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Posts posted by bullet

  1. On 11/24/2020 at 4:17 PM, Don Johnson said:

    Playing for the right team certainly plays into it, whether we like it or not.  Ward's two Super Bowl rings (MVP of one) are part of his resume.

    I'm not going to make the argument, because I'm not qualified to, but many claim Ward to be the best blocking WR of all time.

    It was college, but I've never seen a gutsier performance than Ward's in the Peach Bowl for Georgia.  They were heavy underdogs, only 6-5, and the QBs were all injured.  So they had him play QB.  He was limping nearly every play the 2nd half and nearly lead them to the upset of Virginia.

  2. 16 hours ago, pacman said:



    Fields required an "injection" to play.

    Coach and QB both intentionally fague on the injury.

    I am guessing that means Fields should not have gone back out there to play and he is coveringfor the coach.

    It makes his performance even more impressive.

    It also means he is susceptible to getting knocked out of the game.

    I don't know that he got hit anywhere he could get truly injured.  Probably just a badly bruised muscle.  Full speed helmet hit just below the shoulder.

  3. 17 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    As long as he's not fucking pretty, young coaches. We don't need another Major. 

    Major didn't go for pretty.  Except maybe pretty below average.

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  4. On 1/12/2019 at 12:21 PM, ImissWallyPryor said:

    For all the crap Gideon gets for that drop, I blame FUPM and Colt before I blame true freshmen Gideon and Earl Thomas.  On our last scoring drive, Texas should have been bleeding the play clock to <5 seconds instead of snapping it with >20 seconds. We should have done that until the game clock was under 30 seconds.

    Now for a non-fabricated story.  Our family was watching that game along with my son's best friend. During that last drive, I was cussing at Colt after every play for not running the play clock down. When we scored, all the women-folk were dancing and hugging while I was throwing a hissy fit. They turned to me expecting a fucking high five or something, and all I could howl with a cracked voice was, "We left too much goddamned time on the clock." My son's friend (a Nebraska fan) thought that was so funny that he reminded me of that story for years.

    In case anyone is wondering what role Thomas played in this, watch a replay of Crabtree's TD and notice how Thomas runs out of bounds instead of helping Brown (Curtis? Chykie?) keep Crabtree out of the end zone.

    Ahhhhh, great fucking memories.

    I was fussing at Colt too.  And if they get Crabtree down in bounds its game over.  They both seemed out of sorts.

    So is Gideon going to teach out players how to not intercept passes?

  5. 4 hours ago, Manther said:

    I view Herman's tenure fairly similar to John Mackovic's. We got way better from an historic low.  We won games that shocked people (96 Nebraska, '18 Georgia), lost to teams we never should ('94 - TCU/Rice; Herman - TCU every year).  Both were bad personality fits with the Admins and BMDs. In other words, both helped to put us back in a position of winning from coaches that broke the system down (McWilliams and Strong).  However, it seemed pretty apparent that while better, we could always expect dumbass losses and the ceiling was about 9 wins with an occasional elite bowl because of brand name. 

    Mack was able to come in a build on that base and win pretty quickly. We had a NC caliber team by 2001. That was mainly built on the strength of the assistant hires. I think Sark has a similar opportunity. He's taking this ship over waaaay better than what Herman had to deal with. While recruiting will dip in the year of the change (it always does); there is enough talent on hand to put together a solid start next year to get recruiting fired back up. Casey Thompson appears more than capable of winning games. It really depends on the quality of the assistants. You nail that and you could get off to a great start and jellyroll like Mack did. I just think that unlike Strong or Herman, Sark is actually taking a program that isn't in decline or terrible shape. It gives a better chance to succeed.

    #17 recruiting isn't bad, especially with 9 scholarships left.  And with the transfer portal, there is the opportunity to improve that.  Strong's first year was something like #22 and Hermann's something like #31.

  6. 13 hours ago, ClubWhatever said:

    Agree but I would like to see Collins get tried at DE in the spring.   Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe he has the quicks to be a monster there.  Bookends of him and Sanders at DE could be something.

    Hopefully we get someone in the transfer portal.  Based on that chart above we only have 8 DL (assuming none of the seniors stay) + 2 true freshmen coming in.  And most of the 8 are green.

  7. On 1/3/2021 at 5:31 PM, ztejas said:

    Washington is not a powerhouse. Stop. They've never had more than* 3 straight 10 win seasons in their 100+ year history. They have one legit national title (which isn't consensus) and claim an absolute horseshit title from 1960 where they finished 6th in the AP and 5th in the Coaches. 

