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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Tex-19

  1. Their class has a huge range of possibilities right now. If they somehow pull off the insane flip of Nelson/Branch, they likely end up top 5, very possibly top 2-3 considering potential followers. If they miss on Hill (50/50) and Nelson (still very likely to miss imo) and can't pull a few longshot flips, then yeah we're probably talking 15-20 range. They probably get Hicks, Brooks, and some other solid top 200 players to round out the class so I doubt it'd be lower than that. Guess we're about to find out if their bag strategy still works or if the NIL world has caught up though. Sounds like the bags are at least getting visitors this weekend.
  2. @closetojumping is your view on A&M this cycle changing at all with what's going on this weekend? Seems like they might be gaining some traction in this year's repeat bag effort.
  3. This is probably right - he sees the Aggie bags amassing and knows Hill will be a prime recipient this weekend.
  4. Man if A&M did somehow pull off a Nelson/Branch flip, they'd suddenly be competing for a top 2-3 class again easily. I just still can't believe of all places, Nelson would be looking at A&M though. Crazy. I guess the bags are still flowing heavily in CS after all, just took a while to open up this year.
  5. He's a 9.95er for USC's On3 site. I think their main guy. Basically like Gerry/Bobby. If he's openly laughing at the rumor, it's probably bs
  6. Kinda funny that it’s a bunch of OU fans parroting it on Twitter.
  7. Branch visiting would also be surprising considering this 10 days ago - says he's locked into USC despite the previous ATM visit and that he's likely done with other visits https://www.si.com/college/tamu/football/aggies-zachariah-branch-official-visit-jimbo-fisher-usc-trojans-lincoln-riley-sec
  8. School culture..lol Top 20 education..lol As many NFL players “as we can” wtf does that mean
  9. AggiesToday didn’t even say it was Malachi. Randos in the comments said that
  10. Don’t forget committed to Lincoln Riley at OU for like a year before that too. I’m guessing those are the “flat out false” rumors their mod is referring to.
  11. Has anyone even published an attendee list for our event? Seems odd that there's been nothing on it while all the Aggie sites are updating their list every 5 minutes
  12. Goodness gracious, I forgot how bad Jones was last year. These Freshmen better be ready to play asap.
  13. I still think S&C was a factor too. Defense was fine in the first 2-3 quarters most games, then completely collapsed. Probably part mental/culture too.
  14. LSU commits and current players have a "Bring Derek back home" hashtag going on Twitter
  15. Idk who tf you are BUT none of that would surprise me given how this appears to be going down. This whole thing seems a little headcase-y to me And that Texas isn't in his top 5 graphic. And that he hasn't visited. It's weird.
  16. It's a weird one for sure. Especially bc this probably isn't a guy we pulled out major bags for considering last year's OL class and this year's commits.
  17. I think you're mixing up Austin NIL Club with Burnt Orange Heroes. Murray is involved with the latter I believe.
  18. Wow I hadn’t noticed that before. Hilarious. Perfectly emblematic of his effort level all year. Adios for a reason.
  19. NCAA: “Oh you thought we couldn’t make the transfer/NIL setup any worse? Hold my beer.”
  20. Wow. And weren’t there also a good amount of racist allegations too? Think I remember there were some specific examples around the BLM movement but can’t remember if there was anything else beyond allegations.
  21. If these and Hicks all happen, the Aggie melt will be historic. Like, be careful driving through CS historic. Also I hope we do take both Hale and MHP. MHP is a centex kid who could fit a bunch of places while Hale has tons of upside. No more numbers baby!
  22. So according to Texags, UT and Bama are dropping bags, not NIL, to land recruits while poor ole Aggie is fighting fair and losing because of it. Meanwhile, every other schools knows Aggie bought their last class and people in the know are even saying so publicly. Impressive level of delusion.
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