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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Tex-19

  1. So has IT said anything today about this? Clearly wrong about staying up..
  2. Probably reading into it too much, but Patterson liking Choate's tweet about our 22 class is a little intriguing. Wouldn't think he and Choate have much of a previous connection if at all
  3. Are these departures the guys that do the edits and stuff? If so they seem good and also tbh not that important so why we cleaning house there?
  4. I'm glad we don't really recruit Florida at all bc Cristobal and Napier are about to lock that shit down
  5. Gus Johnson is gonna have so much fun calling a Nebraska snow game with this guy in it
  6. Agree. It's an odd choice for Max considering King is still the likely starter with Weigman in the wings too. But lol if Aggy ends up starting King/Johnson for a couple years and wasting their real savior Weigman.
  7. For me it's more that DT is low on the list of problems relative to other positions. Sure it'd be great to improve but there are bigger fish to fry (edge, LB, safety)
  8. I was wondering if Lanning would poach any of Aggy's UGA infrastructure guys. Didn't expect it to be the main one though, that's big. Although I guess he's already gotten it set up for them. Wouldn't be surprised if Nick Williams or any others follow
  9. Btw on LBs - I remember reading a quote from D Brown a while ago that the plan was to start him at edge but move him to inside LB. Also noticed a Choate RT’d only two signing announcements - Trevell and Brown. So maybe we should be considering Brown a LB recruit instead of edge.
  10. Yeah the 7 OLs is less a reflection of the current starters, more a reflection of signing 2 OLs last class (really 1 bc Merrill ain't playing). Also, who do y'all think we passed on at WR or LB because of numbers? No one. Those position coaches just suck D at recruiting and missed on everyone worth taking.
  11. Is that actually a felony? Didn't know that. Wow that's pretty crazy that boosters will still take that risk. I think that's just saying that you're immune if A) you're a close relative but didn't take any cash, or B) the athlete reports the bag within 60 days (which obviously doesn't happen so totally irrelevant)
  12. So would you rather have Gilbert be on-field and find a new HS relations guy, or keep Gilbert recruiting as HS Relations off-field but hire a baller RB coach?
  13. I don't expect him to ever transfer here but what a dumb decision (and he's probably the only Aggy commit I'd truly say that about). Taking hundreds of thousands of dollars while likely costing himself millions in rookie contract value alone.
  14. Every time I see a good WR coach getting a new job (Colbert, Emmett Jones, etc.) I get pissed off. Why is Coleman still here????
  15. Side note but last year Sark hired the son-in-law of the Katy head coach as an analyst. The guy later got an on-field at a small school and left though. Wonder if he tried to bring in another Houston-area connection like that.
  16. I would think Gilbert left Lancaster wanting a less involved, off-field role. Also has he ever coached RBs / can he add value on-field? It's not all about recruiting. I'm actually not opposed to the Harris promotion if he can actually coach, which I have no clue on. He may not be a plus Director of Recruiting, but he'd likely be a good recruiter relative to other position coaches (like Drayton). I'm liking this Pitt name although he seems like a better WR coach candidate tbh.
  17. Right but why else would it occur post-playoffs. No reason for other teams to wait.
  18. *If true. And actually it's probably fucking UGA. Lanning may take theirs to Oregon and Muschamp knows Bo
  19. That is an unpleasant update. Anyone but Bo! I guess the bigger offer would have to be Bama?
  20. Serious question - how does A&M keep their purchased players from portaling? Even underperformers like Demas and Brian Williams have stuck around. If all they were getting was an upfront bag, wouldn't they just peace out after a year or two?
  21. NSD1 isn't over yet. Also, for optics sake they'd probably wait a few days anyway so it's less obvious..
  22. Seems like they intentionally waited until NSD to move this forward. Idk if that's bc our staff wanted to focus on recruiting, Gary didn't want to mess with TCU's recruiting or what. Guessing we'll find out if it's happening or not fairly soon.
  23. Drayton is his 5th most recent follow (ie person Marion has followed). Would be a logical OC choice at Temple.. JM Jones and Jeff Banks are semi-recent follow, can't tell how recent. I like this guy a lot as a WR coach. Idk about RBs just bc he doesn't really have experience there.
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