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Posts posted by bullet

  1. 34 minutes ago, Uncle Nate said:

    I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think you should be in the P5 (or whatever club we want to call it) if you don't have a baseball team.  Heck, you could even talk me into the idea that a school shouldn't be D1 without a baseball team.

    I'm ready for your slings and arrows now.

    Syracuse, Iowa St., Wisconsin and Colorado.

    Of course being in Division I in Texas and not having baseball is really strange-SMU.

  2. 4 hours ago, statsman said:

    When I used to buy TCU season tix, as a way to ensure getting UT game tix every other year, the SMU game was one of the few you could usually get close to face value for on StubHub. 
    What’s the reason for dropping?

    No upside for winning.  Big downside for losing.  

  3. 1 hour ago, Evil Bill Obrien said:




    So lets just take the worst qualities of the AAC and the old CUSA, the nonexistant regionality and patchwork of misfit institutions, and crank it up to 11 by smashing together the AAC 11, PAC4 and MWC3...



    Tulsa, Navy and Charlotte (+ Wichita St.) left out according to this.  I think Tulsa would rate ahead of some of the others.

  4. 4 hours ago, gatormarc said:

    Unless I'm missing some distinction, there are plenty of schools out there that don't claim a title that they were awarded by someone other than the AP/Coaches/BCS.

    I know Florida doesn't claim 1984 or 1985.

    Are you sure Florida is in the SEC?!!!

    I didn't know until I went to Neyland Stadium that Tennessee claims virtually every national title that Alabama doesn't claim.

  5. 4 hours ago, statsman said:

    Sure. But there is that damning Freeh report, so they look like fools and worse when they deny it or make excuses for Joe. The rational ones know it. 
    As noted above, Baylor suppressed their internal report and paid off victims. There were reports by at least three victims of going black, and waking up with evidence of having had sex, and then told by friends that there were videos of them being gang banged from that night being shared. It appears that it might have been a rite of passage for Baylor football to roofie a girl and run a train on her. 
    We’ll never know for sure; Baylor shut that shit down and paid the girls off, making sure an NDA was part of it. 
    And that’s why Baylor fans will tell you that Briles was railroaded, that nothing happened at Baylor that doesn’t happen everywhere, because they made sure to keep it all in house. The Big 12 formally voted and requested the verbal report the BoR received. Baylor refused. 
    The poster above said I have an irrational hatred of Baylor. Maybe I do. Jesus said that what we do for the least of them, we do to or for him. Well, if you put it that way, Baylor roofied Jesus, tan a train on Him, and when He sought help the next day, Baylor told Him to shut up and transfer or be exposed as a slut. (I have used that description before on this site; that’s when the Baylor sympathizers beg me). 
    What does this have to do with realignment? Simple- Baylor is a shitty conference mate, and not a victim. It sucks that we have to let Baylor distribute some tickets to their games against us in Austin, almost certainly bringing some horrible ex players into our stadium. Leaving Baylor behind is a bonus feature of realignment and not a bug. 

    I've got a number of Baylor friends and they aren't anything like you say.  They are horribly embarrassed by what Baylor did.

    Penn St. is a pretty shitty conference mate.  After Sandusky, they hired Franklin, the guy who tried to cover up a rape at Vanderbilt (yeah, Vandy does it too).  And any conference would take Penn St.  As for cheating, future SEC mates A&M and Auburn join SMU among the cheatingest programs in NCAA history.  On top of that, aggy is a cult.

    Baylor's got a pretty bad history.  Not sure Dave Bliss wasn't worse than Briles.  After all, someone got murdered.  But if you want pristine, you join the Ivy League.  Wait, didn't they take bribes to admit rich people's kids as fake athletes?  Kind of the opposite of normal where they bring in fake students to be athletes (see Oklahoma St. and Dexter Manley,  North Carolina and Mary Willingham, Georgia and Jan Kemp).

    So what's it got to do with conference realignment?  Absolutely nothing.  Its about dollars.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 4 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    That's a fair point.  The agent should have been questioning the conservatorship, the need for it, and any income/revenue from the film.   

    Most financial affairs conservatorships are premised on the idea that the ward can't handle his business and the conservator needs to handle it for him.  So that would tend to mean not only the film but any NFL related matters a sports agent would handle.

    Also, in Texas and most places, an attorney is appointed for the potential ward to evaluate the fundamental fairness and need for a conservatorship, called a guardian ad litem.  In some of these elder abuse scandals, I discovered Nevada, among other places, did not have such a provision.  Tennessee may be or have been another.

