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Posts posted by bullet

  1. 1 hour ago, mdmost said:

    Agreed. Each pod has a current dominant team (OU, LSU, Alabama, Georgia), a traditional team that can be great (Texas, aggy, Auburn, Florida), a decent team (Mizzou, Ole Miss, Tennessee, Kentucky) and the cannon fodder (Arkansas, MSU, Vandy, and Cocks). 

    aggy in not traditional and hasn't been great since 1939.  Tennessee is a traditional team.  Arkansas and South Carolina have division titles (pigs have 3), something aggy, Ole Miss, UK and Vandy can't claim.  And LSU was 5-5 last year and on probation.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    one of the more underappreciated moments in UT football history.  i was in the press box that day with @DesertDog2K who was covering the game for a small town newspaper.  i feel like we rode the elevator down with some UVA muckety mucks, including UVA AD Terry Holland.  it was dead silence.  it was all we could do not to go berserk.  but we were respectful.


    That game as fun.  One of the highlights of a relatively rough era.

  3. 16 minutes ago, hiphopfroggy said:

    The Texas recruits started leaving in droves when aTm joined the SEC. UT joining the SEC may help bump UT up a couple of spots in the recruiting hierarchy but overall does anyone think that this is going to keep more Texas recruits in state? I don't anyone thinks that. 

    When Mack Brown got lazy and Charlie Strong, well he was always lazy.  That's when they left.  The the CFP gave Ohio St., Alabama and Clemson inroads everywhere in the country.  We didn't do well this year with Hermann getting fired rumors, but it was Alabama getting 3 of the top 11 and 7 of the top 100 and Ohio St. getting the top player that was significant.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    I liked the Big 12 as it could have been because I prefer regional rivalries and then those champions meeting in a more robust playoff system. But that's not reality so it's not like I sit around worrying about it. My perfect world would be eight 10-team regional conferences of the 80 most valuable programs. Champions and 4 or 8 at-larges get into the playoffs. I mean somebody has to be the doormat in each conference and we need weaker conference to supply OOC games. If the top class breaks completely away from the lower class I guess they could still schedule the lower division but some alumni groups are going to be upset about the frequent 3-9 records the new world brings.

    It would be nice if the powers were spread around.  When the Big 12 was formed, NU and CU were national powers.  OU and UT were down, but on the way back up.  KSU had Bill Snyder.  aggy, MU, Tech and OSU could give teams fits. Baylor was worse than Kansas.  Those were the days!

    Then NU and CU sunk and left.  aggy and MU left.  TCU doesn't make up for that.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    LSU is very much as described.   Pretty much every Cajun I know loves LSU despite them being a grad of another school in that state.  They will wear LSU gear to their own school's football games.    And yea aggy too in this part of the state thanks to its Ag and Engineering tie I know several who went to school at one of their systems schools who are aggy to the core to the point you assume wrong they went to Collie Station and they tell you they went to Kingsville, Tarleton, West Texas,  etc when you ask them

    Had a friend who went to La. Tech who was upset that the people would wear LSU gear to Tech games and then leave at halftime to go watch the LSU game.

  6. 1 hour ago, South Austin said:

    This is one of the biggest bullshit myths around.  Spend a few days in East Texas and you'll see a shitload of maroon shirts worn by people who have never set foot in a college classroom.  A lot of Longhorn fans and a lot of aggy fans never went to those respective schools.  I'm sure you can say that about a good number of Alabama and Auburn fans.  And LSU fans.  "T-shirt" fans are not unique to Texas. 

    Actually that's not a myth.  Its another aggy lie.

    Lots more T shirt fans in Louisiana, Alabama, etc. where you have no pro teams.

  7. 2 hours ago, Bevo said:

    So are realignment talks going to be going away?

    What did Shaggy get?  About 1400 pages?  I know it broke 1000.  We've got a ways to guy.

    Somebody needs to start the SEC pics.  Guy with the Ole Miss pics-you can do better than that.

  8. 43 minutes ago, BornOrange said:

    We were pissed because when Mizzou started flirting with the Big 10, we arranged a deal with the Pac 10 that included aggy but aggy blew up the deal at the last minute. Nebraska took the Big 10 slot that Mizzou wanted. Colorado went to the Pac 10. All the remaining Big 12 schools agreed to commit to the BIg 12. The Big 12 even offered an extra share of revenue to UT, OU, and aggy to remain in the conference. UT and OU declined, aggy took it. aggy then secretly negotiated with SEC to join them.

    In all the realignment escapades, we tried to include aggy. But they fucked up our chance to leave while making sure they had a way out.

