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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Tex-19

  1. Excited about this guy. Watching this he seems to have elite jump ball / contested catch ability using his size and ball skills. Also got behind the defense quite a bit although I guess it's hard to say how that speed will translate to P5 opponents.
  2. Does it ever mean anything with this staff? Narrator: No, no it does not
  3. FIFY. Neyor's was very convoluted too, just worked out in our favor for once. But seriously, I think every one of his trainees this cycle had at least one decommitment. Stewart, Hudson x2, Winfield, Shettron, Stefon Johnson, Neyor.. So yeah, Cook was clearly destined for this path. Him skipping our Jr Day to go to A&M who he's publicly talked shit about is just further evidence.
  4. So they interviewed Josh McCown with zero assistant coaching experience AND Hines Ward who's experience is 1 year as FAU WR coach? LOLLOLOL
  5. Got it. Maybe there's some processing time on the paperwork considering the official tweet hasn't gone out. Jahleel's seemed delayed too. Probably can't participate until all that is finalized. As long as he's here for spring all good.
  6. Any word on if Neyor is moved in / working out with the team yet? I know his post said Signed but haven't seen the official tweet from Texas Football. I'd assum/hope he'll be in spring practice at least
  7. Gotta be awkward when they visit a high school that has a better practice facility than we do..
  8. Yeah and I'm sure Tennessee played the Walter Nolen recruitment totally clean...
  9. Definitely crootin games but I think you can show that to HS kids too. You just can't offer them anything or help them get deals (technically). I totally get sharing that info with recruits in private. I'd just personally be pissed if someone blasted my salary out to 60k followers or whatever. Unless he got their permission of course. Obviously nitpicking, didn't mean to make this sound like a huge deal. Overall Marion is still the man.
  10. Anyone got highlights / scouting report on this dude? Big dude at 6'3 but also averaged 20 ypc
  11. As I said, I like his social media activity overall. Way better than Coleman. Like the hire in general too. It's not really even a recruiting thing though - some internal stuff should just stay private. Posting those guys' earnings was the main one that made me cringe (remember how Bryce Young's dad supposedly got pissed about Saban publicizing that?). That's private shit that may be ok to show recruits in private but the whole world doesn't need to see. Sure it might help recruiting but that doesn't mean he should post it. Again, I like Marion and today is a good day on that front. Plus this is something that likely wouldn't even be noticed at his previous schools that don't have such magnified attention, so I can understand why he might have some learning to do. But as we know, at Texas all of this shit ends up circulating so requires a bit more discretion.
  12. I like Marion's social media activity but anyone else think he could use a small lesson in what NOT to post? DM'ing randos about recruits, posting current players' earnings... But awesome get on Neyor!
  13. I can seriously see some lackey in HR calling CDC to verify GP's TCU employment LOL
  14. Erick Young from A&M just entered the portal too. Processing day in College Station? If so, nice of Jimbo to wait until late January to give those kids a heads up.
  15. Man that Eric Dickerson article sounds exactly like what CTJ is saying A&M is doing this year. Basically money-whipping a bunch of parents to force their kids to A&M even when the kid wants no part of it
  16. Roach on Neyor lol: "They wanted him. They wouldn't trip him at this point if they weren't interested. All depends on how the visit goes. He has a few voices in his ear."
  17. Hopefully so. Also iirc one rumor was that Dixon struggled to learn the playbook last year so maybe by year 2 he will have had enough time to really learn it.
  18. I think this is pretty spot on. 1-3 in particular. And I have tempered expectations on all three of those. 1. Because Ewers is inexperienced and will play like a Freshman which he basically is, 2. Again, expect Freshmen mistakes combined with some of the jokers from last year, and 3. Bc last year was so ugly and the staff is the same (except GP). Not trying to be negative either because I think #1 and #2 will actually be strengths longer term (late next year or 2023 season). Just a lot of youngsters that will need time to develop.
  19. I'd rather have 2 portal edges than 2 WRs if we had to choose. I think one good portal WR is ok when combined with Worthy, JWhitt when healthy, Billingsley as a TE/WR hybrid, and possible step ups from Dixon and Washington (both of whom should be ok as depth guys imo). Then wild cards like Thompson, Alexis, and Omeire. So your main receiving options would basically be Worthy, JWhitt, Portal guy, and Billingsley, with the rest as backups. I can live with that for sure. Meanwhile at edge we have 2-sack Ovie, out of position Collins, and a bunch of guys who've basically never played (Sorrell being the most notable so far). We have to land Mathis but then you're still starting Ovie and with very little depth. Need 2 there.
  20. Wonder if they'll give Jahleel a week or two off. His season only ended like a week ago..
  21. Not that this is news for any school, but these three guys are all transfers. What a coincidence..
  22. Fair point but also..Bama's bar for him starting should be very different from ours right now. I would gladly take him if he can just be an average performer at that spot this year. Saban doesn't need to settle for average.
  23. Yeah pretty crazy. Not saying I have a clue but even if Moody was a future 3rd round pick he'd be on the bench. If it's true that he was the clear next man up for Bama at LB, then I really like this pickup.
  24. Seems like there are some similarities in the take. Bring in some special teams and culture at minimum. Moody seems like a higher chance of contributing regularly on defense though considering he was 2nd string at Bama and Davis was buried further down iirc.
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