    They are a respectable football program. I wouldn't say it's even in the top 20 of easiest places to win at. Certainly behind SC and Oregon within their own conference - maybe on equal footing with Utah.

    There are 18 programs that have all the AP national championships since 1985.  When you throw in Oregon and Georgia, you have 20 schools that have 95 of the 105 top 3 finishes.  Every one of them has at least 2.  Only TCU outside that group has 2.  These 20 schools have 148 of the 175 top 5 finishes.  All have at least 4.  Nobody else has more than 2.  Washington is part of that 20.  Now probably they are in the bottom 5 of that top 20, but they are part of the elite at the top.

    You can go all the way back to 1968 when that group has 50 of the 52 MNCs and those 20 each have at least 5 top 5 finishes.  Nobody else has more than 3 top 5.  And all but Tennessee have at least 3 top 3.  Outside that group, only Pitt and TCU have 2 top 3.

    So maybe your definition of "powerhouse" is a little more strict than mine, but UW is one of the top programs in the country and a place where you can win big.  There are only 20 of those.


  8. 4 hours ago, orangecat92 said:

    I don't advocate firing during the regular season, unless there are incredibly bad extenuating circumstances.  For example, 66-3 would have been a good enough circumstance to fire a coach imo. 66-3 means the coach has lost the team.  Back to my earlier years, 55-17 in the third quarter means the coach has lost the team. The score to that one could have been 76-17, but Hayden Fry took his foot off the gas.   

    This was different, because while Tom was winning a few games towards the end, the recruiting was allegedly suffering because of Tom.  He should have been fired immediately after the end of the regular season.  The big reason to fire at the time would be to stop the negative recruiting.  Have you read the stories of players in the portal being dissuaded from coming to Texas by Texas players?  I understand this to be true.    CDC had it backwards.  He evidently thought retaining Tom through the bowl game would help recruiting.  Or maybe some other unknown reason.  Who knows? 

    jmo, hey like I've said before.  At least this time we didn't wait an additional two years to fire the coach.  Those of us paying attention in Austin in 1984 knew Fred lost the team then.  Our AD diddled and messed around and watched Fred suffer through those last two years, and it finally took a 5-6 losing season to persuade DD to make the move. 

    With the early signing day you could lose your entire class.

    Look at the mess Tom inherited because Charlie was such a lazy recruiter.  He had what, 6 committs?  We had something like a #31 class that year.  This is ranked #17.  Its not our standard, but its not bad.

  9. 7 hours ago, Tex-19 said:

    One impressive thing about this process was that any leaks were locked down air tight, at least post Urban. No one knew the timing of Tom's firing (some 9.95ers still thought he might stay) and no one really saw Sark coming either. Heck, BK was seen as the leading candidate at the time. CDC and the others had all that info sealed shut.

    Well the Urban bit was pathetic.  You can't give them credit for keeping quiet for two weeks after leaking like a sieve all season.

  10. 8 hours ago, idigTexas said:

    I did not hire Sarkisian, and I cannot point to a bunch of qualifications that you are going to find convincing.  You see his P5 head coaching experience as an indication of his ceiling, and attribute his successes as an OC at multiple P5 schools as purely circumstantial.  I'm more of a glass is half full kind of guy.  Regardless, my point wasn't to prop up Sarkisian's credentials in an effort to convince you that he was an obvious take.  It was to point out that there wasn't an obvious take, and that under those circumstances, I'm relatively optimistic with the results. 

    Sarkisian knows the expectations and believes he is up to the task.  The committee that hired him believes he is up to the task.  That is enough for me to give him a chance to prove it.



    What makes you think this committee is any better than the committee that hired Charlie Strong, the worst coach in UT history, or David McWilliams, neither of whom were fit to be a head coach?

  11. 2 hours ago, Wally Fairway said:

    Yeah - I think he leaves after winning the 3rd National Championship in 7 years

    Well if you are optimistic he is successful you can't see anything in his past that makes you believe he would stay anywhere longer than 7 or 8 years.

    I don't know what these 11 and 20 year people are drinking tonight. 


  12. 3 hours ago, Helobious said:

    Flawed poll. There’s scenarios where he’s successful but only stays 3-4 years if the NFL comes calling.  I think he only stays 4 or 5 seasons but delivers 1 or 2 big 12 titles and a CFP appearance.

    Also, I think he only lasts 3 years, not because he is quite as bad as Charlie, but because he won't do as well as Hermann.  We'll move on to the next big thing.  The administration has made it clear that Hermann's level is not good enough.

