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Everything posted by TahoeHorn

  1. Some school systems are treating it with penalties; some aren't.
  2. Because if they walk out to protest the lack of free ice cream at lunch there will be a price to pay that is too high. If the walk out to protest "school violence", the NRA and GOP politicians there are school systems where there is no price. In fact there is a reward. Get it? Protest school violence: reward Protest abortion; Penalty Protest no free ice cream: Pennalty Protest killing baby seals: Penalty
  3. Neither the Palestinians nor the Israelis want change. They've been at it for seventy years. We'll have more of the same. Part of me has sympathy for both sides. But both sides have pretty much exhausted my reservoir of sympathy. I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that they like this mess.
  4. Biased, perhaps right, perhaps wrong, but worth reading: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/03/jay-sekulow-michael-cohen-and-the-rest-of-trumps-legal-team-are-no-match-for-robert-mueller.html
  5. Our boy is smokin'. 6 under for the day so far.
  6. Nope. The Japanese produced cars that didn't need those ridiculous devices. Smog control technology didn't evolve from catalytic converters. It evolved from engines which worked more efficiently because they were produced more precisely.
  7. One thing about hunting or killing people that bears heavily on this topic: There is a type of round that kills, but doesn't kill quickly. You need a much more powerful round to kill quickly. If you are in a war or shooting game there is a need to drop the target immediately. It's not good to have your game run away and die a gruesome death a few hours later. That's cruel and you lose your game. It's not good to have the bad guy die an hour later. In the meantime he'll shoot you. He needs to go down in a heap immediately. BUT, if you are fighting at a distance and the enemy can't shoot back immediately, or if you hit him with a bunch of rounds up close (with select fire or full auto), maybe the smaller round works, especially because you can have more ammo. The assault rifle carries the "wounding" cartridge. The battle rifle carries the "killing" cartridge. Look at my chart in post 110.
  8. Not quite. But I'll give you credit for the college try.
  9. Sorry. I thought the italics were yours. I assume now you were quoting.
  10. The whole point of the thread is to find out what that means. I have no idea (seriously) what that means. The last time we tried to do this it was a joke. The manufacturers made tiny modifications to their models and kept right on selling. They actually sold more because people were scared. What is an "AR platform"? And how specifically do you buy back the inventory? Do you pay above or below market value? One of the problems with gun buy backs is that people sell guns worth less than the buy back price. A dealer will buy crap guns and take them to the buy back. How will you prevent buying all the broken guns in Afghanistan, the Congo, Russia and China? If you're paying $500 you will get lots of crap from Africa but not my brother's guns. I've got a semi-auto .22 I'd love to sell for $500.
  11. There is a gun control thread. I was hoping that this thread could be to figure out what an assault weapon is.
  12. Off topic, but the single greatest threat to the civil liberties of the average American is the stupid, selfish voter.
  13. Why 10mm? I'd go for something MUCH smaller. You need something big if you need to drop somebody cold who is shooting at you, particularly if they may be behind a wall, a windshield, a car door or something. If I'm popping kids at 15 feet who can't shoot back I'll guess a .22LR would be easy and accurate. I know I'm waaaay more accurate with a .22 than a 10mm. The point is: I think the ban of an "assault rifle" (whatever that is) is a ban of the weapon used by some nut. It isn't a ban of the weapon that would be used by a Navy Seal trying to shoot up a school. The nut will just find another weapon. You aren't taking away killing power. You're taking fire decals off a hot rod.
  14. I'll buy the theory. I don't understand the practice. What do you do about the existing inventory? We're talking about tens of millions of rifles. How do you specify the magazine? Do you have a spec which makes it extremely difficult to use a larger magazine? How would that work? Is what you're banning more deadly than a machine pistol (semi-auto version)? It's another topic, and I don't have expertise, but if I were going to shoot up a school an AR-style rifle would not be my weapon of choice. I'd use a small caliber machine pistol. I could aim it like a rifle and be accurate at short range. It'd be much more easy to handle than a rifle. My accuracy with a true pistol or a large caliber gun sucks. I'll bet I could rock and roll with a machine pistol with a stock with a small caliber.
  15. I am genuinely open to a proposal. But all the proposals I hear are from people who know even less than I do about what an assault rifle is. And their proposals make no sense.
  16. The cartridge is what you need to look at. The killing power will be defined by the cartridge not the gun. The bigger ones are used for bigger game and longer distances. To shoot people, coyotes or deer you'd typically use one of the middle ones. To shoot squirrel one of the small ones, and elephants one of the big ones. To shoot something (e.g. people, deer) at 50 yards you might use something small. At a mile you'd need something big. The "AR-15" (it's really an AR-style) shoot the same cartridges as other rifles. And typically they are the medium size cartridges. (That's the military definition. If they shoot bigger or smaller ones they are called something else.) One of the reasons to buy an AR-style is that, because of the modular design you can but a few parts and have one rifle that can be used to fire different cartridges. An AR-style shooting a .223 is almost identical to a so-called hunting rifle shooting a .223. The difference is not function; it's quality. A $1200 rifle is usually better than a $600 rifle - more accurate, lasts longer, less likely to fail. AR-style are typically better, but not necessarily. As I've argued, I don't know what the fuck AR-style means.
