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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Tex-19

  1. This is what's so messed up about it to me. There's really no practical/economic value tied to these deals because it's all just coming from (wealthy) fans who aren't even in the program. I think you are underestimating the power of emotional fandom though. A lot of pro sports owners don't give a shit about profits, they just want the pride of winning a trophy. They'll spend for decades to get there.
  2. It's possible that they submitted their paperwork but now they and UT are negotiating NIL. And then if their needs get hit, they'll withdraw from the portal before even showing up (or could still be after). Basically the Amarius Mims move.
  3. Yes, but it can take up to 48 hours to show up in the portal. So they could have submitted their paperwork to UT yesterday and still not be showing up yet. If they aren't in by the end of tomorrow, then yeah I think we can put it to bed.
  4. So if boosters are the ones making contact with players to avoid technically tampering, what prevents a group like CFC from just going out and picking some players on their own to buy? I guess you have to make sure our coaches would take the guy but in a lot of cases I'd think that's an obvious yes (ex: literally any edge with a pulse). In other words, I wonder if at some point the collectives end up driving this ship as much as the coaches at some schools.
  5. Probably not but haven't some collectives started buying "exclusive NIL rights" to guys? Like TN with that high school QB. Because if so, that effectively prevents them from leaving for NIL purposes, although they could still leave and play elsewhere.
  6. Crawford isn't even a starter and hasn't ever really seen the field so let's not get too dramatic. It'd suck to lose him but not some kind of fireable offense. Losing Barron would indeed be a case of negligence.
  7. Guessing he doesn't like the move to the slot? Also wouldn't they both have had to submit their paperwork by yesterday? I know there are 48 hours to show up in the portal but I think they'd have had to submit by now.
  8. Being mentioned as in "he submitted his paperwork" or as in "there are rumors / we had to fight others off"?
  9. Yeah it's highly unlikely. With that said, NIL offers aren't just about how much money you can sling. They're also about how bad you want/need the guy. Ex: Nebraska/Mathis. For all we know, UGA may view him as a 2nd stringer considering how much they already have on their roster. If that's the case, they probably won't bid as much as another big program who views him as a surefire starter.
  10. Really hope the Barron stuff is wrong. Losing our best CB would be a major kick to the nads. If we're willing to approach $600k for Mathis, $200k for Barron should be a no-brainer
  11. Others have alluded to plenty of our guys being recruited elsewhere, so I don’t think this is right. Plenty of young guys that other teams would like to have even if they haven’t produced a ton for us yet.
  12. Kind of bizarre how well we did in the portal on offense and how shitty we did on defense. Watts sounds like a starter so that was a good one but idk how you fail to add anyone else after last years shit show.
  13. This Addison situation could get real interesting. What if he enters the portal but the public tampering backlash/accusations make USC a no-go? Does he go back to a Pitt program that just cost him $2 mil? Or does he look elsewhere? We certainly don’t need another portal WR but if Marion can land him, no brainer. <5% chance but we can always dream. Edit: watch him end up at Bama
  14. So when does Bama do their spring cleaning? Bama backups are obviously our specialty
  15. Did anyone see Mel’s “team needs” for the Texans? It was basically every position lol Also, drafting for fans continues? LSU, A&M, Baylor first 3.
  16. As disappointing as losing Mathis would/will be, I gotta say - $600k seems like a lot for a 1-2 year rental who has had one good year and one average one. That number surprises me but maybe that’s market now days, idk
  17. Seems like quite the snarky comment for a 55% confidence pick
  18. Coburn is publicly recruiting Mathis (15 min ago) on Twitter so I think we can scratch him off the portal list
  19. LSU and A&M with the top two pics. Picking for ticket sales?
  20. I know there’s still a few more days but anyone else surprised there hasn’t been more portal action this week? I expected a lot more entrants, both from other programs and ours
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