  13. 9 hours ago, pops said:

    If urban was really in play then why in the fuck would you fire Herman mid season? He was gone after the ISU loss and everyone knew it. They waited until they actuality had the next coach inked to announce it because they didn't need the auburn bullshit of having their first 3 picks (or whatever) publicly tell them no. I don't see how anyone thinks that is a better scenario than how it played out. 

    With the early signing now, you either do mid-season or after early signing day.  You kill yourself if you do it late in the season.

    If you do it mid-season, you are an idiot because you should have done it at the end of the previous season if half a year makes a difference.

  14. 4 hours ago, pops said:

    Pretty sure it's dollar for dollar reduction.  I haven't read it but there should also be language in there that he can't just go take a job for $1 a year and basically be having Texas pay his salary at a different school. Some sort of reasonable salary would be implied if he was not actually receiving that. But again,  haven't read his contract. 

    Who was it?  Butch Johnson?  He was an analyst at Alabama making $39,000 a year.  When his old contract ran out he took the job at Arkansas St.

  15. 8 hours ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    Yet we are literally the only school that does it this way. It is particularly egregious when there is rampant speculation he was almost fired for cause. So we perpetuated the drama to keep a guy that was dangerous around kids  But hey, We’re Texas  

    I suspect my opinion CDC - that he’s a buffoon that botched this thing (not necessarily Sark, but the last 2-3 months) - is wrong too. 

    There's all kinds of rampant speculation around UT athletics.  Ever read Chip Brown?  Just because you heard it, doesn't mean its true.

    I'm not saying its not, but you need to be skeptical whenever political things like Texas football coaches are involved.

  16. On 1/2/2021 at 8:24 PM, Al_4_ISU said:

    The Purdy hate baffles me. Dude has crushed every ISU record, beaten every Big 12 school, and just won us a god damn Fiesta Bowl. But the narrative within Big 12 circles is that he’s overrated.

    I may be biased because he looks like my bastard child, but still.

    Loved the team attitude in the post game awards ceremony.  Its why everybody respects ISU.

  17. On 1/2/2021 at 9:20 AM, shadow_operative said:

    fucking hilarious. do you really want me to bring up what happened when this thread was first started? i originally started the Sam Ehlinger thread and you deleted it literally 5 or 6 times because you were all pissy that i was the one who started it. everyone kept asking why the thread was being deleted over and over, and it was all because of your insane obsession with me. and you want to talk about this thread being derka'd. hilarious.

    i haven't said anything here that hasn't been said by countless other people. Sam Ehlinger is not a Texas football legend. There's nothing besides his birthplace that separates him from Major Applewhite or James Brown. My refuting the idea that he's some legendary player/going against the surly circle jerk does not = "omfg derka'd!!!". not even close. one time back on shaggy some guy started a thread about his sobriety and i told him that i hoped he started drinking again and slowly died of alcoholism. That is what "derka'd" means. me not slurping Sam Ehlinger does not equal "derka'd", and you guys whining about it without posting a single substantive refutation is par for the course on your site immamac. rampant groupthink, very little substance, and banning people who disagree with you/hurt your feelings. if you disagree with something that i've said then quote it and refute it. otherwise quit crying that i don't have the same bombastic view of Sam Ehlinger as his zealots. 


    lmao, look at the beginning of this thread:



    Seems like I somehow didn't post my first response to this aggy.

    TD passes 1.  Colt.  2. Sam

    Passing yards 1. Colt  2. Sam

    Starts at QB 1. Colt  2. Sam

    Most QB wins 1.  Colt 2.  Vince  3. Bobby 4. Sam

    Most completions career 1. Colt 2. Sam

    And pretty much every passing stat Sam is 1 or 2 behind Colt

    Most consecutive passes without INT 1. Sam  2.  Sam  3. Major 4. Sam

    Most TDs in season 1 & 2 Ricky  3&4 Cedric  5T Earl and Jamaal  7 Sam

    Most TDs career 1. Ricky 2. Cedric  3. Earl  4. Vince  5T Steve, Jamaal and Cody Johnson  8.  Sam

    Other than Cody Johnson, everybody ahead of him is recognized with just one name.  Sam IS a Longhorn legend.

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  18. 2 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I would have liked him to stick around another year, but he had a few scares, and shit he's given us four tough years, can't be upset with that or think about what could have been.

    University Of Texas Softball GIF by Texas Longhorns

    Hook 'em Sam.  Yeah, he'd taken enough beating without getting paid for it.  It was time for him to move on and start getting $$$s.

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