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Everything posted by Elmer_Fudd

  1. Haven't seen anything posted from Lole, but pretty sure he was out of eligibility?
  2. It's also possible that Caleb Downs is the only Ohio State starter on defense returning next year. Isn't today the deadline to declare? I'm guessing we won't see anything from until after Monday on player decisions.
  3. Was this the big Jr Day weekend for aggy? Has Texags and the 247 board started the sunshine pumping yet?
  4. Will be interesting to see how hard the staff pushes. Have to think they'll go all out on some of the OOS guys and the recent offer Winfield?
  5. Tigerdroppings has a couple of pages all thinking Derek Williams is about to portal to them. Looks like a bunch of wishful thinking and the LSU On3 mod (Dixon) shot it down.
  6. Think they lose everyone on defense except Downs. Both RB's and Egbuka are probably gone.
  7. Seems like we are getting mentioned with a lot of DL in the Southeast region.
  8. Might have been the OTF guys, but one of the $9.95ers was saying he was getting some reps on the interior DL.
  9. Gomer Graham going to have a big time sunshine pumping article after tonight's game.
  10. Have to wonder if Broughton may actually come back with an extra year. Only other DL left I can think of is the Clemson guy. Would have like to have gotten a shot at the ISU kid.
  11. These clowns have been chirping for a few days that they think one of our Safeties is headed to them (mainly LA guys in Mack and D. Williams).
  12. Posted in the transfer thread, but the Washington State DL is visiting aggy tomorrow.
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