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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Tex-19

  1. Texas desperately throwing cash around. LOL like the whole country can’t see what A&M is doing. Even if we are finally playing the game, what a clown thing for an Aggy insider to say when he knows exactly what they’ve been doing.
  2. What the heck happened with LTG's recruitment? He had a 5-star offer list a year ago but now he's being recruited like a high 3 star (Colorado, Maryland, etc).
  3. tOSU taking Knowles could legitimately add a win to our record next year. Love to see it.
  4. Yeah so our #1 competitor was replaced with a "someone else" who was about to not even get a visit if Bill B had gone to USC. Look, UGA could come out of nowhere, always a worry (less of a worry thanks to the Pancake Factory) but overall today's Campbell developments sure seem positive..
  5. Roach is saying Devon was always going to take a 5th visit, which ties with other reporting over the last month. Would you rather have that visit be to our perceived top competitor (USC) or find out that USC is out bc of Bill B and instead he's taking a visit to a school that hasn't really been in the running (UGA)?
  6. Or maybe he just wants to go on a free recruiting trip for the last time in his life while doing all his due diligence on options. He's been pretty structured with his process the whole time. Seems like an overreaction.
  7. Top 3 Center in college football? Um someone needs to camp out in Charlottesville for this guy and the OT
  8. The funniest posts are the ones about "how does the bidding work" as if their own program isn't the leading expert in that field. I also did get a kick out of the post laughing at paying Jake Majors $50k to get whipped by a Kansas NT haha.
  9. Seems like a bad idea to rock the boat at a pipeline school this close to signing day. Plus, now you can just pay someone to be a "walk on" if you need a spot
  10. No lobbying needed. Just pay them however much a scholarship is worth to be a "walk-on"
  11. I would think helps a ton with 22s like Cam Williams or Agbo who likely aren't getting huge bags elsewhere. For someone like K Banks we'll see how Aggy responds but it's gotta help some.
  12. Love it. Are y'all going to have a way for fans to join on the charity events (for a contribution to the charity and/or HWH)? Could see pros/cons to that but just an idea.
  13. Is that correct that Clark Field is officially paying guys $100k per year? Is that all football players, OLs, or what? Hadn't heard that.
  14. I was referring to Will Baizer's post that OLs would get this $50k plus $100k from Clark Field. Although this was in the press release too - "Clark Field Collective is a key participating donor to Horns with Heart"
  15. Wait did I miss somewhere that Clark Field is officially paying players $100k per year? Is that all scholarship football players or what?
  16. To clarify - X is the only new person Quinn has followed
  17. I saw that clip and think it's bullshit. If you're gonna penalize defenders for touching a guy when he slides, you can't let them do that.
  18. This has been a very professionally run free agency...errr...transfer process
  19. The Ewers media situation seems very coordinated. Having a mainstream national guy like Thamel break the original portal news on a Friday night (PR 101 for burying a story) seemed like a pro PR move. Now Thamel with more new insights that hadn't been mentioned anywhere. Bet he has a direct feed to the Ewers. Also seems interesting that TCU is popping up now that A&M (allegedly) isn't playing ball.
  20. I was surprised to not see TCU mentioned originally. More logical than Tech...
  21. How strictly are the "analysts can't directly coach the players" rules actually followed/enforced in college football? I assume pretty much not at all but idk.. GP as analyst makes a lot of sense. He probably doesn't mind a low-stress year without all the recruiting etc. And we don't need him doing that stuff. Just let him coach.
  22. Yeah I'm not saying all those guys are amazing or all will hit the portal, just saying that there will be more options. Vandagriff is kinda in a similar spot as Quinn right now so while I'd normally be surprised, idk. He ain't starting next year and then will have to battle 1-2 others after that. Jake Garcia is another elite 2021 with portal potential imo - Miami has a RS Fr. that took over and tore it up this year, plus they lost their OC Lashlee. Of course there's also guys like Dillon Gabriel, Harrison Bailey and yes Myles Brennan already in the portal.
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