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Posts posted by bullet

  1. 8 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Many, many SEC fans stay in Austin and drive down to Aggy games. Austin doesn’t really need it, but there will be a nice little boom in the hospitality industry with the SEC move. 

    People in this state grow up rooting for Texas or Aggy. The other schools are just where they end up attending college. 

    I think Tech has a significant Tshirt fan base in West Texas. Houston used to have one in Houston, but don't think they do anymore among younger people.

  2. 21 hours ago, Js1 said:

    I still don't understand the logic that somehow not being a shitty football program in a shitty conference is going to somehow make the university disappear (same goes for OSU).

    Texas Tech is still going to be able to pull reasonable talent as a G5 program to be a big fish in a small pond.  It's still a state school with a 36k student enrollment that serves basically all of West Texas.

    Tech will survive.   We don't have to play them.  They aren't our rival. 

    Well you can look at the number of Texas HS students who go to OU, Arkansas, LSU, Alabama or Ole Miss instead of Texas Tech, Houston or UT-Dallas.  With a son who just finished his freshman year, I can assure you that UH and UTD are FAR harder to get into than any of those out of state schools, but a lot of people won't even look at them.  UTD is probably tougher to get into than any SEC school other than Vanderbilt and maybe Georgia (the Hope Scholarship paying for tuition for Georgia residents has made UGA ridiculously difficult to get into).

  3. On 7/30/2021 at 1:10 PM, Uncle Nate said:

    Well said.

    I think what ESPN and the SEC and others don't really realize are the numbers behind the numbers.  I think fans of "Tier 2" schools watch their conference mates play in other games because there is a related, vested interest in how those games turnout, or in how one conference is matching up with another.

    If we are relegated to a 32 team super conference/premier league and then all of the rest, there are going to be a lot of viewers who used to watch those tier 1 matchups who no longer are interested because there is no longer any connection to their team and/or region.  I don't think that manifests right away, but over a few short years it could be.  And then ESPN is going to wonder why these matchups aren't pulling in the viewership like they used to.  CFB doesn't work like the NFL, it just doesn't.  So making an NFL junior will not ultimately work.

    One this is for certain:  It's going to be interesting to watch it play out.

    On ESPNU they were talking about a relegation between the top league and 2nd/3rd tier based on performance so that the lower tiers had hopes of getting into the Premier League like in English soccer.

    Given that the average college football fan is 50 and has never watched a full soccer game, I think relegation year by year has about as much chance as Alabama dropping football.  But that is the way some people talk about getting around the problem of fans of certain schools tuning out.

  4. 31 minutes ago, conVINCEd said:

    Something happens to girls when they go to TCU.  Dated one in high school for a few months.  Let’s calll her a cute 7.  Fast forward 5 years and I run into her at a party.  Holy fuck! Cupgrade was the main highlight, but jfc she was an absolutely smoke show.  Iron sharpens iron or some such shit.

    Females do NOT peak at 18.  I can think of a couple of Longhorn girls I knew who got hotter in their 20s.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    I never got the ‘sips’ thing. Near as I can tell, they are saying “those upper class educated professionals think they are better than us sheep fucking farmers….”


    Remember their full aggy president talking about how they were going to kick those Tea sippers tails back to Austin in their little cars.

  6. 59 minutes ago, maninblack said:

    Tony from Florida on the Pawwwwwl SHow - "I really this addition of Texas and Oklahoma because it gives us somebody else to hate and by that I mean Texas" 

    He must be young.  He doesn't remember the Florida band playing "The Eyes of Texas" before their bowl coalition game vs. FSU.

  7. 3 hours ago, bad_teammate said:


    I mean seriously, how old a coot do you have to be to have been an adult while we had all 3 of the big rivalries going at once? It's awesome. The little piggies and farmers tried to escape us spanking their little asses for fun and they locked themselves up in a house and the owners of the house let us right in.

    vs Arky: 55-22
    vs A&M: 76-37
    vs OU: 62-49

    We're back, bitches, ARE YOU GLAD TO SEE US!?!?!?!

    Its only back to 1991.  So if you are 36 or so you should remember it.  Adult, well that would be 48.

    I'm old enough to remember when UH was our #3 rival after the Sooners and pigs.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 3 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    I think the NFL effectively killed off the CFB Thursday Night game. The old Big East Thursday Night games were a lot of fun. I remember watching a lot of Rutgers games in 2006. 