  17. The military rifles perform differently from the civilian rifles. The military rifles have select fire and/or full-auto; the civilian rifles do not. The military rifles are illegal. The civilian rifles that look like military rifles work like other civilian rifles. It's like taking a PT Cruiser, putting a fire decal and a number on it and calling it a race car. It isn't. It's still a PT Cruiser and it works the same as the one without the number painted on the side.
  18. This has always been my definition. And I don't know anybody who owns an assault rifle. I know a zillion who own an AR-style rifle.
  19. I post the executive summary of my position in the OP. I elaborate later. It's good presentation technique. You're playing some silly Internet game. I'm trying to give my idea and get yours. If you weren't playing some silly game you would prefer that my OP laid out the issue and gave an executive summary. It's what you need to have your own take.
  20. There's no Socratic method. I try to do three things in an OP: 1. Present a story or facts, typically a link to a news article 2. Pose what I think is the issue 3. Give my take on the issue. Others are obviously free to decide the issue is something different. I think the story is interesting because there is a possibility it is culturally or politically significant. I'm asking for opinions n that. If I don't pose the questions people don't know my objective in posting. Hell, even when I do post the questions people think my objective is something different than the one I clearly state.
  21. You are. Military assault rifles are essentially illegal. Civilian "assault rifles" (there really isn't such a thing) function no differently than hunting rifles. They just look scary. The 1994 assault rifle ban defined scary looking features and said you can have some but not all. Your choice. So to make a model legal manufacturers had to do something like take away the bayonet mount or the folding stock. But so it would still look cool they'd weld the folding stock instead of putting on a regular stock. But these guns are designed to have parts changed. You can buy different barrels and use one to hunt coyotes and another to hunt bear. The one for deer is also good for people, but the one for coyotes or bear work too. If you don't like your stock you can change it. Think of a car. The basic Camaro is legal. The sport model with pin stripes, a fire decal, a number on the side and a different muffler looks much "tougher" and is deemed a hot rod and illegal. You can put a fire decal on. Or a number. Or whatever. You just can't do three scary features. Only two. But the cars go the same speed. They function identically. And they are much less of a race car than mom's S Mercedes. And unless you know an awful lot about cars you can't tell whether a given Camaro is deemed a hot rod under the law. And a little tweek will make an illegal one legal or a legal one illegal. Maybe a little fire decal is ok but not a big one. Or a decal of a hornet is illegal but a decal of a bluebird is ok. You have to have a degree in hot hod law to know. And it has nothing to do with changing deaths due to traffic accidents. The kind of Camaro that is a real race car is illegal to drive on the street. It doesn't have headlights, tail lights, turn signals, air bags and a zillion other things. It functions differently too. It goes much faster. Hell it doesn't even use the same kind of fuel. Saying that putting a number and a fire decal on a stock Camaro makes it a hot rod or a NASCAR stock car is silly. It's just used to fool soccer moms that Dem politicians are addressing the traffic death problem by banning hot rods. Every time somebody gets killed the TV guy starts talking about hot rods. That's not a hot rod. That's a PT Cruiser with custom hub caps. And it doesn't go as fast as mom's Cadillac. What's a hot rod? And what does it have to do with traffic deaths?
  22. What is an assault rifle? Do you have a definition that can be used by manufacturers and police? The Brady Bill which was passed in '94 or whenever banned assault rifles. It had an elaborate definition of an assault rifle. My brothers had "tests" to identify what was legal and what wasn't. The test had dozens of highly similar rifles and you were supposed to say which were legal. You could study the rules for a long time and still not know whether something was legal or not. My brothers also used to drag me into gun stores and talk about which models were pre-94 models (and thus legal), and discuss what had to be done to modify it to make it legal. For example you might remove the bayonet mount, or put a weld on a folding stock. Or change the length of something. They'd show me the minor cosmetic change that made the new model legal. All of these guns functioned the same. So if we are going to ban assault rifles what the hell are we banning? Do we still have a manufacturing date (e.g. 2018) where old models are grandfathered? Is the definition like in '94 based on cosmetic features like bayonet mounts? Is it so broad that it covers essentially every hunting rifle? I have no idea what an assault rifle ban means. Help me out.
  23. SAT Reading Comprehension Quiz: The thread is about A. Kids protesting B. School policy about absence for politics
  24. TahoeHorn


    https://nypost.com/2018/03/28/roseanne-revival-is-a-wake-up-call-for-hollywood/ Is this significant? Culturally? Politically? Did Roseanne draw 18MM because her comedy is good or for some other reason? FoxNews proved that there is a "niche market of half the population". I think Roseanne has targeted that same "niche market".
  25. Post it. I have no idea what it is. It's unpossible for me to be a dumbass. You're not the real washpark.
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