    May have been why it happened after he was 18.  He wasn't mentally challenged and he wasn't a minor.  So no guardian ad litem.

  7. 46 minutes ago, TKthunder2 said:

    Might want to start wrapping your head around 4 (which even that might not happen, if we end up straight at large selections).

    If the ACC hangs around that’s giving the 4 Power conferences spots now that they’re all going divisionless and it won’t be possible to have a 6-6 UCLA in the CCG anymore with bid stealing potential.

    If the ACC implodes that’s giving the 3 conferences spots and saving the 4th for the G5-PAC/ACC leftovers. Which is about as good as anyone could realistically hope for.

    Well there is a reason they did 6.  They didn't want to shut the G5 out and risk political and legal backlash.  They may go 5 with the Pac disappearing, but the ACC would also have to totally go away to get to 4.  I suspect they will complain, but stick to 6 for 2024 and 2025 and change the deal in 2026 if #6 is a TV ratings stinker.

  8. 1 hour ago, statsman said:

    You are misstating what I wrote, but that’s ok. Not everyone is good at reading comprehension. 
    Keep at it!

    "...I don’t think Michigan has to worry about Purdue covering up a gang rape scandal (don’t throw PSU at me- that all came out in the news, unlike with our Baptist friends)...."

    I'm sorry for arguing with you.  You clearly have dementia.

  9. 1 hour ago, Hurtlocker said:

    I agree.   They've had some strange ones.   I say we just turn it all over to our future AI overlords now and be done with it.

    My wife now has AI suggesting the start of e-mail for her!

    Wonder what AI would think about the realignment decisions over the past 15 years.

    • Haha 1
  10. 36 minutes ago, Texas Wahoo said:

    You’re assuming the committee voting will happen the same way when those spots matter instead of being just for show mostly. 

    I like getting the committee out of it as much as possible.  That's why we need guaranteed slots for at least 5 and maybe 6 conference champs.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 1 hour ago, statsman said:

    I know reading can be hard. Try again. 
    There has never been an official report, internal and external, written by an official investigative body or court, about the Baylor scandal. Unlike PSU and MSU, who had official investigations and reports. 
    Baylor commissioned an investigation and has sheltered it. The B12 asked for them to share their internal investigation and Baylor said “No”. 
    There has never been an official reckoning. That’s why Baylor gets to say the story is overblown and nothing happened that doesn’t happen everywhere. 

    So did Art Briles rape your sister?  Or you?  You have an irrational hatred of Baylor.  Maybe you should read up on Sandusky raping children for at least 13 years unconstrained at Penn St.  Art Briles was only at Baylor for 7 years.

    I guess you are totally incapable of reading.  You made the stupid claim even for Surly that nobody in the Big 10 was as bad as Baylor.  Well at least two schools were.  I never said everyone was as bad as Baylor.  Just that other schools had problems and two schools in the pristine Big 10, yes, were absolutely as bad as Baylor.  And after Sandusky, Penn St. hired the guy who tried to cover up a rape by football players at Vanderbilt.  PSU is totally tone deaf.

    Baylor is not the reason we left the Big 12.  There have been scandals in the SEC as well.  Recruiting was the reason we moved.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 2 hours ago, statsman said:

    Oh, really? Where is the official report and accounting on Baylor? I can’t find it when I google, just references to “oral reports to the regents” and settlements with accusers, with NDAs attached. 

    You should have stopped while you simply looked biased, not ridiculous.  You can't even look up Wikipedia?  Try Baylor and Scandal.  Sandusky and Scandal.  Michigan St. and Scandal.  Baylor is not the only school to have turned a blind eye to sexual assault issues.  Florida St., Missouri and Notre Dame have similar stories on a single victim.

  13. https://247sports.com/college/arizona/article/pac-12-propoganda-and-inside-story-failed-media-deal-214257173/

    Scheer's retrospective.

    "...Meanwhile, Arizona president Robert C. Robbins had already made up his mind. Colorado going to the Big 12 was one of the worst kept secrets in college athletics. If George Kliavkoff did not know that the Buffs were leaving the conference, he deserved to be fired on the spot. Most schools were operating under the belief that Colorado was gone and it was just a matter of time.

    Arizona may not have been at that level, but the administration was planning the departure for longer than any of the remaining schools. The idea that Robbins deserved an Oscar or was openly telling people he was staying is something that nobody would confirm to us, likely because it was not true.