    ACC did a lot.  But yes, TH night is for CUSA/AAC/MAC/MWC/BYU now since the NFL minimizes ratings.  Thursday night is a good night for TV ratings.  Tuesday would have worked better for the NFL schedule, but they decided to steal from College football.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    The SEC is not underrated in basketball. It is considered the weakest of the P6 conferences in basketball because it is the weakest. Quick check using Massey Composite of the SEC's rank out of the P6 (including Big East) in basketball.

    2021 - 4
    2020 - 6
    2019 - 3
    2018 - 2
    2017 - 5
    2016 - 6
    2015 - 5
    2014 - 6
    2013 - 6
    2012 - 4

    One good two year blip but basically just the weakest of the P6 over time.

    It used to be underrated in basketball, but it has slipped down to perception in the last decade.

  10. 14 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    Those alums aren't forcing their cable providers to carry the BTN, which was the (only) point of adding those two specific teams.  BTN carriage is dropping in-footprint, and beyond that the large numbers of cord-cutters, will eventually render the conference network cable subscriber model, obsolete.


    By milking, I mean they are connecting with them and getting donations.  Not so much cable carriage.

  11. 1 hour ago, Huckleberry said:

    We should commit to it for Tech because they're a state school and the state needs them to be a good university. You're correct that athletically it doesn't make much sense but in the bigger picture I would like us to do that. Not going to cry if we don't, but it would be a good thing to do, imo.

    I don't know that we should tie ourselves down to every year, especially if there is a 9 game SEC schedule.  But we should play them regularly like we do Rice.

  12. 2 hours ago, Dirk X West said:

    This could be the fatal flaw in the ESPN consolidation move.  

    On the positive side, consolidation means fewer teams, so fewer slices of the pie, and better average quality of game televised, at least theoretically, since you'll have, even just with UT/OU in the SEC and no other major changes, more games where a brand name is involved and more of two brand names matching up.

    On the negative side, though, it's like, the NFL (or NBA/MLB/NHL) has a stable group of teams, which rarely changes with expansion or maybe a team moving to a different city, and they're evenly distributed across the country.  If you grow up in Texas, you can choose the Cowboys or the Oilers/Texans, or you can just follow whichever team you want, for whatever reason.  With CFB, I grew up a Tech fan and did my undergrad there, so if you cut my school out, I'll still be watching them as best I can, but I'll be watching 0 Super SEC and as little as possible of anything else on ESPN. We'll have two schools in Texas in the Super League, if it comes to that, but I'm not going to be a UT or aggy fan, like some sort Texas State Bobhorn cuck, since Tech is out of the top tier.  I'm just out.  I won't be doing the "Tech is my favorite tier 2 team, and UT is my tier 1 team". Fuck no. I know there are plenty of t-shirt fans that do follow UT/aggy - and there will be more - and there will also be big fans of the IR8 schools that still watch the SEC and whatever comes after it because they just love college football, but I think most of us will just watch our teams in our minor leagues, if that, and otherwise find some other form of entertainment. I also think, when you see more and more entire states or even regions of the country with no representatives in the top tier if it gets down to as small as 48 or less, you'll lose a lot of casual fans there too.

    Think you are right.  32 to 48 is too small.

  13. 2 hours ago, Steelers Roll Left said:

    To do the 32 to 64 team model right, conferences need to be prepared to relegate their weakest members as well as expand.  Someone should make a list of relevant schools outside the "current" Power 5 vs a list of schools that are currently in Power 5 conferences that don't bring much to the table simply because 'historically they've been part of those conferences".  Vanderbilt in the SEC, Kansas State in the Big 12, Indiana in the Big Ten (until very recently), and the ACC has a lot of these schools.   

    Well if you eliminate the schools that haven't been top 4 in college football, the final 4 in basketball or the semifinals in the College World Series since 1940, well you drop Northwestern and aggy.

  14. 2 hours ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    I think "basketball doesn't matter" for the most part. However, I think for a handful of programs, Kansas included, you would consider basketball. Men's b-ball doesn't make the money that football makes, obviously; but it is the #2 payday behind football, and KU has one of top 3-5 programs in the country. 

    I think that would add value to any conference...you just have to accept that their football (currently) brings nothing and hope they add some incremental value at some point.

    Again, the former ESPN president made the comment that Kansas, Indiana, Kentucky and North Carolina had value, even though football drove most of the value.

