.
  8. You're not my boss. And this isn't a trial. I expressed an opinion. You can express yours. If you don't like mine that's fine. I didn't think you would.
  9. I don't name anybody on this board except public figures. And you wouldn't know them anyway. But you can read this thread and find posters who cry racism.
  10. There is a strong correlation between low IQ and all sorts of bad behavior. Conservatism, in general, is good behavior. But there are clearly components of conservative behavior which are bad behavior and correlated with low IQ. As a point of interest, I'm "somewhat conservative". I'm also not sensitive to being part of any demo or group which generally performs more poorly than average. It doesn't mean I do. Similarly I am well aware that being part of a demo that performs very well doesn't mean I do. We're talking about a logical fallacy I sneer at.
  11. There has been no movement of note on a number of issues - fiscal restraint, guns and abortion are three that come quickly to mind. In our Constitutional system narrow majorities don't allow either side to run over the other.
  12. How fucking stupid can you be? I didn't even vote for the guy. How much power do you think I have? Your theory of my political power is bizarre.
  13. If it's 1400 or 1500 I don't want to argue whether the Earth is flat or round. I wouldn't have the expertise to know. But I would support the efforts of scientists to study the issue and publish their papers. I would want the critical arguments to be science, not an attack on their belief in God. I wouldn't want them criticized for blasphemy.
  14. Sullivan's thesis, and mine, is that the Left doesn't want such research. What about you? Do you support genetics research like Reich is conducting? What about Murray's research? I'm not asking whether you think it's good research or agreeing with their findings. How would you vote if they asked for more money for Phase II? If you don't like their quality would you fund a different geneticist to do the same thing? Are your feelings the same as if they wanted to study the genetics of, say, dogs? If you're not among those who attacked Murray for doing his research. If you differed with his conclusions based on different science I have no quarrel with you. (I don't know the science.) If you screamed "racism" and said "he shouldn't be allowed to say that without being personally attacked (versus attacking his conclusions), then you're somebody I'm addressing. Examine this thread and identify the posts which included an ad hominem attack. It's a sure sign of a bad argument.
  15. Nobody is discussing the article. And I knew it. As I predicted. Sullivan gives the long version of what I'm saying. None of the criticisms on this thread address the issue. You are creating your own issue to address.
  16. You can't read. Neither Sullivan nor I want to discuss the science. We want to discuss the politics of letting serious scientists do science in the area where genetics may show genetic differences in humans. Do you support letting Reich and others do work in this area without a bunch of ad hominem attacks?
  17. The question is whether serious geneticists can study a serious genetics topic which has racial implications without being attacked personally. So far we know they can't. Sullivan's position, and my position, is not advocating any particular conclusion. It is advocating the scientific study of genetics and any implications it might have on genetic differences in humans - race, gender, whatever - be treated as scientific study. Rebuttals should be scientific rebuttals. Today "we" treat this topic as a political taboo and attack practitioners as racists. Think of it like a First Amendment argument. There are times when you argue for the fair treatment of a speaker, while not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing. I do not understand the science of Reich's work. I'm sure it doesn't profoundly change what we know about human differences. But I do know it's a subject that many don't want studied. And there is pushback. My point is about the politics of it. My position is to treat it as science. Let scientists study and publish asrticles. Let science go where it goes, searching for the truth wherever it is.
  18. The Harvard geneticist didn't equate race with distinct subpopulations. Andrew Sullivan didn't and I don't.
  19. I wonder who will read the article before commenting on it. Some will only read the headline.
  20. This is a good article on the taboo topic: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/03/denying-genetics-isnt-shutting-down-racism-its-fueling-it.html "You can't talk about that. Lalalalala. I'm not listening." It's the modern day McCarthyism. Scream "racist" loudly and attack the author not his ideas. It'll scare other people from defending him. But one day science will win out. I don't know what truth is. I do know that many people are afraid of the pursuit of truth. It's a topic they don't want studied.
  21. They should. But people make mistakes. People with strong political biases are especially prone to mistakes of inconsistent policy. Different government institutions are populated with different kinds of people. Some institutions, like media and schools, are especially liberal. The military and law enforcement are more conservative, although the presence of liberals is permitted. Some institutions are able to do a good job controlling their biases. Most in fact. The one I see going nuts is education. Many don't understand the rules as I do. The letter from the New York City school system on this issue, the letter from Berkeley following Trump's election, and the disparate treatment of offensive conservative speakers versus offensive liberal speakers at Berkeley are three of many examples where an educational institution dealt with an issue unfairly. My school system also did so 55 years ago. (They pushed evangelical Christianity VERY hard.) And they got pounded for it.
  22. School systems that don't have a consistent treatment of unexcused absences for political protest - the point of the thread.
  23. Politics is a team sport. Unless you have a ringside seat and a lot of expertise it's tough to differentiate between the contributions of different Senators in a party. They deal in the back room and then present a unified front - unless they're being a dick, which Cruz did a while back in a bid to be Prez.
  24. I won't argue that. But it would be wrong and it would get my criticism. But there is a difference between the New York school system and the Possum Hollow school system. It's TV. And people behave differently in front of the TV. The problem is less likely in Possum Hollow, not because they are more fair minded, but because when there is no TV the incentive to protest goes down. A lot.
  25. Trump's trade policy is moronic. It's populist idiocy. By far the biggest reason I am a Republican is the difference in economic policy - taxes, trade, fiscal restraint, and so forth. But Trump's trade policy is the populist crap that I hate. And for a few decades it is very difficult to have fiscal restraint because both parties have a kind of veto power.
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