    Our source was consistent with its messaging for months: “Everything is on track.” Those four words indicated that a Big 12 move was the plan unless the Pac-12 came back with some remarkable numbers.

    We do acknowledge that Crow tried to ruin the entire thing, though Robbins was planning to go without ASU and ask for forgiveness later if he had to.

    At the Arizona Board of Regents meeting on August 4, sources that were in the room said that Crow was “embarrassing” in his behavior. At that point there were multiple people in the ASU Athletic Department that recognized the need to move to the Big 12, but convincing Crow was a completely different animal. Arizona left the meeting with the belief that it would still wind up in the Big 12, but Crow had not done the Wildcats any favors.

    The following day was the craziest day of the realignment process. We reported earlier that week that Oregon and Washington already had their invitations to the Big 10 and were ready to accept them. There was going to be one more meeting on that Friday morning and schools would show up out of professional courtesy and all the moves would be made...."

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 15 minutes ago, Texas Wahoo said:

    It's a small point, but which school is better in academics is arguable.  Miami does better in metrics that favor smaller private schools, like US News, but NC State ranks higher in R&D and is slightly higher in QS World University Rankings.

    I doubt it matters because I do not think the SEC is taking either of them, but if you are the SEC, at some point you do not need more schools in the same state.  I doubt they would want three Florida schools.

    Miami just got admitted to the AAU, so that trumps NCSU.

  15. 38 minutes ago, statsman said:

    You have expressed time and time again how you wish the B12 would hold together for the smaller programs like the B10 and SEC do. You express a kinship with Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Indiana and MSU, wishing ISU could have the same security of a stable conference, a place at the grownups’ table with no fear of being cast out like the SEC left behinds or the PAC-4. 
    I don’t think Florida, in 2008, had to worry about Alabama organizing a voting campaign to keep them out of the BCS game. I don’t think Michigan has to worry about Purdue covering up a gang rape scandal (don’t throw PSU at me- that all came out in the news, unlike with our Baptist friends). When conference networks were suggested in the B10 and SEC, they were evaluated and adopted, not rejected like in the B12 when Texas brought it up. (Then, we heard a dozen years of carping about how selfish Texas is for hogging its tier 3 rights and not sharing them with the conference, that was evidently unable on its own to have any value in its tier 3). 
    Yeah, it’s Texas’ fault. 
    Ever notice that Texas never plays FCS teams? Ever think that Texas might appreciate it if no one in the B12 did, either, as a way of improving the media contract value? But, that would give up an auto win and endanger making a bowl game. 
    But the SEC plays FCS teams! The SEC also plays league games in week 1. Ever think about trying that, again, to contribute to the media contract value? 
    Did you notice how Northwestern responded to a gambling scandal? Oops! I mean a hazing scandal. 
    I’m just throwing this out there- maybe ISU, TT, OSU, KSU and BU aren’t the great conference mates you think you are. 

    Uh, everyone at Penn St. knew Sandusky was a problem in 2001.  Some knew in 1998.  It wasn't until 2011 that it came out.

    Baylor only took about 4 years to come out.  Not to excuse Baylor, but Penn St. and Michigan St. (2011 notification by government, fired Nassar in 2016) were every bit as bad in their coverups if not worse.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  16. 4 hours ago, bolverk said:

    And then there's Houston... It looks like the *only* reason you'd ever want them is just for the market. Props to UTSA and Texas State for almost reaching Houston revenue levels though.

    Another surprise was how far down Okie Lite is, especially compared to Tech and Iowa State.

    Again, you have to look at student fees as well.  U of H is 8.5 million.  UTSA is about $14 million and Texas St. is $19 million.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. 5 hours ago, Hurtlocker said:

    That's an interesting way of looking at it.   Sometimes school funds are there to support a lot of non-revenue sports, just two ways of tackling Title IX.   You can either offer the exact same amount of opportunities, which means cutting mens sports not named football and adding more womens, or you can offer all of the sports possible and don't need to balance the scales.

    Though, sometimes its because sports gets you on tv and you need to be on tv, so spend the cash.

    Both JMU and Old Dominion are exploding in growth because UVA and VTech just can't grow as fast as the state is.   UVA is still 22k students, while if they were like other land grant schools, they'd be 50-60k easy.   What I didn't expect to see though is JMU with nearly twice the revenue as Washington State.   Yeeeooch. 

