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Posts posted by bullet

  1. 1 hour ago, Nicole44 said:

    Cool as fuck. Not for nothing but I’ve been listening to ZZ Top a lot today. Cranked it up to 11 when the news broke that we were SEC official.

    Slight O/T Billy Gibbons goes to my dentist. Crazy stuff to see that guy sitting in the waiting room with the rest of us plebeians.

    As much as I can BS online I had nothing. Not even a “hey.” Felt dumb…tried to act like I didn’t know who he was. He looked over at me a smiled and said, “sure is a nice day today.” Then they called for him for his appointment.
    RIP Dusty. Damn.

    I am still trying to process going to the SEC. 🤘🏼



    Had a HS teacher (biology, not geometry) who knew the band.  Told how one day he had tickets for a concert.  Couldn't get anyone to take them.  Just before they hit it big, nobody would take free ZZTop tickets.

  2. 1 hour ago, LTtxfan said:


    That gif is painful today...  RIP Dusty 🙏🙏🙏


    RIP Dusty.  We have a realignment of the stars.

    He was in the restaurant with us when I proposed to my wife.

    No he did not come over and sing "Sharp Dressed Man."

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 1 hour ago, General Specific said:

    She sure was acute thought!

    And had some nice alternate interior angles?

    Are you people engineers?  I didn't remember a thing about geometry (except for the cute girl who sat behind me) until I had to relearn to help my daughter pass it in HS.

  4. 1 hour ago, Skipper said:

    Right.  Are we to believe Bob wasn't crunching numbers with ESPN/Fox when he was trying to push for expansion a few years back?

    Actually they had an outside consultant.  Its when they tried to invoke their pro rata clause that ESPN and Fox told them to jump in a lake.

  5. 1 hour ago, closetohumping said:

    How will you be invited if you can't reach out to the other conferences?

    ESPN can't reach out.  The schools can.  And the conferences will have their TV consultants consult.  Just not ESPN and Fox consulting.

  6. 3 hours ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Unless I'm missing some reporting. It seems like both the B1G and PAC aren't looking to expand, even though some are saying the race to super-conferences has begun. Even though TCU, Tech, and OSU won't add value right away, you'd think the PAC would want to bring at least 2 of them in. Maybe they are making a play for ND? If they could land that whale, they could ensure their future. I dont know, I dont understand it. I guess they are just not seeing the vvalue? Seems short sighted from my limited point of view.

    The Pac has said they are kicking the tires.  And they are fine doing nothing as well.

  7. 4 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

    See, this is completely believable. It's the best long term move for the Pac-12 but there's a reason why that league is getting rapidly passed by the SEC and Big 10.

    If they went Pac-16 right now with an eastern pod of Kansas (for basketball and academics), Iowa State, Oklahoma State, and Texas Tech they would be in a much better long term position. They would be able to establish a Saturday night Pac-12 tradition with a game at 7:00 Eastern (best home game for that eastern pod) followed by a game at 10:30 Eastern on Fox and its channels.

    Now I'm not saying this is a great solution for them, but there will be no more great solutions because Texas and Oklahoma are off the market now. This may be the best solution for them.

    The Big 12-2-2+2 was even thinking they should take some less than satisfactory school because they were smaller than everyone else.  There's a disadvantage beyond financial when the B$G, $EC and ACC all have 14-15 members and you have only 10.  Pac 12 really should do something.  Unless TCU/Tech/OSU/KU really do bring nothing financially, they should pick up at least a couple.  

  8. 5 hours ago, El Diablo said:

    Perryman is a Baylor grad and absolute loon who gets called on by the locals to make shit up anytime there's something going on that may impact the Baylor/Waco economy. Ignore the fool. 

    He does a lot of studies on the Texas economy.  He's not just a Waco guy.

  9. 5 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    Texas and OU are leaving and playing in SEC 2022. Their games will be broadcast by ESPN. 