  15. 3 hours ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    Something I've been wondering - if four 16-team "mega conferences" makes sense, why doesn't one GIANT "conference" of the top tier of college football make sense? You have (basically) the top 50-60 teams (or whatever number works best) that comprise the top level of college football. You align it in regional divisions that make actually sense and preserve historic rivalries. 

    You have a playoff just like the NFL with division winners, wild cards, etc.  You print fucking money.

    Of course it will never happen because of the greed, egos, etc., of the various leagues and university presidents/administrators, etc., but it sure would be fun.

    Former ESPN president John Skipper was speculating with 4X16 you could have a basketball tournament and invite everyone.

  16. 4 hours ago, utee94 said:

    The cable subscriber model is dying, and in-footprint carriers have been dropping the BTN for years.  Most B1G fans I know regretted it from Day 1, but were willing to justify it because of the money.  Now that the money is fading, they regret it even more.

    Not really.  There are a ton of B$G alumni in NY and DC.  They don't need MD and Rutgers to be competitive.  They just need to play there and milk their acela corridor alums.

  17. 16 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

    I have changed my opinion on this in the last few days.  I was previously in favor of doing it once, the first time we beat aTm in our new conference, but the discussion that has followed has made me realize that it would probably become a thing with the utes.

    Well everyone used it on the pigs the year they announced they were leaving for the SEC.  We used it on Jawga in the Sugar Bowl in the 4th quarter.  Its acceptable when you are beating an SEC team.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  18. 1 hour ago, RollLeft said:

    Fk you Jay, you magnificent nerd bastard!  CDC is a salesman and every sales guy knows that the best time to make a sale is when you just made a sale.  Ride that wave CDC!  Get back to work!!!

    Notable that Deloss Dodds, KSU athlete, alum and AD, was willing to leave them behind on the way to the Pac 16.

    CDC, former TCU AD, leaves TCU behind on his way to the SEC 16.

    • Haha 2
  19. 1 hour ago, PencilPusher said:

    So after easily the wildest week to 10 days in offseason history, some random thoughts on what I've seen:

    1. A&M has pretty much been on brand during this entire process which is the brand they've been trying to hide from everyone by cloaking themselves in all things SEC. Who knew that the "100 year decision" meant the amount of time it would take them to change that brand perception. I'm not a PR strategist or anything but here's a small hint...you might want to not have such a close affiliation with jock sniffing peddlers of athletic fan fiction. Course it will take them a generation before they realize that TexAgs and its ilk might not be the best purveyors of image and brand a school could have.

    2. Anyone with an objective view can now see why Texas and Oklahoma are getting the fuck out of Dodge. The Ir8te seem to have been caught napping in their trailers even though the tornado warning was going off for some time (in the form of the media partners not wanting to discuss an extension). If there was any BDE amongst the group, they would have had that plan B ready to execute which could have made the conference more viable and given more leverage in negotiations with UT and OU exiting. But the events of the past week clearly show that UT and OU are getting out at the lower end of the range since most of the leverage is now on UT/OU/ESPN's side. Contracts are great...leverage matters more.

    3. The Big 10 done fucked up if it is true they were approached first. Turning up their nose at OU shifted all the power in CFB to the south and now could accelerate the superconference race they didn't want to see. You think Ohio State, which was almost screwed by the current Big 10 administration in 2020, is happy that their access to high level Texas talent is now largely shut off and their ability to compete with the SEC schools in the football national championship game has taken a big hit. Jim Delaney would have gotten that deal done...Kevin Warren is now persona non grata in Ohio and could be elsewhere soon.

    4. Pac-12's commissioner is borked before he's even gotten started...hope they are paying you well and you have a nice golden parachute. Hell if the SEC wants to further class up the place (after our admission of course) and really stir the pot, make a play for Stanford-their non football athletics are certainly SEC quality!

    1.  I was hoping it would be another 10 years before we played aggy in football again.  So every aggy student was born after the last time we played them.  And all those 60s/earlier fanatical aggies were at least 80 years old.

    • Haha 1
  20. 1 hour ago, kevwun said:

    Someone should ask Kirk if he'll take less money than the other marquee game announcers the next time the next time his contract is up.  Cause he just loves the game so much.  It would be for the good of the sport.

    Tech vs. aggy  better

    baylor vs. pig better

    TCU vs. LSU better

    WVU vs. SEC east opponent usually better but neither is a rivalry

    KU/KSU/ISU vs. MU/UM/MSU who cares

    Okie St., well not that big a loss.