    Wrong.  KU was taking aggy's spot.  ESPN and Fox paid the Big 12 to keep the Pac 16 from happening.  They knew nobody watched the Pac 10.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Texas Wahoo said:

    Yeah - I don't get it.

    Here are the current cross-over games:





    A&M-South Carolina

    Miss State-Kentucky

    Ole Miss-Vandy


    If Mizzou and Alabama/Auburn switch sides, three of those are kept, so the only ones you lose are:


    A&M-South Carolina

    Miss State-Kentucky

    Ole Miss-Vandy


    I can't imagine any of those are worth keeping, so the only question is whether the Mississippi schools and LSU need to play Alabama/Auburn.

    Ole Miss-Vandy is one of the oldest rivalries in the south.  But then Ole Miss-Tennessee and Ole Miss-Georgia were big rivalries before divisions and they lost Georgia right away and Tennessee when they switched to a single rivalry instead of two (5-1-2 model instead of 5-2-1).  So I don't think they will do much for Ole Miss now.

  10. 2 hours ago, TexArcher said:


    Lolwut?  No one gave half a shit when aggy left.  We were more upset about losing Nebraska and Missouri, because they'd been, you know, relevant.

    I've said this a million times: aggy is Texas Tech with a god complex.  


    That's not fair to Texas Tech.  Over the last 10 years of the 12 team Big 12 Tech was tied for 3rd with Nebraska at 47-33 in conference games.  aggy was 8th behind Mizzou, Okie St. and CU.

    Over all 15 years it was:

    Texas 90-30

    OU 86-34

    Nebraska 81-39

    Tech 69-51

    Snyderland 69-51

    aggy 64-56

    Colorado 60-60

    Mizzou 58-62

    Okie St. 55-65

    KU 36-84

    ISU 34-86

    BU 18-102

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  11. 2 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

    Okay, I see the disconnect. Paying the buyout now versus on 6/30/2023. If a team withdraws from the Big 12 they owe the buyout, but the withdrawal date is the first June 30th that's at least 18 months after they declaration of withdrawal. So the remaining teams have two main options:

    1. Try to stick it out as a conference. Take the $160M on 6/30/2023. Hold on to Texas and OU's GOR until 7/1/2025. Then get absolutely dick from their rights after that and try to make that money work for the rest of their program's lives.
    2. Take the $160M ASAP. Relinquish Texas and OU's GOR. Build a new good conference or find other homes. Negotiate decent TV rights.

    I mean theoretically they could go with #1, and some of them might be dumb enough to do it. But I doubt that happens.

    Seems clear that Tech and Kansas have smart presidents.  Iowa St. is playing his cards close to his vest.  Okie St.'s president is dumb.  TCU, Baylor, WVU and KSU haven't said anything that I've seen.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Would it be the worst thing in the world for both sides of the stadium to chant sec together one time as a fuck your to the other big 12 members who run their mouths constantly?

    Yes.  We aren't aggy.  We aren't Ole Miss.

  13. 3 hours ago, Laxtonto said:

    So ESPN owes us for the LHN distribution through 2025 in this scenario. We can’t touch it in the SEC. So 2022-23 to end of 2025 is a minimum of 45M (not sure if the escalators change or how the kick to the academic side is accounted for) that we lose if we start in the 2022 season.

    I would love to see someone run the NPV of what is left on the LHN pay schedule to really see how much we are walking away from..

    My guess is that 45m number is what we should be willing to settle at to leave the B12. That way ESPN can pay it and then we are done

    The last 10 years are $169 million.  It started at $10,980,000 and escalated 3% per year.

  14. 3 hours ago, SquishMitten said:


    Dumb question amnesty: Who determines what constitutes a P5 conference? Is that an official NCAA designation or something that just sort of came about in the media and general lexicon?


    P5 (power 5) is a media creation.  A5 (autonomous 5) is an actual NCAA category.  They get to make certain rules independent of the NCAA.  The autonomous 5 are the ACC, $EC, B$G 10+4, Pac 12 and Big 12-2-2+2-2.

  15. 4 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

    It will be divisions but pods would be better with rotating pairings to form temporary divisions for two seasons at a time. That way you would play everyone both home and away at least every six years.

    With divisions and the possibility of also having a permanent cross-division rival, even a 9 game conference schedule would mean it would take 14 years to play every other conference opponent both home and away.

    No permanent crossover and you get everyone home and away over 8 years.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  16. 4 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

    Someone somewhere around here said they wished they could remember how all this started. Here's the first time I wrote about the BS spewing from our rivals:


    Good writeup except that you have the timing on the Pac 16 wrong.  Texas starting exploring the Pac 16 idea after the Big 10 announced it was expanding and Mizzou lifted its skirt.  When Nebraska president asked the Texas president about Pac 16 rumors, the Texas president told him the truth.  That is when Nebraska tried to get one of the Big 10 slots (according to the Nebraska president's account, who also said he and the UT president had a great relationship).

