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Everything posted by TahoeHorn

  1. Come on. When you say "taxes" do you mean ad valorem taxes or taxes on whiskey? I'll bet the house it wasn't just any taxes. I don't believe they counted Indians who lived on land that was untaxed.
  2. Here's my note: Our school system has long-standing policies regarding unexcused absences. Our policies will not be changed for this event. Teachers will not be rescheduling tests and such previously scheduled for March 14.
  3. This is for New York City: https://morningbellnyc.com/2018/03/08/note-to-families-regarding-the-national-school-walkout/ I am crystal clear that the official position is supportive of the walkout.
  4. This story would have been more entertaining if your girlfriend had wrecked your truck and you had found it when you went there to leave with your sister.
  5. That isn't my point. That would be stupid. We clearly count felons. And children. And, before the Nineteenth Amendment, women. And, non land owners. And people who didn't pay their poll tax. And people newly moved from another state. And people who flunked the literacy test. And newly freed slaves. I think we've always tried to count citizens. I think that's the intent. But I'm not a Constitutional scholar. Maybe we'll find out.
  6. What is your point? The question is whether they counted non-citizens other than slaves (for which the Constitution provided for). I don't think they did. Do you?
  7. Did they count Indians who were clearly "living in the newly created country"? Did they count tourists who were clearly "living in the newly created country"? I think not. I think it's clear they were trying to count citizens. A good test would be to look at the 1820 census and see if they counted Indians in Illinois and Alabama. I'd almost bet the house they didn't. But I'll change my position on the question if they did.
  8. If your objective is to count the number of citizens (which is the proper objective), it will help make that number more accurate than not asking the question. It will discourage the inclusion of illegal aliens in the total.
  9. Here's what I would have done - my rules: 1. You can skip for any reason you want. Any. Any day. 2. You must make up anything you miss. 3. For each day you miss you must submit a "qualifying" ten page paper. If your first attempt does not qualify you can fix it and submit a second "qualifying" paper. If your second fails you suffer severe academic consequences. I think under my rules students will have a serious commitment to their cause if they skip.
  10. Do you sanction a walkout over anything school related that half the student body will walk out over? I can probably get as many students for "no free ice cream at lunch" day as I can "no school violence" day. I can make a list of a hundred.
  11. bt, I'll accept that as an honest criterion. And it would blow up in your face. I'll assure you that I can find all kinds of causes to get 75%. Beatles Day. Rolling Stones Day. Senior Skip Day (and Juniors and Sophomores). MTV Day. Beach Day. If kids get a pass for skipping (and you need to give them the same absolution for knowing missed material as this past walkout did; no changing the rules), I'll bet I can organize skips for half of the days. Maybe all of them. Do you think the only people who don't come to work on Christmas are the ones celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ? People will accept most any excuse for a holiday.
  12. Some of you are having trouble with the question. Do you allow the walkout or not? What are your criteria for sanctioning a school walkout?
  13. :lol: Dude, your school was different from mine. If it means a sanctioned excuse to skip class I can't imagine the cause that couldn't get 20%. I bet I could get 20% for the right to fuck donkeys.
  14. I think they only plan to count non-citizens, with no distinction between illegal aliens and legal ones. I don't know how they plan to treat a tourist who is in a hotel. It doesn't seem to make sense to count them, but ... I wouldn't count tourists and I'd have separate categories for illegals and green card holders.
  15. http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/380656-students-for-life-backs-school-walkout-to-protest-abortion If you made decisions for a school system and had been stupid enough to tolerate the walkout to protest gun violence, how would you respond to this? Do you only support left-wing walkouts? Do you come up with some silly rationale about why the school violence walkout deserved special treatment? Do you tolerate any kind of walkout? How do you undo your stupid precedent?
  16. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-administration-appointee-tracker/database/
  17. Well, some time I agree and some time I don't. Some I don't: I do not favor people other than certain governments having nuclear weapons. I don't favor open sales of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles. I don't even favor sales of fully automatic weapons. But I agree with you when it comes to knives, axes, sledgehammers, swords, hoes and even handguns and rifles. I think we need to look at risk/reward on an item by item basis. There is no simple rule.
  18. If someone is truly interested in solving the problem they need to get good data, or find someone who has. I consulted with large companies on problems that were highly contentious. For many years. The key to being a good consultant is being able to collect the right data. Right now the data we see is created by people who use stats to lie, not to help solve a problem. If I were taking this on as a consulting assignment I'd build a database of all deaths with lots of traits. You need to know things like "List each case where an AR-15 was used that was illegally obtained" or "List each case where someone with a history of mental illness was the shooter". The right data and the right analysis will tell a story. You need solutions which fit the facts. Usually when people disagree about solutions it's because they disagree about the underlying facts. The first step to getting a group to agree on a solution is to get them to agree on the underlying facts. If a consultant doesn't do this he will be the 58th expert with an opinion and his opinion will get rejected. If he does do this every idiot knows what the answer is and people are wondering why they need the consultant's opinion. One of the toughest facts to get the right data on (and agreement on) will be how hard it is to obtain a gun illegally. If we pass a law (e.g. no alcohol sales to people under 21) what effect will it have on drinking by those under 21? It obviously won't stop it and it obviously will slow it down. How much? This will require good analysis. I think the heart of the problem is that some believe that passing laws will have a big impact on the ability of criminals to murder and some don't.
  19. My comment is as much, or more, for the posters who don't want a repeal.
  20. Which states would ratify a repeal of the Second Amendment? Can you name 38?
  21. Vaccinations are great stuff. The return on dollar spent is among the highest in history. I really, really, really wish some of the vaccines now available had been so when I was a child. I had three kinds of measles, mumps, chicken pox and scarlet fever. There were probably more I can't remember. If I had been born ten years later I would have avoided all that misery for a few bucks. I did get in on time for a vaccine for polio, and, of course, smallpox and DPT.
  22. Good point. Several hundred years ago people became financially independent, socially mature and sexually mature all at about 16. Today the sexual maturity is about the same but the other two occur much later. The requirement to be financially independent is profoundly different. I had, and needed, financial help till I was about 24 or so. Today, if you're going to grad school you might need help till you're 28. Hey if you want to be a brain surgeon you might not be on your own feet until 30 or so. Should we give mortgages to 18 year olds? I think usually not. When is the average person in a position to marry, have kids and buy a house? 25? 27? Not 16 or 18 like 300 years ago.
  23. I'd have a mandatory retirement age for government officials, including judges, Congress and the Prez and Veep. It would require a Constitutional Amendment. But that's a new thread.
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