  21. 1 hour ago, brojangles2 said:

    I know it is in this thread 20 times, but I cant find the tweet showing the revenue with Texas at the top of all current SEC members. Someone have it saved? 

    https://ope.ed.gov/athletics/#/  This website includes everyone, not just the public schools like USA Today.  From a poster named entersandman on another board-top 75 for 2018-19.  This was a flukishly high year for FSU.  Normally they are way down the list.

    001.) The University of Texas at Austin - $215,829,101
    002.) Ohio State University-Main Campus - $209,102,666
    003.) Florida State University - $198,407,201
    004.) University of Michigan-Ann Arbor - $175,006,632
    005.) University of Georgia - $174,042,482
    006.) University of Notre Dame - $169,547,625
    007.) The University of Alabama - $166,812,799
    008.) Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus - $164,529,325
    009.) Texas A & M University-College Station - $160,101,611
    010.) University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus - $159,286,136

    011.) Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College - $157,787,780
    012.) Auburn University - $152,455,418
    013.) University of Wisconsin-Madison - $151,369,153
    014.) University of Louisville - $148,667,940
    015.) University of Iowa - $144,070,825
    016.) University of Florida - $143,627,997
    017.) University of Kentucky - $143,481,480
    018.) University of South Carolina-Columbia - $140,295,659
    019.) University of Arkansas - $139,504,649
    020.) Stanford University - $139,390,932

    021.) The University of Tennessee-Knoxville - $135,818,717
    022.) University of Nebraska-Lincoln - $130,313,578
    023.) University of California-Los Angeles - $127,339,042
    024.) University of Miami - $127,170,251
    025.) Indiana University-Bloomington - $126,358,047
    026.) Clemson University - $124,601,614
    027.) University of Minnesota-Twin Cities - $122,667,963
    028.) University of Kansas - $119,768,008
    029.) University of Southern California - $118,687,120
    030.) Texas Christian University - $118,496,653

    031.) Michigan State University - $116,186,933
    032.) University of Washington-Seattle Campus - $116,048,869
    033.) Duke University - $116,021,513
    034.) Northwestern University - $111,421,226
    035.) Purdue University-Main Campus - $110,844,907
    036.) University of Virginia-Main Campus - $108,854,006
    037.) University of Maryland-College Park - $108,796,303
    038.) University of Oregon - $108,500,370
    039.) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - $105,407,867
    040.) University of Arizona - $102,275,918

    041.) Arizona State University-Tempe - $101,836,361
    042.) Mississippi State University - $101,454,439
    043.) Baylor University - $101,243,920
    044.) West Virginia University - $101,095,223
    045.) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - $100,156,079
    046.) Syracuse University - $99,815,688
    047.) University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus - $98,866,362
    048.) University of Colorado Boulder - $98,413,285
    049.) University of Mississippi - $96,790,426
    050.) University of California-Berkeley - $94,646,123

    051.) University of Missouri-Columbia - $94,612,498
    052.) University of Utah - $94,177,912
    053.) North Carolina State University at Raleigh - $92,724,547
    054.) Oklahoma State University-Main Campus - $91,066,952
    055.) Kansas State University - $89,919,819
    056.) Texas Tech University - $86,442,709
    057.) Vanderbilt University - $86,186,155
    058.) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - $83,767,722
    059.) Rutgers University-New Brunswick - $83,053,040
    060.) Boston College - $82,680,712

    061.) Oregon State University - $82,364,021
    062.) Iowa State University - $79,860,045
    063.) Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus - $79,491,714
    064.) University of Connecticut - $79,100,614
    065.) Wake Forest University - $76,520,111
    066.) Washington State University - $75,957,792
    067.) Brigham Young University-Provo - $72,622,845
    068.) Southern Methodist University - $70,501,474
    069.) University of Central Florida - $68,359,639
    070.) University of Houston - $68,285,574

    071.) Temple University - $60,004,621
    072.) Colorado State University-Fort Collins - $56,081,379
    073.) University of Memphis - $55,494,325
    074.) University of South Florida-Main Campus - $55,103,914
    075.) San Diego State University - $54,402,858


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  22. 12 hours ago, Bigbend1812 said:

    No one cares what the Pac12 thinks about football.  

    He said basically the same thing when it first came out that there were no guaranteed slots and quickly got shut up.  They will look at the dollars and his presidents will tell him to shut up again.

  23. Maybe when aggy went to go see Governor Abbot they were wanting to find out about the border wall he was building.  They're going to try to build a conference border wall North and West of College Station.  Or knowing aggy, it will probably be built South and East of College Station.

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