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Posts posted by bullet

  1. 1 hour ago, BigHornedLurker said:

    To be fair , a lot has changed in the past year. 

    I think if these old geezers saw NIL come to fruition in conjunction with SEC TV money running away their opinions would probably been more favorable 

    Million dollar NILs for QBs who haven't started a game, big contracts for high school seniors, a way around scholarship limits for BYU....A lot of stuff has been a big change.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Gidnik said:

    i realize powers is dead. 

    Dr. Cunningham is probably rolling over in his office in the UT Law School.  He nearly got UT in the Pac in 1990 and pushed the Big 12 project as chancellor.  He never wanted the SEC.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Hurtlocker said:

    The ones that made the most sense to me were:

    1) slowing down the playoff expansion, mostly to slow down ESPN.  The desire here being to take it out to bid in 2025 to multiple networks, like the NFL, to limit ESPNs power.

    2) discussions on other rules they want in the playoffs, like Rose status or max teams per conference, which is also why they don't need the Big 12 in the room, as the only power 5 who crafted it were Bowlsby/Sanky


    Still doesn't make much sense.  Sounds like a temper tantrum.

  4. 7 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    That's why UT needs to be doing even more to to develop it's system schools like UTD and encouraging students who don't qualify for the Austin campus to go there by giving them some hope that they can transfer in later. 

    UTD may be tougher to get into than UT.  UTD and UTA quit the auto transfer program

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 2 hours ago, utee94 said:

    You're focusing on the wrong part.  From 1996 thru 2010, Texas continuously asked for-- and received-- a bigger share of the revenue.  But the point is, that Texas A&M and Nebraska both did, as well.  A disparity in revenues received, or simply for the desire for unequal revenue sharing, is not what drove A&M away.  Because alongside Texas and Nabraska, Texas A&M voted in favor of unequal revenue sharing at every single B12 vote, as well.

    The ags and Nebraska also both voted against a conference network, alongside Texas.  And that's when both Texas and Nebraska began pursuing the idea of individual team networks.

    So yes, the author gets it dramatically wrong in numerous instances.  But Texas did indeed vote for, and receive, a larger share of revenue, for the first decade and a half of the B12's existence.  So did A&M. So did Nebraska.


    Texas A&M, Nebraska, Missouri and Colorado, along with Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas, supported the merit based revenue system.  Note that 6 of those 7 have left.

  6. On 8/3/2021 at 4:56 PM, maninblack said:

    Finebaum just said again that he believes it will be some type of pod configuration and it won't be as it is today.

    Well the ones proposed here don't comply with NCAA rules.  You can't have a ccg without playing a round robin.

    If its a pod system, it has to be rotating pods.  You have two pods making up an 8 team division.  2 years later you pair different pods.  2 years later you pair a 3rd way.  So you get your pod every year and everyone else 2 out of 6 years even with a 7 game schedule.  With 8 or 9 you can include some every year non-pod rivalries.

    The one that seems to make the most sense for competitive balance is:

    East Kentucky, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida

    South Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee, Vanderbilt

    Central LSU, Ole Miss, Mississippi St., Texas A&M

    West Texas, OU, Arkansas, Missouri.

    4 out of 6 years, Texas could play aggy in the 8th game.  Same for Georgia-Auburn, Alabama-LSU, Kentucky-Tennessee, Ole Miss-Vanderbilt and perhaps Arkansas-Mississippi St., OU-Florida and Missouri-South Carolina.



  7. On 8/2/2021 at 1:05 PM, mdmost said:

    If the Georgia-Auburn and LSU-Florida rivalries matter then the SEC will have to find a way to keep those going with pods or divisions. If it's pods then everyone is getting a dedicated rivalry game they play against another pod. That way no one needs to be paired up with a specific team. I think for the sake of balance, they will make changes that make geographic sense while also knocking out a rivalry game in the process such as pairing up Alabama in a pod with Tennessee. Then Alabama is free to have a yearly rivalry game with LSU. Texas and OU don't necessarily have to be partnered together in a pod if there's a dedicated rivalry game. Logistically it makes sense to have Texas and OU together. Then you open up those two to another cross pod rival like Arkansas for Texas or Mizzou for Oklahoma. 

    The sooner we get clarification on when Texas and OU can leave the Big 12, the sooner will get movement on how the divisions or pods will be laid out. 

    LSU has been trying to dump the Florida every year game.  But Georgia-Auburn is important.

  8. 14 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    Zero chance we're staying until the GOR is up.  

    We'll negotiate and pay a greatly reduced exit amount, same as every other school that has exited a conference over the past 11 years.



    As long as ESPN is cooperative and doesn't get too stingy with the Remaining 8 before the end of the contract.

    If they are, then it all gets nasty because that is big bucks.

