What type of projects should, and should not, be in an infrastructure bill?
I'd ask two questions:
1. What kind of "profit" will it have?
2. How many jobs will it produce?/What will it do to raise GDP?
Projects that score high (and high enough to meet my spec) will almost all be projects that employ a fairly unique highly paid team, and provide a quasi-monopoly service. If private industry could do it and doesn't it's unlikely to meet my spec. If the government could charge for it and not make huge profits it probably wouldn't pass either.
Hoover Dam, I-10 and Houston Intercontinental Airport meet my test. A bunch of levees for New Orleans don't. JerryWorld doesn't. The Houston Convention Center doesn't. A new tunnel between New Jersey and Manhattan would. A high speed rail from nowhere California top nowhere California would not. The first wind tunnel did.