I don't think the Dem Coroners' practices were corrupt. That's too strong a word. And the funeral homes didn't do anything wrong. But everybody had a different idea of how the process should work. If you were Coroner and there were no directions for where to send the body, how would you decide where to send it, knowing that many families would just do business with the funeral home which had the body when the family first learned of the death? Would you for example send a body in a Hazel Green traffic accident to the funeral home in Hazel Green? Would you send the body of a Black person to a Black funeral home or to the nearest funeral home? The Dem Coroners used "custom" with a preference for their own funeral home if the custom wasn't obvious. Black people went to Black funeral homes on a rotating basis. Every funeral home wanted every body they could get. But they all knew when customers left the funeral home as is, and when they decided to pick a new one.
Back to JBJ's point, I'll bet most of the gay population wants a gay baker. There are certain demographics in our society which are especially inclined to do business with "their own". I personally am oblivious to that sort of thing when I choose, say, an insurance agent. But I can tell you that I know a bunch of people, and all gays I've known are in this group, who are acutely aware of these things when picking a vendor. There are certain religious denominations here in Alabama where people seem fanatical about doing business with their own - everything from insurance agent and car dealer to Little League coach and ballet teacher. It's creepy. I can understand Blacks and gays being this way. I kind of understand Church of Christ. What's absolutely nutty is when the car dealer or banker has to be a fan of the Crimson Tide, or at least not an Auburn fan.