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Everything posted by TahoeHorn

  1. I want to be entertained. There are no people to convince. No change to make in society. No Constitutional Amendments to pass. All I'll get is entertainment. Do you think anything else is possible? If so you are a fool.
  2. I don't have an end game, and I'm the one who started the thread.
  3. So, are the Dems going to nominate a Canary Island Comanche? I'm still pushing for Chelsea.
  4. It's a Bada Bing topic. I post a lot of Bada Bing topics. But a lot get political. And many posters attribute incorrect motives to me. So I know it'll go Cloak Room. So should I go with "theory" or "practice". I almost always choose practice in life and on the Internet.
  5. I didn't catch it. You say a lot of nonsense and sometime I just get glassy eyed and move to the next post.
  6. That's way more important to you than to me. It's not the way I approach this.
  7. You haven't been getting my point. This is all politics and there is nothing wrong with that. If people want to protest I'm fine with that. My complaint is with government institutions, which I believe are supposed to stay out of politics, becoming involved. Whether it's schools, police, the military, the post office or the national parks, there are rules about political involvement. I think many schools (e.g. the NYC schools) changed their policies about absence in order to provide support for this movement. I cry foul. We have a problem with a lot of "educators" who don't understand their obligations. You may or may not have noticed that we also have a President who doesn't understand when politics is, and isn't appropriate. We have a military which has a superior track record for understanding their obligations in this area. Ultimately our democracy depends on the citizenry understanding the importance of keeping certain parts of out government institutions out of politics. You don't get to say "It's ok if they're right".
  8. It kind of flopped in the mud at my feet. Government institutions like schools shouldn't engage in political protest, regardless of the merits. That's for other institutions and individuals. The Left should give greater support to this principle than they do. While schools are dominated by Lefties the military and the police are dominated by Righties. It is even more dangerous for those institutions to put their thumb on the scales. You should be VERY supportive of the principle of blind justice and apolitical government institutions. It's fucking dangerous for schools to decide what politics they support. We've got a President who doesn't get this principle. I am the exact target audience you need to convince when/if the time comes to oust him. You need to get a better sense of this issue of "thumb on the scales of justice".
  9. Ah, I'm too old to start a career in Constitutional law. I'm happy to entertain myself on the Internet. It's not like my opinion (or anybody else's here) will decide this issue.
  10. I think you may be right and you may be wrong, and you have almost no evidence. Everybody's just guessing. And that's how it should be.
  11. Me? Angry? You've got the wrong guy, Mr Anger. My prejudice is against people who hurt our economy, not any particular group. I like people in any group who are big contributors to our economy.
  12. Dude, it's the Internet. This is the place for that. In real life I'm happy and serve doughnuts. Actually I get a kick out of this too. But sadly I am old. I don't know how to deal with that. Suggestions?
  13. I agree. I pay careful attention to how stories are sourced. In hundreds and hundreds of articles I've read I've NEVER seen one that appeared to come from the Mueller camp. I find this astounding. There is something special about organizations that can keep secrets. Dishonest people can't get people - honest or dishonest - to keep secrets. There is enormous interest in learning what Mueller investigators know, and yet nobody appears to have been successful in getting this info. This speaks volumes to me.
  14. I believe the NYC school system supported this demonstration. I believe that they enjoyed the excuse of winking at it - tacitly encouraging it. I think their treatment would have been very different had the rally been pro-gun, sponsored by the NRA, pro-GOP and had Trump as the headliner. That letter from the school system would have looked very different.
  15. Political protest is political. It should not be free from consequences. A number of posters have addressed this. If you feel strongly about an issue you should be prepared to pay the price. Gandhi, MLK and Mandela all went to jail for their beliefs. Willingly. If a student isn't prepared to take the hit for his political protest he should go to class.
  16. Ya moron, the policies aren't content neutral. I have repeatedly referenced the NYC policy. They clearly supported this and had a policy which was not their normal policy. The whole point of the thread is about places that changed their policy for this event.
  17. That works for me. It's different from NYC policy: I don't like the NYC policy. And I think they gave a big wink of support. And such politics offends me. https://morningbellnyc.com/2018/03/08/note-to-families-regarding-the-national-school-walkout/
  18. The truth shouldn't get in the way of a good story.
  19. Bullshit. They counted children, among a long, long list of people who were legal residents who didn't pay taxes. They counted all legal people and no illegal people. Or they tried.
  20. Jordan closed with three birdies.
  21. I believe the intent was, and is, to count everybody who is a legal part of our civilization. That was what they seemed to do in 1820, and that is what I think we should do today. Ask yourself who was considered to be a legal resident in our civilization in 1820, and find somebody who wasn't counted the way I prescribe. I think the Constitutional debate will be about whether "persons" means "legal persons". I won't presume Constitutional expertise. It's just my opinion.
  22. Nope. My point is that the intent of the Census is to count legal residents, and exclude illegals.
  23. If you can back this up I'll change my position. I want to know about Alabama or Illinois in 1820 as a test. I don't want to know about some Indian working on a plantation in suburban Boston. Here's a start: http://www.archives.alabama.gov/timeline/al1801.html
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