    The rest is just determining how much TX/OU/ESPN have to pay. And this becomes dynamic because ESPN currently owns 50% of Big 12 GOR. So will GOR contract allow a reduction in payment if members leave? (I believe it does). So IR8 reduced from 37.7 to 9 in 2022. (Total guess). So the IR8 thinks that they can force TX/OU to stay? They can’t. Force them to give them money from games broadcast in 2022-2025 (lawyers come in here). And pay a penalty (this is possible, but will be reduced because lawyers). All the while they expect to renegotiate with ESPN for better rights by adding new Big 12 members?


    It could still be 2023.

    It won't be 2025.

    TV contract is paying $25-$27 million now.  The average over the whole contract was $20 million.  The rest of that money is from other sources that aren't directly affected.

    So if they drop to $7 million a year (what the AAC is paying), that is 8X18 to 20 millionX3 years.  $432 to 480 million in losses.

    Now if ESPN agrees to make them whole for 3 more years, then UT and OU forfeit $40 million each and are in the SEC in 2022.


    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. 5 hours ago, utee94 said:


    Yup.  Texas and OU risk doing more damage to their prospects the longer they stay as lame ducks in the B12.  They know this.  They're not going to stick around.  

    This is all just the posturing leading up to the negotiations and the settlements.  It's playing out exactly the same way as every other school that's left a conference in the past decade.

    Nebraska said they're leaving, lots of B12 posturing, lots of threats of lawsuits, lots of talk of huge exit penalties, ultimately Nebraska settles for a fraction of the contractual exit penalty.

    Texas A&M said they're leaving, lots of B12 posturing, lots of claims of TI from the B12 about the SEC, Baylor lawyers up and threatens lawsuits, articles are written about the terrible economic impact to the state of Texas if the ags leave, ultimately A&M settles for a fraction of the contractual exit penalty.

    And then there was Maryland exiting the ACC.  That one got REALLY nasty.  The ACC actually did sue Maryland.  And Maryland countersued the ACC.  But the end result?  Maryland settles for a bit over half of the contractual exit penalty.  

    This is the dance and it's 100% expected.


    The one difference is that ESPN and Fox kept the TV contracts the same after the change of members.  Will they do that for 3 years without OU and UT?  If so, UT and OU forfeit one year's revenues, about $40 million each.  If not, then that's when it gets nasty.

  11. 3 hours ago, 'stache said:

    I have my sources too, and the Pac deal is real. We greased many skids to make it happen. Tons of free weed to the Oregon, Washington, and Colorado schools, fine wine and chees to Cal and Stanford, hookers and blow to UCLA and USC, coeds and std vaccines to Arizona schools, and lots of magic underwear to the Utes. It's done y'all.

    Hope y'all land on your feet.  Its the belief you can get in the Big 10 that is a fantasy that even makes an aggy mnc look realistic.

  12. 4 hours ago, Drew said:

    What’s the point of this? If they stop Texas and OU leaving now they can still leave after 2025. They really think Texas and OU will play good conference mates until then after all this shit?

    Its all about the Benjamins.

    If ESPN wants UT and OU out before 2025, FUPM.

    Big 12 leftovers want their $20-$25 million a year in 2022, 2023, and 2024 and they want some sort of exit fee from UT and OU, preferably $80 million each.

    ESPN wants UT and OU in SEC in 2022 and doesn't want to have to pay Big 12.

    They'll settle somewhere in between in the next couple of months.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:


    First game I get to see Texas play at Neyland Stadium.  I lived there for 20 years, have a ton of Vol alum friends, and my wife is a TN alum.

    Not having to listen to my dad (Tech guy) complain about ref conspiracies allowing Texas to beat Tech.


    Tim Brando


    If you haven't been there, its one of my least favorite stadiums.  Think the seat stripes must be 16 inches wide.  Nobody pays attention to them anyway.  The music is the loudest I have heard.  Impossible to talk to anyone between plays.

    Tailgating is fun there.  We have Knoxville friends and my wife is a UGA alum so we usually go to the UGA-UTK games.