    JMU and ODU have massive student fees.  JMU is $45 million.  ODU is $31 million.  WSU has 1.28 million in student fees along with $14 million in institutional support.

  18. 4 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

    I think 80 is the right number, personally. 64 leaves too many good fanbases out and results in too many losses each season for the top teams. That would be a shock to the system when solid top 25 teams are 6-6.

    That's historically been the number "truly" in the top division.  When the CFA existed, it had 63-66 schools while the Big 10/Pac 10 alliance had 20.  Some independents and Big West and MAC were left out.   When they set up tiered voting rights in the 90s, the Big West and MAC with their 20 schools got 1 vote each while the 85 in the other conferences got 3 votes for their conferences.  CUSA and WAC had the 3 votes (until the WAC split into MWC and WAC).


    • Hook 'Em 1
  19. 4 hours ago, Texas Wahoo said:

    Louisville is probably overlooked because they do not really have a path to joining the Big Ten or SEC.  The Big Ten is never going to invite them for academic reasons and the SEC is not going to invite them as a second school in the state of Kentucky.

    Louisville has a sweetheart deal with their arena, so they punch above their weight in revenue.

  20. 5 hours ago, statsman said:

    The problem is conferences have to weigh adding teams to strengthen the conference vs. conference members’ desire to maximize their own team’s outlook. Yes, FSU and Clemson are competitive at very high levels. Yes, they would like to be in the SEC. Yes, ESPN might like them in the SEC (maybe not- that’s a sweet deal for ESPN the ACC has). But, what’s in it for MSU? Or Arkansas?

    Maybe the right end result is two conferences having a lot more money than the others, but the others are allowed into the playoffs. They might even win a first round game, as TCU did. 
    TCU won, because it had a modern offense, and a puncher’s chance, and they made it. Duggan carried the ball 15 times against Michigan. Very few QBs can do that two games in a row against top defenses, and be effective in the second game. No B12 OL and DL can be competitive two games in a row. That’s the advantage the B10 and SEC have - the line play. 
    So we can have a future where five conferences send teams to the playoffs, but only B10 and SEC teams ever make it to the semifinals. 

    That's the advantage Ohio St and Michigan and SEC teams have.  And only Ohio St., Michigan, USC and SEC teams make it to the semi-finals.

  21. 1 hour ago, gatormarc said:

    Maybe some but not nearly enough. Miami had to take money from their med school recently to cover an athletic deficit.

    So it looks like you went back 20 years to find one example of a year that they had decent draw.

    I'm not sure that's proving the point you think it is.


    61,000 in 2018 is pretty good (BTW it was just less-about 58k in 2017).  There are only 23 schools that have averaged over 60k for the last 4 years and only ND, Clemson, FSU and Virginia Tech are not in the P2.

  22. 2 hours ago, gatormarc said:

    Let's not confuse Miami today with 40 years ago.

    Miami doesn't draw even 70k during good seasons.

    Their last good season they did pull in a couple of games where they claimed mid-60s but you could see 10k empty seats in the stands. And that's when they had somehow managed to get into the top 5.

    Maybe when Notre Dame or FSU comes to town, they will have legit 65k because the other school takes 25k tickets.

    The other half of the winning season schedule, they are claiming 45-50k attendance but it's a half empty stadium.

    Maybe those fans were generating revenue ordering beer?!

    They drew 55,000 last year, 44,000 the year before that, 53,000 in 2019,  and 61,000 in 2018.  They were as bad as 28k in 1997, but as good as just under 70k in 2002.

  23. 1 hour ago, 89Horn said:

    I agree.  I don’t know, maybe two divisions with four conferences.  Each of the four conferences could comprise of 16 schools each.  Maybe loosely organized by geographic region.  Does that sound crazy?

    I just don't think they would go down to 40.  More likely is Prestige Worldwide with 12-16 schools and other conferences with another 50 or so.

  24. 17 hours ago, gatormarc said:

    Feels like the bubble is really close to popping when they are still pushing the idea of selling ads based on the size of the market rather than if anyone is actually watching them.

    It's like how they keep bringing up Miami as an expansion option.

    Sure they have no fanbase.

    Sure no one in Miami watches them.

    But Miami is a big market and we can sell ads like the first 2 sentences weren't true.

    People follow Miami when they win.  They draw close to 70k in their good seasons.

    Now in their bad seasons, they may be in the 20s.  They are like UofH, stuck in a pro sports market without a large diehard fan base.

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