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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Tex-19

  1. Surprised there haven’t been more Banks CBs on 247. Fong usually loves spoiling this stuff
  2. For all the shit we give him, I appreciate that Roach sometimes intentionally refrains from spoiling announcements with CBs
  3. Harris is saying he was told earlier the tweet was coming but had been told it’d be a top schools list. But he’s also saying the in home could’ve changed things, he hasn’t heard since then.
  4. Hard to trust him BUT Nick’s info is from the afternoon clearly before anything went down and Nahlin’s level of confidence even before Banks’ tweet is notable. We shall see. edit: Venric Mark also did his little night emoji tweet if that means anything
  5. And now he’s emphatically doubled down on Banks and already bragging about it.
  6. Yeah Barron has been publicly recruiting as much as anyone on the team, about the same as X. Had a good year too, doesn't seem like he's leaving.
  7. There certainly seems like some social media smoke around Mukuba. Obviously usually doesn't mean much, but seems odd that so many of our guys are tweeting at him if there's nothing there.
  8. Sucks that the two 5-stars we supposedly lead for might both wait until February to sign (Campbell and Banks). Need to get them to shut it down
  9. Idk anything about him but I thought that was the plan for Devon all along
  10. I thought Campbell was signing NSD1 and keeping it quiet. Is that not for sure?
  11. Watch Brooks sign with tOSU and then Kerry Coombs leave right after. Which is why NSD1 is dumb..
  12. Didn't Bama not do an in-home with Campbell? Seems like a pretty telling sign on them. I guess Bill B could still be a threat but hard to see that with Lincoln gone
  13. If he really has decided, I don't get why they're waiting to announce. From our perspective, 1. Don't want him to have more time to change his mind and 2. Start the hype train for recruiting others. Making a weekend splash doesn't seem any more helpful than announcing yesterday.
  14. Sounds like purge szn is beginning. I was surprised by Adimora's lack of PT this year. He was a solid player last year. But yeah, adios to BJ.
  15. So he has/had genuine interest in Tech? That’s even worse imo haha
  16. That’s about what I’d guess. If the money becomes materially more than a scholarship it could happen but I think some will still have an ego block.
  17. In general how do you think kids would react to being offered a PWO spot with a scholarship-sized NIL deal? I imagine that will start becoming a thing but idk if kids will still view it differently.
  18. Maybe so but Quinn may disagree. Wonder if Quinn could’ve negotiated a spot for him.
  19. This thread is so far off the rails that no one even reacted to this potentially relevant piece of news
  20. Weak offer list as a recruit and 28 total tackles sounds worse than jag to me
  21. Boutte would be a home run if it happened. Dude is a potential all American and that’s not exaggerating.
  22. I know the NCAA is inept but I don’t see how they can just turn a blind eye to what Aggy is doing just because it’s so far and above what even the top programs have historically done. When Alabama and UGA can’t even compete for recruits with an 8-4 team, something is out of line even for NCAA standards Plus if CTJ’s Covid ranch visits are true that’s another strike. I mean shit, if these under the table tax-free numbers are true for guys like Stewart, this could start getting the attention of the freaking IRS. A&M has probably dished out $1mm+ of untaxed payments this cycle alone.
  23. Seems like a good idea to get rid of it. The HC carousel is bad but you’ve also got schools waiting to make staff changes until right after early signing day. That’s shitty for the recruits not having all the real info in their decision.
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