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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Tex-19

  1. The NCAA can squawk all they want but all of this ultimately comes down to enforcement. Everyone in the sport knows ATM broke the current rules, yet nothing is done about it because the NCAA can't get hard evidence. How do these new guidelines change that? They don't. It was already illegal. Schools like ATM will still proceed the same way under the table and just wait to sign the official deal when the player enrolls. Agree with others that there needs to be some kind of salary cap but it still comes back to enforcement. The NFL is actually able to enforce their salary cap. Idk for sure but I'm pretty sure they have the ability to pull private records (ie Tom Brady's cell phone that he destroyed). If Jerry Jones tried to pay someone an extra million under the table, it would likely end up in disaster for him. In college, there are too many boosters, uncles, trainers, etc willing to find under the table avenues of paying extra money, and no one has the power/ability to dig into private records to get evidence. Even if there's a salary cap, people will just cheat to surpass it. So yeah, the only way this ever changes is if the schools grant the governing body, whether the NCAA or a breakaway, a lot more powers for enforcement.
  2. Lol so his conclusion is that the payments depend on how good the player is? Breaking news!
  3. "Stability" is an interesting one with those 3 schools. Kirby obviously ain't going anywhere. Saban might retire. Sark is the least stable HC. BUT it's the reverse for OCs. Monken and BOB won't be around for more than a year or two, while Sark is the OC.
  4. Guarantee you there are seeds already being planted in the minds of some of them, I'd be shocked if the whole lot make it to the '23 season wearing burnt orange. Of course same goes for nearly everyone aggy reeled in..not just one position group. At some point schools may start realizing they're better off waiting until after year 1 to offer big money to guys. Because if you get them out of high school, you have to re-up every single year to keep them (if they're good). If you poach them after their freshman year, they no longer have that free transfer which pretty much kills any leverage they have to re-up.
  5. SIAP but good (long) article on NIL, including a Surly / Burnt Ends reference: https://www.si.com/college/2022/05/02/nil-name-image-likeness-experts-divided-over-boosters-laws-recruiting tldr: it's fucked
  6. For sure. The token visits also give him more NIL negotiating leverage. If we matched then sure it could happen esp with Marion. But would we really match $2-3 mil? Seems highly doubtful. And don't forget USC has some good selling points too - Caleb Williams, Riley offense, Mario, Hollywood, etc. My totally uninformed prediction - he takes 3-4 visits including us and Alabama. We offer him something like $1 mil. Alabama makes it interesting. He ends up at USC as expected all along.
  7. Idk if these are the "concerns" they're referring to, but some 247 posters were freaking out a couple days ago bc Hall deleted his UT commitment tweet.
  8. I'm willing to bet Addison takes some visits just to counter some of the tampering allegations. We would be a logical one because of Marion. But let's be real, it's USC in the end.
  9. I hope one of our BMDs starts an NIL revenge fund that literally goes out every year and tries to poach someone from schools that tried (or did) poach from us the year before.
  10. Wait, so not only did we extend these jokers but we gave them raises in their existing contract years??
  11. Anyone else find it interesting that Phil Knight is tampering with players from Nike's #1 college revenue source (and I'm sure other Nike schools)? Quite the conflict of interests for a publicly held company. Dude needs to focus his tampering on Adidas and UA schools and lay off his moneymakers.
  12. What's the status of Jaden Alexis? He healthy yet? Might need him with Dixon, Marcus, and Harrison leaving
  13. I wasn't criticizing, just stating facts that he isn't some proven commodity
  14. HS teammates with Bijan. Signed to play in PK's defense. Doesn't look like he really played on Defense last year., prob special teams
  15. This is hysterical. We're in the wild west of pay for play and tampering but the NCAA is "busting" Nebraska because an analyst did some coaching. Which also happens at every school.
  16. You realize they have more than one field and can also have people doing stuff on the side while it's not their turn, right? Or instead of having four guys in line for each individual/group drill, cut it down to 2 guys in line and just have more lines.
  17. I'm not saying there isn't coordination. Of course there is. What I'm saying is, hypothetically, it is possible for a collective to drive the ship without coordination if they feel like a staff is pussy-footing around. Ex: UT officials are scared of tampering so won't chase anyone who isn't in the portal (hypothetically. Idk if that's true). What if CFC goes out on their own and offers $5 mil to Dallas Turner? Clearly the coaches wouldn't turn him away. (again, that's a ridiculous hypothetical but just illustrating the point)
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