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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Tex-19

  1. While everyone else is in Ewers land, might be a good time to mention that Brian Kelly just canned Tommy Moffitt from LSU
  2. Fwiw, Riley Dodge’s recent likes do include several McGuire / Tech things. May be some smoke to him going there. Sark should offer Landon Samson. We only have 1 wr commit anyway, fuck it.
  3. Yeah same way you wouldn’t want the media to all immediately say it’s going to be school X like it’s a done deal. He might be truly undecided. He might have decided on us or someone else. But it wouldn’t be reported differently either way.
  4. Yeah I mean I can totally see how hiring dodge and Harrell would help Tech out and maybe give them a shot but Quinn isn’t Jordan Hudson just blindly following around an assistant coach. Maybe that gives Tech a real shot, but it’s hard to imagine bc we know Quinn cares about NIL and wants elite talent around him.
  5. I have no inside knowledge and on better idea where he’ll go but I’d just like to remind yall that’s it’s in everyone’s best interest to publicly make it seem like he doesn’t know where he’s going yet. Otherwise there’s that whole tampering thing that could become rather obvious..
  6. I'm as worried as anyone about landing Ewers bc of recent recruiting events, but when you really think about it, it would be shocking if he left tOSU because of the crowded QB room and then used one transfer on another crowded QB room. That should rule out USC, OU if Caleb stays, and even A&M. I know its easy for us to say oh he's clearly better than Weigman and King. While I'm sure it's true on King, King has 2 years in the system. And who knows on Weigman, that guy is good. But regardless of what we think about those two, Ewers has to have some PTSD from the crowded tOSU room so seeing two other 5 stars (it's not like he's studied their film) would seem like a big mental hurdle.
  7. I was just kidding around. Appreciate the effort. Although on a serious note, if those guys are ever going to get excited about NIL, this is the recruit to do it. And it's totally legal with him.
  8. Also Fong: A source around Texas Tech thinks they’re in it
  9. Oh Fong. Your previous post had an autocorrect, I was confused
  10. Fong in the 247 comments (first part being about hearing that he'd stay through spring): I was hearing this too. Much of the buzz has always been around Texas if he did leave so we shall see how it plays out now moving forward.
  11. How hard will Aggy actually recruit him? Weigman is supposed to be their savior and a guy their whole class has rallied around. I'm guessing they'll still go hard for him, but idk, maybe not quite as hard.
  12. @Barbacoa get your people on it!!! Give the man (boy?) what he wants!!!!
  13. Ummm is he saying Quinn is going to A&M? Sorry if I'm being a paranoid bitch
  14. Yeah our boosters can offer him legal deals right? I guess technically they can't make the deal conditioned on him coming to UT, but please
  15. He didn't say anything explicit thought. Just like tweeting eyes for a HS commit and it's fine to do that.
  16. So can we repurpose the entire Clark Field fund to Ewers?
  17. There's no way it can't be Texas can it??? Please????? Tech is lol but aggy is of course scary. They have Weigman coming in though so that's gotta help us right?
  18. But what could it be? I don't think that account tweets about recruiting. GP?
  19. This. Sark needs to free up as much time as possible to focus on the offense. Bringing in GP would help him do that while also hopefully fixing the defense. I know, I know, people say that's not what a good head coach would need to do! Who fucking cares, it's what is needed and it could actually work.
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