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  1. Pretty good SpittinChiclets podcast with Duchene yesterday.....if you're into that. I've never been a big Stars fan but they've sure signed some good FA's over the recent years.
  2. Saw this last night for the very first time. Wow! Glad I waited for the IMax experience. Not sure I would have chosen McConaughey for that role but great film.
  3. I thought it was great. Craig did an incredible job with this role and the drug experience in Ecuador was remarkably shot. Weird hearing modern rock songs in a period piece but it works. The sex scenes are enough to scare off the homophobes but overall was a cool film.
  4. Went to a Stars game last night for the first time in 18 months. What a turd. Robertson might as well be skating around with a freagin umbrella out there. Annununnunun stood on his lips. Saw him a few months ago in Colorado and can't understand why the Aves traded him. Decent. Best part of the night was the Modano statue. What an absolute beaut of a sculpture. The CCM Tacks look like you could sharpen him and do some down and backs. Kudos to the artist. Such better quality than those goofy Heisman statues they have on the Oklahoma campus.
  5. And I'm betting your gaijin friend was the fattest guy in the room.
  6. This was following first round treatment for lymphoma? MD Anderson?
  7. May I ask, where are you having this done? Maintenance infusions every 6 weeks (I'm assuming Rituximab) is interesting. I've heard of maintenance every two or three months for 2 years but not 6 weeks.
  8. Good Lord......those stupid Oklahoma State uniforms.....can we please stop trying to look pretty and actually focus on winning a damned conference game??? University kid football is getting ridiculous.
  9. I noticed the promotional schedule has been released. lncluding.... Feb 2 Alumni Game (could be cool) Feb 28 Black History Night March 4 Pride Night March 18 Noche Mexicana Have the Stars had these pride nights before? I don't remember. Been to one in LA and it was actually kinda fun.
  10. Wow! Brings back memories of the Pelle Lindberg story......first thing in the morning on ESPN.......another New Jersey accident.
  11. Sweetnsourpoke


    Wow! That's the first time I've heard about that Wichita show. Thanks for sharing. That would have been an excellent venue. Hendrix obviously played some decent arenas like San Diego Sports Arena, LA Forum, Tulsa Convention Center, Etc. But he also played some less than ideal barns like the OU Fieldhouse in Oklahoma. Terrible acoustics.
  12. Sweetnsourpoke


    The Experience Hendrix tour will be hitting San Antonio - Houston - Fort Worth - October 9-10-11. Highly recommended. Is there anyone here that actually attended a Hendrix concert live? He played Texas numerous times.
  13. We saw it this last weekend. I'll put it this way.....I dragged her to see 'Solo' at the theater when she had zero knowledge of Star Wars. I still apologize over that one. What a dumb movie. Now we're even.
  14. Can someone do a Texas plate lookup for me? Got the plate (we think) of someone reported to taking our dog. Would like to go by and see if there is a chance our dog is at the address. Please DM me. Thanks
  15. I have to admit, I've seen it three times so far and there was one thing that jumped out at me tonight........how does Powell's truck routinely survive tornadoes? The motel tornado....unscathed. Then the climactic tornado and multiple rollovers. Come on!! Throw in the Anthony Ramos rollover and drive away at the refinery and it makes for one hell of a Dodge commercial.
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