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Posts posted by bullet

  1. 1 hour ago, Pimphand said:

    Holy fuck I just got done with dinner and this thing wrangled off a shitload of pages.

    Can I get a summary of the aggy dingleberry meeting today? Did they finally cut off their nose to spite their faces or is it time for the ceremonial sucking of the SEC cocks?

    Seems like no new news since page 50 except some SEC anonymous AD said they expected this to happen for 2022.

    Cowboy aggy showed their aggy.  Sand aggy and Jayhawk acted like grownups.

  2. 1 hour ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    The cheating was just a tool...

    The networks wanted the SWC broken up long before they succeeded in doing so. When told the contrary, the old-school redass BMDs dug in with their awl money and their Texan pride and told the networks one state plus Arkansas was enough, and when the Pigs left, Texas was enough on its own.

    There was this belief among that generation that the state of Texas had unlimited football powers -- I mean, just a few years ago, you had Dan Jenkins, a very smart guy but very much of his era, telling people that it didn't matter how many blue chip recruits went out of state or that Texas high schools are now expected to roster up 12 FBS programs -- our HS talent is infinite. That's just not true -- for a while that seemed to be the case with Florida, but what we've seen there is that you can really only have two elite schools in one state at any one time, and that's pushing it. (If you look back over the decades of Gator, Nole and Cane dominance, there was never a year where all three of them were truly elite at the same time, and now that they are having to compete with all those other FBS schools., they are lucky to have one elite team a year.)

    So back then the BMDs at schools like SMU and aggy and some of our own were dug in on the idea that the SWC could thrive and survive on the level of football our teams played here and for the first half of the '80s, it was working. Yes, Texas had a bunch of D-1 schools, but realistically, only UT, UH, and aggy with much of a recent past, and SMU with lots of money and clout at the time.  

    Then the networks sicced the NCAA on us and it all fell apart. We sucked even while cheating, SMU was executed, aggy was allowed to cheat but even so they are still aggy, Bill Yeoman got old and too lazy to even hide his cheating, and the trickle of blue chips going to schools like Miami, Colorado, the Pac Ten, Notre Dame and elsewhere turned into a firehose. It wasn't that we were losing most dudes to LSU or more than usual to Oklahoma or a bunch of the best of the best to one school like today's Alabama -- they were going all over the place.

    There wasn't a legit national title contender at all out of the SWC from our 1983 team through the end of the conference in '96. Effectively we were no longer a Power 5 conference in all those years. 

    The NCAA gave SMU the death penalty and not aggy because SMU didn't fit in the networks' future plans and aggy did. 

    We should have taken note of this and realized it also applied to us and acted accordingly, but those awful days are behind us now. We re-exerted our dominance from 1998 on and are on the cusp of doing it again.  

    Well said.

  3. 6 hours ago, tokamak said:

    I'm surprised at what a landslide this is. In my recollection there was a much bigger anti-SEC faction here during the last few realignments.

    Serious question, what are our interests? Cynical me says that reasons #1-#99 all boil down to "money". It's great that athletics returns money to the university, but I'd argue that revenue ain't much of a problem for us under the current setup. There's a reason why I'm not running the show I suppose. Are we falling behind in facilities for lack of funds? Going to start some new non-revenue sports?

    Reason #100 is recruiting. Looks like we'll get a nice boost there but tOSU, Clemson, OU, Oregon, etc do just fine outside of the SEC. Winning and/or dropping big bags (NIL) are more important than conference affiliation.

    Hardly anybody wants the boring 10 + 4.  And the Pac 12 is at the bottom of the P5 in attendance, top finishes, dollars and TV ratings.  It just doesn't make dollars and cents.

  4. 1 hour ago, orangebird said:

    Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I really don't give a flying fuck about horns down.  It just shows that they have no meaningful culture or traditions of their own, other then clowning ours.  Obsession noted.

    That's why its kind of surprising to see OU do it.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    After the last few days of reading some of the SECrant, I'm convinced many of the posters are from TexAgs making themselves off to be from other schools.  

    Are half of them Daniel Figurelli?

  6. 2 minutes ago, bullet said:

    We aren't aggy, bama or TN.  We won't claim those 4 or 5 additional years (think 41, 61, 68 and 82 somebody ranked us #1.  May have been one other year.  And we had the best team in 2008).

    See Huckleberry already researched it.

    We did have the best team in 1968, but had a loss and a tie before we figured out the wishbone and Ohio St. was undefeated.  So none unless we claim 2008.

  7. 14 minutes ago, MAGS® said:

    So.... How many National Championships do we get to add to our stadium's wall when we move to the SEC???

    We aren't aggy, bama or TN.  We won't claim those 4 or 5 additional years (think 41, 61, 68 and 82 somebody ranked us #1.  May have been one other year.  And we had the best team in 2008).

  8. 47 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Hey, shoutout to the Coogs!  You finally made it in!

    Or maybe we should resurrect the window with blue coogs, red coogs, raiders, frogs, bears, cowpokes, wildcats, cyclones, mountaineers and funky looking birds.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Nebraska was booted from the AAU prior to joining the B1G.  (AAU voted in April 2011, Nebraska joined B1G in June 2012.)

    Nebraska was invited before being booted.  And they were booted by votes from Big 10 schools.  Big 12 schools all voted to keep them in.

  10. 2 hours ago, Pancho said:

    She was just hired a few months ago. That wouldn’t be a good look. A&M is mentioned in the same breath as UH or Sam at the community college I teach at and our focus groups show it’s because they know they don’t need very high grades to get accepted to any of those 3 universities.