  9. 2 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    First of all, my comments on Texas moving to the SEC were heavily focused on the reaction of the faculty. Telling the UT faculty that the Land Grant farm schools are their peers and that UT faculty will collaborate with those other schools on academic issues is laughable. There is a reason the Land Grant farm schools of the SEC have failed to deliver the intellectual capital necessary for the SEC states to create any semblance of economic growth in that region. There is also a reason the area surrounding Austin has long had the intellectual capital necessary to drive the Texas economy through the technological revolution of the past 40 years.

    As for the media rights of the five schools I mentioned, none of them are significantly higher than any other the others. None of them are national brands of any value. I mentioned nothing about the value of UT's media rights relative to any of those five schools. I'm not following your comment of Texas' media rights doubling the value of those other schools. Had I said anything about UT's rights values, I probably would have said they are about four times that of the "abandoned five."

    And no, I am not ready to embrace the SEC. I am not a fan of it, but I wasn't asked to make the call. Hartzell, Eltife and CDC are running the show, and I defer to their judgement. That doesn't mean I am in any way looking forward to having a bunch of inbred smoothbores from that hotbed of generational poverty known as the SEC running around Austin during home football games. Nor will I be heading to the shitholes of that part of the world to watch UT play.

    It's a business decision. That's all it is. I don't see them as friends, peers or equals. And Hell will freeze before I "brand myself with the SEC logo."

    Thanks for playing. Try to pay more attention next time.

    Have a nice day.

    I agree with you on not branding with the SEC logo.  As for the rest, its good that most of Texas doesn't have that Austin arrogance.  That's not a UT thing, its an Austin thing.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 hour ago, 'stache said:

    The leftover 8 plus BYU and Houston is not a P5 league. It is G6. 

    Its like Big East 3.0 (sans Miami, VT and BC), which was actually normally better than the Big 10 and ACC at the time.  When the MWC with BYU, TCU and Utah was trying to get BCS status, it was because their metrics were beating the Big 10 in most categories, NOT the Big East.

    Their money would clearly be 5th, but still well ahead of AAC, likely midway between them and Pac 12/ACC.


  11. 2 hours ago, DFW Horn said:

    Which D1 basketball leagues do you propose disqualifying - or relegating - from the NCAA Tournament and why? If the NCAA can do this objectively with real data I have no problem with thinning the herd. To your point, there probably aren't 360 teams capable of winning it all. But, I still enjoy watching a #15 seed beat #2 and other surprises.

    2 vs. 15 is almost always very boring.  There were 250 teams in the 80s.  If you dropped 10 conferences, nobody would notice (probably not even fans of those schools as they hardly have any).  Hardly anybody would notice if you dropped 15.  UNCC was an "underdog" when they made the final 4 in '77.  So were Western Kentucky and Jacksonville earlier in the decade.

  12. 16 hours ago, Michael Knight said:

    Alot of that is the channel and timeslot they are in. And of course opponent Aggy gets a boost cause they play 2 teams people want to see every year.

    And the author points out those limitations.  Its by no means a perfect measure of how attractive to TV those teams are.  But it is a measure and not just pure speculation.

  13. On 8/12/2021 at 8:51 AM, immamac said:

    I don't think win is even the right word here. Before colt went down Alabama was lost. They were completely getting blasted, their fans were so deflated because they knew there was a 0% chance of winning. 

    Colt getting a freak injury doesn't take the championship away from Alabama, but they were going to get blown out. 

    Mack would have been a legend retiring after that game and handing the keys to muschamp, from muschamp coaching resume since then I think it's safe to say anyone that took over from Mack was going to have a bad time, just not charlie fucking strong levels of bad time. I think muschamp would have been hermanesque at best. 

    That tells you everything you need to know about the man's legacy. He didn't know when to hang it up to undoubtedly cement his legacy for Texas and it cost him everything. 2005 was VYs MNC not Mack Browns. He doesn't get to be around the program any more. He doesn't rub elbows with the BoR or BMD. He's a fucking nobody, cast off to a UNC school that plays patty cake every weekend but 3 so he can feel good about 8 win seasons as his butter teeth slowly melt away.

    Mack Brown Mr. Fuck You Pay Me


    What a horrible take. All of that is true through 2009 and you would have been right. What he did after that is what destroyed everything. 

    In fairness to Mack, its really hard to do what Nick Saban does and NOT get complacent.  The whole coaching staff got complacent on recruiting after 2005.  And then they had really good years the next 4 years, not giving them that incentive to pick it up.  By that time, the talent was depleted and just wasn't top 10 caliber, regardless of what the recruiting rankings said.  And the offense was too dependent on the QB.  Gilbert didn't have "it" and Ash had concussions.  So we were left with someone recruited to be a taxi squad QB-Case McCoy.  We were mediocre and then we hired a truly lazy and stupid coach and got worse.

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