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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Tex-19

  1. Yeah the Jwhit bubble screens were getting like 10 yards a pop easy but we didn't see it until the very end
  2. I don't think a 7 point loss to a top 4 team is a big deal for recruiting. The bigger deal is Mr. offensive guru and his generational QB dropping a total turd with Arch, Johntay, etc in attendance. On the flip side, I'd hope Ant Hill and the defensive recruits liked seeing our defense basically dominate a top 5 offense. Hopefully the recruits are reminded how young our offense is. QE is realistically a true freshman. True Freshman QBs almost always suck which is why they rarely start - Weigman and Klubnik this year have sucked too. In total, we only have 4 starters on offense who are even draft eligible - Bijan, JWhit, Jones, and Majors. That's nuts. But Sark clearly need to
  3. Definitely true re: big corporations. I was moreso referring to situations where we have to come up with a bigger number than what someone is getting on their own (ex: keeping Worthy). In that scenario, the solution could be someone on staff brokering deals with individual boosters/corps or just having One Fund step in to fill the gap themselves. I'm sure there's a plan and it doesn't need to be publicized, but the latter situation is what I had in mind.
  4. Fair enough. But I imagine there will still be some larger superstar deals through Texas One. Plus, even a 5% fee on millions a year in smaller deals across all sports is a material amount that could otherwise go straight to the players (and it might be higher than 5%, I'm making that up).
  5. Gotcha. I can totally see how a platform like that makes sense to manage all the smaller deals in particular, but damn that seems like it'd add up quickly especially on the big deals (QB1, RB1, etc). I'm guessing the school just wants to be very cautious with how everything gets managed. I mean, shit, I wonder if y'all could just use ADP or some standard payroll or AP software. I'm not very familiar with it but there's a platform called PairSoft that I've run into before and could be useful. I think they actually focus a lot on nonprofits and schools. May be worth looking into if you haven't already (idk though, don't take this as an endorsement). Anyways, I'm sure y'all are on top of it, just a nerdy curiosity for me.
  6. Very cool, good job guys. Random question - reading through the website, I noticed it says all the athlete payments go through Opendorse. Does Opendorse take a cut of those?
  7. Wtf is happening? Guys like Bowen and Bravion Rogers and maybe Hicks visiting after never showing interest?
  8. Kind of an odd tweet since we haven't actually flipped anyone yet. Not sure if he's assuming Vasek or Hill as the first one. Could also be referencing Greathouse or Moore as the yet to come.
  9. Hmm so Hill tells Fawcett he's taking it to signing day but Kirkland sends that to an Aggie account. I'm still guessing Vasek is in and Hill is TBD but who knows...
  10. That would be a nice start. I think our biggest needs are 1 edge (in Ovie's spot), 1 WR, 2-3 LBs (depending on if Ford returns), and 1 S (assuming Cook leaves). Then depth at DT and other positions.
  11. SIAP but Jimbo's explanation here does not lineup at all with the video. Classic.
  12. Auburn should hire Todd Monken
  13. Biggest question to me is how the ATM boosters respond to this season. I can't imagine following this year's events, both on and off the field, and still wanting to throw away large sums of money into Jimbo's NIL/bags. Will only get worse as they realize their "already bought" players will require even more money or leave. On the other hand, desperation leads to weird decisions..
  14. Idk where but I saw Jaylon Jones in the first round of one mock draft recently. AJohnson a first rounder in most. I'd assume both gone.
  15. In other news, Kiffin from the top rope!
  16. Hard to imagine their boosters watching this on-field and off-field trainwreck and continuing to throw a bunch of money away
  17. I'm in the fuck it, take a flyer on Stewart camp. Just gotta make sure you have a lot of other strong culture guys so he doesn't influence too many others if things go south. Harris is more questionable. One thing I'll say about him - he was pretty open about hating CS and A&M throughout the recruiting process. Especially after Shad Banks left. Then he got bought. So honestly, it's no surprise that he's unhappy and acting out. Things might be better in a place he actually wants to be. But then again, maybe not. There are plenty of other guys I'd take from them. A bunch of the Freshman DLs, Bryce, Jacoby, Shemar, etc. But a lot of those guys probably stick around or go closer to home out of state.