    UH is actually tougher to get into than almost any public school in the SEC.  Georgia and Florida are a little tougher.  A&M same category.  The joke is that you can sneeze on the application and get into Bama--and they are better than the schools to the west of them.

  11. 3 hours ago, Hurtlocker said:

    Yeah, leaving prior to the GoR being termed is painful.   They keep quoting $80m, but that's just the withdraw penalty.   The rights to all T1/2 broadcasts are held by the Big 12 until 2025, that's the real kicker.  So, imagine $80m, plus no game revenue for 4 years, even if moved sooner.

    That being said, I cannot imagine a scenario where you play out 4 years.   Everyone likes to say "fuck off" here, but its in the best interests of everyone to get Tech and OkSt (and likely KU/ISU) a good home.  At that point you could vote to dissolve and eradicate the buyout and the GoR.

    Dates of note:

    2022 - NFL Deals expire

    2023 - SEC T1 moves from CBS to ESPN

    2024 - Pac/B1G deals expire

    2025 - B12 deals expire

    2032 - SEC T2/3 deals expire

    2036 - ACC deal expires

    Don't forget 2023 is when the college football playoff likely expands to 12 teams.

  12. 3 hours ago, mdmost said:

    This guy Adam seems like a bitch. In one tweet he's saying "see Nebraska was right about Texas". Then in the next he's saying Texas is a better fit for the Big 10. All the while ignoring in the typical Big 10 douchebag trope that Texas only cares about unequal revenue sharing. Yet, we're going to a conference with equal revenue sharing. The stupid is amazing. Everyone hates us yet everyone wanted us in their conference even though we supposedly suck as conference mates. 

    And the Big 10 is still charging $100 million or more admission fee to Nebraska, Rutgers and Maryland.

    • Haha 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Hurtlocker said:

    Its part of the bylaws now and they seem to have altered it since the last realignment.   Now as soon as you signal your intent to withdraw, you lose your vote, the percent is only of the schools who haven't withdrawn.

    But Texas and OU have not indicated their intent to withdraw.  They just said they won't renew the GOR.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  14. 4 hours ago, Lobo said:

    Iowa State, Kansas, and Texas.  There are a few others that are considered Carnegie Tier I research universities for the purposes of federal research grants, aeronautical opportunities, etc.  TCU is kind of in a hybrid space between the two categories.  Baylor, Texas Tech, Kansas State, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and West Virginia are fucking academic jokes.  I know it's not popular to discuss, but it's relevant to the realignment thread.  But the Pac-12, Big East, and Big 10 aren't going to swoop in and take those remnant universities because they are the only academically driven conferences in the U.S.  And most of the schools in our league are glorified community colleges.  I know it's sounds snooty so neg rep me.  But they're generic, land grant pieces of shit.  Don't get me wrong, they whoop our ass more often than they should on the field/court/diamond.

    Arkansas, Ole Miss, Miss. St., LSU and Alabama all fall in the same category.

  15. 5 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    To my knowledge, the SEC didn't do reduced shares for aggy or Mizzou. The Big 10 did, but those reduced shares I believe were to offset financial support given to the incoming schools to offset transitional expenses.

    The SEC didn't give aggy financial support in 2012 when transitional expenses left aggy athletics (yet again) unable to pay its bills. Rather, the academic side increased the amount of the "interest-free loan" that had been outstanding since 2006 by $5.2 million. This "loan" is still being paid down in installments and is scheduled to be finally repaid later in the decade.

    I have no doubt both UT and OU will receive full distributions from Day 1.

    Correct about the SEC.  Wrong about the Big 10.  They went all Baylor on their newcomers.  Nebraska is STILL tens of millions behind Iowa St. in conference distributions since they left the Big 12.

    • Haha 1
  16. 4 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    There's no doubt some truth in that.  I was in grad school when the women won the NCAA in basketball and soon started winning swimming (a bunch), along with some close calls.  They've had  titles and close calls in track over that time.  I don't think soccer has sniffed a title yet, but I could be wrong -- that's relatively new for us.

    EDIT:  oh yeah, multiple tennis titles

    The women won 5 national titles in their 8 sports in 1986.

  17. 5 hours ago, iamjethro said:

    See, even most Razorbacks don't get mad at that.  Colleges are supposed to be fun and poke a little at each other.  Sad to say, but in today's world a lot of that is lost.  Too many hurt feelings and too much money to guard.

    The LHB was siphoning their inner MOB in that show.

  18. 13 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    i think we're going to find that georgia is the closest thing to our culture and alumni profile, and florida are the most similar to us academically

    everyone with connections to those alumni should reach out and form bridges where possible in their respective professions and careers

    Well I married one of those UGA women.

    Saw at least 3 other "mixed couples" at the Sugar Bowl.  Every one a Texas male and a Jawja female.

  19. On 7/23/2021 at 4:49 PM, Eggo said:

    A friend of mine is an aggy undergrad and med school grad living in College Station. I recently had to educate her on the SMU cheerleader/saber incident. Apparently it's not commonly taught at the FISH indoctrination. 

    Did you tell her about aggy throwing beer on the TCU baseball player who was injured running into a wall in the outfield?  Read about that on the KillerFrogs forum.

    Or about the Baylor coeds who leveled the drunk aggy guys harrassing them in the parking lot after the game?  The video was on Shaggy a decade or so back.

    Notice how they always go after women and injured people at the smaller private schools.

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