Interesting thread.
I have to be honest, I've been back in the US now for almost 6 years and I really think I'm getting close to pushing off. I love so much about America.....the food, sports, the weather, the comforts, the National Parks, the street rod scene, the great cities, little luxuries like having a DRYER, seeing my parents every day, etc. etc.
The big problem I have with America is simply the people. I'm actually getting to the point where I'm just getting burned out on Americans. The entitlement, the constant unsolicited opinions, the victimhood, the complete lack of self-awareness. I could go on and on. There are lots of good people in the States....but the selfishness here drives me bananas.
People here are so about themselves. It's the Land Of The Me. You can't tell anybody here what to do regardless if it's for the common good. I spent 18 years mostly in Asia with people that realize a simple thing like wearing a mask is the best thing for the common good of the society. It's 'we', not 'me'. These fuggin American assholes are more worried about ridiculous conspiracy theories and 'liberal media' outlets. GTFO. If you don't want to wear a motorcycle helmet or a seatbelt, cool. I honestly don't care at all if you die in a motorcycle wreck. Free country. But when you refuse to take measures to protect others? That's where I have a problem. You just knew the Americans were going to completely screw up this Covid deal.
Did you ever have that friend in your 20's that was just constant drama and at a certain point you just had to cut that person out of your life? Man, that's where I'm at with this country. I've never lived anywhere with this amount of constant drama. It's honestly no wonder so many people here suffer from depression and anxiety. The culture is completely nuts.