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Everything posted by BallamaticBevo

  1. I could see Livingstone getting a crack. He did well as a return in HS.
  2. fun times again errbody. Let's all get back for next season and add some new blood. We can roundtable some improvements to the league including moving the playoffs up and reducing roster size back to pre covid levels
  3. this is my small consolation prize for also running into the injury buzzsaw this week. Scooped him up after you dropped him. You can have the playoffs but I keep the Ginga.
  4. I think Rex was working on locking the keepers into their specific draft slot. That way we don't have any of the same BS we've had previously having to stop the draft so frequently.
  5. Ma dukes blessin me again with #4. Thanks for keeping me near the top each year sweet thang! Congrats on the top spot Derka.
  6. Holm was a 17th and Kessler was drafted in the 16th orginally by I'm Rick James Bitch
  7. Give me that boy Desmond Bane and Nic Clickity Claxton
  8. I enjoyed the shit out of this.
  9. Let's do it! I too feel my timing of shitting the bed happened to fall on the most important week. Round 1 of the playoffs.
  10. coming back from injury. Minutes management
  11. I'm guessing our new starting unit will be Luka Flat Earther J Green C Wood DP/Maxi 6th THJ
  12. Anyone have either 2,3,4 tickets for this one? Doesn't really matter where, just looking to take my son to his first horns game for his Bday.
  13. With Nash out do we think there's a realistic shot he joins our bench with his ties to the franchise? Anyone know his specific relationship with Kidd? I know with Fin, Dirty and Tony Cubes the connection is fire. I think we need a little more experience down the bench from Kidd.
  14. if you don't have league pass you're doing it wrong. It's now so freakin cheap. NFL Sunday Ticket should take notes. I went from watching only Mavs national games to everyone freakin one when Luka was drafted.
  15. to not reward owners who find diamonds in the rough is insane to me. Literally what sports is about.
  16. instead of a cap on the round you just cap how long you can keep the guy. I say a max of 2 keeps. So you draft him and can keep him for two more years at a cost of 2 draft rounds higher each year. So if you draft a guy in the 10th, next year keep for an 8th, and then his final keep is round 6 for year 3. Year 4 he returns to the pool.
  17. yes to 10 (or 12) teams. Big no to doing away with keepers.
  18. Also Timmy and Maxi are starting to ball after slow starts. That's way good for us. Dodo's defense against Durant was hella good too. I love when we have Dodo and Reggie on D in a pick and roll. Ballhandler is like "aawww yiss" and then sees the other clamp god and is like "aawww fucccc"
  19. my nuts were in my throat those closing moments of the 4th. When they trapped Luka and he made the lazy pass out of the double team, I thought we found a new way to lose close ones. Luckily we regrouped in OT. Doesn't hurt that your gang of sharpshooters were hitting corner 3's like a fat kid eatin cake
  20. The latest ESPN cookie cutter analyst take is we are leaving the LeBron era and now in the Curry era. I'd argue that one's only going to last another season or two before we get the Luka/Ja reign
  21. something is working. Just need to get more support from the cast offensively. JaVale could have more of an impact during his limited minutes too.
  22. how we feelin after that first week. I thought I was managing pretty hard and had a nice lead behind Jokic's 2 Triple Ds and just other pure dominance then Chief came back to tie it up. Great match up! This 8 team league is going to be tough as we all have guys that can go off!
  23. Lemme go ahead and get that KD keeper in the 3rd
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