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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Tex-19

  1. The first calls you make are Brad Stevens and Jay Wright. 95% chance they both say no but you take the shot anyway. More realistic candidates - Ivey, Muss (unlikely to leave imo), Oats, Lloyd. Not sure any of them would leave other than probably Ivey.
  2. Were we in the mix for him out of HS?. I assume it's LSU but seems like an interesting one. Also, wtf is happening with Bama's WR room
  3. "or other person who reports a violation" based on what I saw. I think it just means she's the one who called the cops. Could be the victim but not necessarily.
  4. Agree. Although if it were the case, it may still depend on why he choked the bf. Like, if it was a defense situation, he'd be fine. If the bf just snuck in to make out, choking him out is still beyond fucked up. Also may depend on what exactly the choking entailed. Doubt he really tried to kill the kid since it took 2 hours for the cops to arrive, but it could be anything from a quick grab (unlikely) to real serious shit. Bottom line - we don't know shit, have to wait for info, but he's probably gone
  5. Burrell too? wtf Tillman needs to go after someone else's recruits https://twitter.com/Dewayne42005783/status/1602021947109675009/photo/1
  6. The reasoning makes sense but still seems like this slow approach is playing with fire a little bit at WR and LB. X and Whit could both leave and Neyor's health is TBD. Stewart could change his mind 5 times this month (fool me once...). At LB, we have one reliable option, Ford, who could still go pro. Hill may go to ATM and would be a True Fr which is tough. Even if both of those go our way, that's a real thin room.
  7. Anyone have the new IT percentages article?
  8. So not mystery safety X (or he said nevermind)..
  9. I'll still be surprised if it ends up being Petrino. Not because Fisher wouldn't make that hire. Just because too much backlash and I'm sure they're hearing it from the boosters.
  10. Honestly, if I were an Aggie, I could talk myself into Petrino from a football standpoint. He was a very good coach for a long time. Of course, it's another hilarious culture addition.
  11. Wonder if this is some intentional Petrino leaking to gauge the level of public blowback before they make a decision on him
  12. So many screenshots in this thread, someone catch me up. Did Liucci actually say Riley is out?
  13. Seeing a decent amount of online buzz about Denver Harris and LSU. Sounds like they've been talking. Would be an unsurprising landing spot if LSU is willing to take his baggage. Also saw ole Lincoln did an in-home with Tunmise.
  14. It sure seems likeBijan should win tonight from an objective standpoint. He has better stats and NFL teams clearly think he's the best. That said, I won't be surprised at all if it's Corum. One random thing that could help - Corum and Brown may split some votes from Big 10 country voters.
  15. I would assume they're going hard after Banks. If our boosters let them bag a guy like that from us, might as well fold up shop
  16. ATM is an interesting early case study on what matters to recruits in the NIL era. Coming off a 5-7 season in year 5, downward trajectory, guys seemingly unhappy there..yet they still land multiple 5 stars. New era..
  17. I can't fathom who the people are that are still giving so much money to Jimbo's cause. Dude would've been fired if not for his stupid contract. It's a shame we can't see how much programs are spending bc it'd be funny to see for them
  18. Any guesses on others? Have seen some Tony Mitchell talk, obviously Hill. Hope MM isn't listening to them
  19. Aaand Owens Fongd to atm
  20. Nick Harris just put in a flip pick for Owens to ATM. Not real surprising. The bags are back
  21. I don't think that was real. And Barstool wouldn't get anything out of funding CU Football
  22. Yeah all the CBs are Florida but that didn't stop them from swiping Hicks so you never know. Other possibilities: Ruben Owens, Collin Simmons (unlikely but posted hourglasses yesterday), or some other recruit
  23. Seems strange for a Freshman db to have the scoop on an OC hire before any other rumors which makes me think more likely recruiting related. Not sure who else they're even chasing rn though besides Hill. If Riley goes there, can only assume it's an insane amount of money, like $3mm/year
  24. How tf did he go from 13 to 3.5 sacks?
  25. Imo time to retire "fuck the Brocks." 2 of them were good Horns, looks like the last two weren't a miss after all. Time for Surly to move on
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