  18. I'm pretty sure Jimbo teaches them that awkward throwing motion. Calzada and Mond had it too. Probably why they're all so inaccurate.
  19. Good post. I think figuring out the 2nd half offense is actually his biggest issue right now. This is an interesting option although fairly risky for him since playcalling is kinda his thing (and unlike Jimbo, he has historically been very good at it). One thing is for sure - the 2nd half playcalling looks way less creative than the 1st half. Instead of giving up playcalling, maybe he could step back from the defense and special teams? He handled strategy/planning+playcalling duties extremely well at Bama didn't he? I suspect he's just not able to focus on it as much now while also thinking about the defense, ST, etc. I'd love to see him hire a DC or co-DC with head coach experience (GP, Muschamp, etc) and then let that DC handle everything related to the defense, both before and during games. For example - I've noticed during games that Sark is always right along the sideline. When you watch other games you very frequently see "offensive minded" head coaches like Lincoln and even Jimbo over by the bench talking to their QBs even when the defense is on the field. I would love to see Sark over on the bench talking through plays with Ewers while PK, GP and co. manage the defense on the field.
  20. Sark will get at least one more year, probably 2, no matter what happens. We've seen some real improvement this year on defense (esp against the run) and the offense is insanely young. You have to at least give him year 2 of Ewers and the OL. The most concerning thing to me is the 2nd half Offensive disappearing act. 31 points in the first half and 3 in the second?? How does that happen? And that shit's been happening a lot under Sark. For all the blame we give the D, we'd have like 4 extra wins under Sark if the offense could've done anything in the 2nd half (including both OSU games). I still think Sark needs to basically just be an OC on gameday and let the defensive coaches handle their shit.
  21. Y'all gotta stop taking these pressers at face value. I guarantee Sark considered pulling him but he's not gonna say that afterwards and start another QB controversy.
  22. Some good points here although I think you're being a little harsh on Worthy. I agree that he had some bad effort plays but on several plays you pointed out, he really had no chance of catching the ball. And on the one at 42:00 I think he didn't see the ball coming his way until late. It does seem like Quinn was rushing throws a lot even when he didn't need to. Probably a result of the environment and the OL having one of their worse games this year. I also noticed he was very quick to throw the ball away even when the pocket was still clean. That doesn't totally explain the complete lack of accuracy though. I would guess that it was partially the road environment, partly wind, partly his finger (moreso the mental part of feeling injured), and partly being on different page with the WRs. But tbh I'm puzzled by it. Sark certainly isn't blameless but it's crazy to fully blame him too. On the negative side: Every game the offense seems much more vanilla in the 2nd half (less misdirection, eye candy, etc). OSU adjusted to stop the counter (as Gundy told the halftime reporter) and we had no answer. He probably should've pulled QE (ex: Dabo pulled DJ in their game, but immediately afterwards said that even Steph Curry has 2-24 games but DJ is still their QB). To Sark's defense though: WRs were running wide open all game. In that sense, what more can you ask for? Sark drew up plays with wide open WRs but he can't run out there and make the throw too. Side note: fwiw, Cade Klubnik looked extremely shaky throwing the ball too. I didn't watch but Weigman's numbers in garbage time weren't good either (plus apparently the coaches think King should start over him). This whole "Freshman" thing matters.
  23. I'm actually the opposite mindset. I think Sark should be spending basically all his time doing what he's actually good at - OC and QBs. There's still plenty of work to be done on that side (we only scored 24 points this game). If he could squeeze an extra few points per game out of the O, we'd be undefeated. I have more confidence in him doing that than helping the D. Let Patterson and PK figure out that side.
  24. Didn't he grow up somewhere in TN? I'd throw the Vols up there for sure
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