  14. 2 hours ago, clapclapclap said:

    Because it is a long time realignment phony insider account.

    Here's a realignment tip from those that have followed this for over a decade.  The following are all realignment frauds that have never predicted anything correctly beyond broken clock percentages:

    MHver3, the Dude from WV, Greg Fluegar, Greg(?) Swaim

    There are others that I'm forgetting at the moment, but those were the most obvious (and most retweeted by suckers) in previously rounds of realignment .

    MHver3 writes the most voluminous works of fiction of the 4.  A psycho.

    He's not a psycho.  He's the only one of the 4 who seems to understand he is writing fiction.  He's the most entertaining of the bunch.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

    My first game attended in person was our 50-7 loss to Baylor in 1989.

    Beat that.

    How about 3-27 to aggy in 1976 in the rain?  2nd loss at home (UH earlier in the season was the 1st) in 6 or 7 years.  5-5-1 season.  stadium maybe 75% filled and half of them aggy.  Horrible fog came in between Austin and Brenham on the way to Houston.  Could barely see the front of my hood and couldn't see well enough to pull over.  Drove about 20 mph on 290 most of the way to Brenham.  Was scared to death some idiot stopped in the road.  Fortunately noone did.

    At least Baylor game was sunny, although a little hot.

  16. 29 minutes ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Feldman and Mandel just got back from the PAC 12 Media Days, and they're convinced none of the Tagalong 8 won't get picked up by another major conference. 

    Bowlsby probably got a wink from FOX to attempt to poach some AAC teams, and the public result was his bat shit crazy letter and interview with Chuck Carlton. 

    I think the lawyers are going to take it from here, and UT/OU will have to pay a settlement. 

    None won't get picked up or none will get picked up?

    More likely is you did a double negative.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. 4 hours ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    Because the B1G is going to make any expansion decisions purely on academic profile, and not on what is literally driving everything else, which is eyeballs/viewership of football?

    Because you have to pass their academic bar or they don't even look at you.

    And the 3 who pass their academic bar fail the revenue bar.  But some ACC schools may not.

  18. 22 minutes ago, Jasper_Jester said:

    What triggers ESPN and Fox's ability to renegotiate the amount they pay for TV rights? As soon as Texas and OU become SEC members can ESPN walk in and play hardball or is it when the Big XII loses the rights that Texas and OU granted to them?

    ESPN and Fox can renegotiate when UT and OU leave, but then UT and OU are potentially liable for the loss in revenue.  Although theoretically the GOR means the Big 12 keeps the TV rights.

  19. 1 hour ago, clapclapclap said:

    What's Bowlsby settlement end game?  Protecting all remaining schools by merging the B12 with the AAC?

    Getting the leftover 8 their $20 million a year through 2025 plus some buyout fees from UT and OU.

  20. 1 hour ago, closetohumping said:


    Remember signing up for cable just so I could get HSE and the Rockets.  Hannah Storm did their halftime show in her first TV appearance.  She was awful, but hot.  2nd game she was much better.  She's still hot (and i'm not just talking about the BBQ grill).

    • Like 1
  21. 3 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    They're already entitled to the full payout. This doesn't do anything to improve the remaining teams' position with respect to full payout from Texas and OU.

    7 schools leave.  Contract over.  3 schools don't get exit fees or an ESPN contract.

  22. 18 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    on behalf of the hundreds, possibly thousands of people checking in with this thread a few times a day, some of you need to stop getting your collective panties in a wad about having to scroll past a reposted video or photo.

    that american hustle meme is delightful and should be stickied to every fucking page.


    Nah.  Now that picture from Shaggy of those Texas cheerleaders watching cows.....

  23. He's trying to make sure everyone gets full payout.  That's the point of this.

    ESPN/SEC/UT/OU and anyone else needs to make a deal before going.  Otherwise, ESPN is putting themselves at risk by giving the other conferences numbers.

    Its about the Benjamins, not about which door everyone leave by.

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