  17. 2 hours ago, Armybrat said:

    Crossposting my rant from the A&M thread:

    I hope someone here has archived the all the juvenile whining from the reactionary aggy officialdom last week including the hilarious 180 after someone told them what fools they made of themselves again.

    Also, I wish someone would create a statement from UT setting the record straight about the decades old bullshit mantra that Texas “destroyed” the SWC and now the Big 12. 

    I am getting sick and tired of ignorant sportswriters repeating that pack of lies perpetuated by aggy, corn, and the other sniveling dickwads. I think UT officials should hit the pr trail in the relevant media and tell the true side of the story instead of continuing to allow all those goddamned rubes & rabblerousers to smear the Good Guys. And that includes getting Deloss Dodds, if he is still mentally capable, on record of how events actually transpired with the other schools. There is no reason to allow clowns like that bowtie moron and others to dominate the public stage with their slimey sheepshitstained version of events.

    If we claim to be a big swinging dick, then quit acting like a passive eunuch when it comes to public relations and enlightening the cfb world.

    Post the facts in the comments.  Yeah I get tired of all the lies that keep getting repeated.  But you see the same thing in the political arena.  Once something gets put out there once people will repeat it for years.

    Common lies:

    ESPN/Fox overpaid for Big 12-it was open market and see next line

    Nobody watches Big 12=Big 12, despite Texas being down, gets better ratings than Pac 12 and ACC

    LHN forced NU and CU out-LHN ESPN deal didn't come about until about 6 months after Pac 16 fell apart.  In November they still thought it would be a $3 million a year thing.

    Unequal revenue sharing broke up the Big 12-NU and UT were aligned at the hip on revenue sharing.  CU, A&M and Missouri were all for unequal revenue sharing.  Of the 6 original schools left behind, only KU was for unequal revenue sharing.  Getting rid of unequal was part of the reason A&M left.

    Texas chased CU, Arkansas, Nebraska, A&M and Missouri off.  CU wanted Texas to go with them to the Pac and had for 15 years.  California is a major place for their alumni and they left before they were even sure they would make more money.  Arkansas wanted Texas to come with them to the SEC.  Nebraska and Texas presidents had a good relationship-it was only Tom Osborne who didn't like losing.  NU had what looked like more money in a more academically prestigious conference that was much more secure.  It was a DUH! decision.  Missouri saw there was some chance with the Pac 16 deal that they get relegated to the Big East remnants.  They saw an opportunity and moved themselves to a more profitable, secure conference.  A&M did want to get away from Texas, but they have been wanting the SEC since 1990.  They agreed to go there in 1990 when they were still working with Texas.  When Stanford vetoed Texas to the Pac, A&M decided to stay.  A&M agreed to go to the SEC in 1994 before Bob Bullock grabbed them by the balls and explained who was in charge.  They finally saw a chance in 2010.  Texas looking at the Pac 16 did get NU thinking.  MU had already been lifting its skirt to the Big 10.


    There are many more lies about Texas that get thrown around.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  18. 36 minutes ago, Surly Bevo said:

    People are always gonna hate us. The hit pieces come because we’ve been meadoker on the football field and when you have to churn out content left and right the hate coupled with the results is a god damn template in Microsoft Word for a sportswriter

    Just win.

    A lot of people just hate the state too.  Why?  We're TEXAS!!!!

  19. 37 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Man Pete Thamel’s piece on UT on yahoo sports…he hates us to and to no surprise barely mentions OU except to say we nixed the 2016 expansion and that OU had interest in Cincy. That will be rank and file nobodies in the SEC and everyone is looking forward to that after our years of bullying when they aren’t worried about their own fates. Jeez…

    If you've read Thamel you would know that all his Big 12 sources are OU.  He's just quoting someone from OU.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    Looch Spin via LHF:


    Humorous.  The guy was about to get fired at FSU and had been surpassed by Clemson.  If this aggy team looks like his championship FSU team, does that mean they have a rapist crab leg shoplifter as QB?

  21. 1 hour ago, TexasRenegade said:

    You mean for the bumfuck officials protecting Bama, Georgia, or florida?

    One thing our players will have to get used to is they don't protect the players in the SEC.  Late hits on QBs and late hits out of bounds are not called unless they are really, really flagrant (like maybe once or twice a season).  Offensive holding on pass plays is called.  Offensive holding on running plays is not a penalty.

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