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Posts posted by bullet

  1. 1 hour ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    The only think Mackovic knew how to coach was offense... which is why, for the first time in UT history, we scored more than 30 points at home and still lost against CU.... we couldnt stop a wet paper bag on defense, and that game sealed the hesiman for Salaam.  

    yet even when coaching offense, you knew if it was 3rd and 12 or more, in Texas territory, that a delayed draw play up the middle was gonna get called.... the amazing part was we did it like clockwork 3-5 times a game... and yet converted around 40% of the fucking time

    gotta be honest.   I played cooed college softball to try to get the girls.... maybe same thing going on with that HP game?

    Yeah.  I could pretty well call Mackovic's plays.  Never understood why it continued to surprise the opposing defenses.  Roll left, yes, that was a surprise, but not in retrospect.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Hurtlocker said:

    The Big 12 doesn't have camera crews, the legal issues would be between the SEC and Big 12, not the schools.   Even in the SEC the conference controls the broadcast rights, in their case on yearly GoRs instead of multi-year (unless they changed that with the new ESPN deal).  They either can't sell them to ESPN, because they don't own anything to sell, or the check gets mailed to the Big 12, instead of Texas/OU, for media revenue until the GoR expires.    These are not unique documents, they are used all the time in broadcasting/entertainment.

    But, the larger point is it will either be ridden out to avoid all negotiations, or there will be a settlement.  

    I wonder if there is a dichotomy in value.  The huge rating games have huge value.  Meanwhile the mass games (Iowa St.-Kansas St., Iowa-Purdue, Utah-Arizona, etc.) aren't increasing in value?  The remainder may not be much worse in average ratings than the Pac 12, but they don't have any USC-UCLA or Stanford-Washington type games that draw big numbers.  They just fill the schedule.

  3. https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/a-look-at-whats-ahead-for-the-pac-12-with-realignment-set-to-shake-up-college-football-once-again/

    "...Industry sources tell CBS Sports there is no combination of remaining Big 12 schools that would bring value to the Pac-12.

    The Big 12 remains the only Power Five conference with a smaller membership than the Pac-12. Does staying at 12 teams make the Pac-12 more vulnerable now that the Texas-Oklahoma move has begun rumblings about the emergence of four "superconferences"?

    "You have to be strategic," Oregon athletic director Rob Mullens said. "Number [of teams] is one piece of the strategy, but you have to think big. I'm not ready to make a definitive answer on a number yet....""

  4. 11 minutes ago, mchookem said:

    mormons actually settled most of what we consider the 'old west'.

    which i learned along with other interesting mormon facts when i read Under the Banner of Heaven (history of mormons/LDS by John Krakauer who also wrote Into Thin Air and Into the Wild). do recommend.

    Into Thin Air i a great book.  Also a good read is "The Climb" which is a different perspective on that same Everest disaster from the Russian guide Boukreev, who Krakauer faults.  Think of Krakauer as KSU's president and Boukreev as UT's president writing a book on the recent events.

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  5. 22 minutes ago, Hurtlocker said:

    Reporting from NoVa - no one gives a shit about the Cavs here, except for alumni and its a small school.  Its a very fractured market for brands in general and there are so many colleges within 5 hours that no one brings the state, let alone the metros.   

    The eastern side of the Potomac is basically the Redskins, then the Caps/Nats, then the Steelers, then the Ravens, then a chasm the size of Florida until you get to Maryland/Penn State, and that's only because Georgetown isn't a basketball power any more.   

    On the NoVa side of the river its the same Redskins/Nats/Caps/Steelers, then another major chasm before you get to college sports.   When you do the two biggest are likely VTech and WVU, who both have alumni all over the area.   (Morgantown isn't much further away than UVA is, and Vtech is two hours further out from both).   Honestly, the biggest college football game that matters in the region is likely the Army/Navy game as there is no dominant college sport presence in the area.  If I polled 100 random people I bet less than 5% would even know a single conference connected to a school.

    On my list, UVA is #53 in average attendance, just ahead of Stanford.

  6. 31 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    it's like aggy financials.... inconvenient line items are simply ignored and not calcuated

    abracadabra, 100% narrative alignment compliance!

    Well Texas and OU can simply go to the SEC in 2022, leaving $35 million in distributions and refusing to let Big 12 camera crews into the stadium and just tell the Big 12 to sue.  Texas and OU will have the money and the keys to the stadiums and the Big 12 will only have lawyers.  That's a strong position.  So its in the Big 12's interest to settle.  And its in UT/OU and ESPN's interest to settle as there is always the possibility of losses in courts and injunctions that make life difficult for everyone.  And the losses could be big.

  7. 1 hour ago, Eugene11 said:

    Anyone with half a brain saw this all coming at some point when Nebraska and aggy left the conference.  I knew it was a matter of time. They both surprised the conference when they announced leaving. Or at least aggy certainly did. I never got this mad or upset and blamed them or their ADs or thought we should go to state legislature about it. 
    wtf is going on with these fuck heads?   Is it really just that we carry them that much and they know it but can’t admit it? 


    Plus a lot of the country just hates the state of Texas.  Its been that way for a long time.  Its not just the current red team/blue team political environment, but that contributes.

  8. 11 hours ago, TKthunder2 said:

    My 64: Take all the P5 public flagships of every state —33

    Take any blueblood football or basketball school that got left out: Notre Dame, USC, Duke, UCLA —37

    add in elite private schools that other universities want to be associated with: Stanford, Vandy, Northwestern —40

    add in any missing P5’s in the top 40 all time fb wins: Auburn, Clemson, aggy, VA Tech, GA Tech, Pitt, Syracuse, Michigan St, Boston College, TCU —50

    add in any missing P5’s in top 25 all time bball wins: Purdue, Oregon St, NCSU, Louisville, Oklahoma St—55

    add any schools that have won multiple national championships fb or bb in the modern era (1950 or after) Miami, Florida St —57

    now looks at FBS fb playing schools with multiple fb/bb national championships in the modern era from outside the P5: SMU, Cincy, UConn —60

    Finally you look for political coverage which will likely require another Texas school in Tech the largest public school remaining, WSU and ASU have laws that they have to be in the same conference as UW/AZ. —63 jeez

    and then add Boise St because they are popular —64

    This cuts out: Baylor, K State, ISU, Miss St, Wake Forest



    But wait, here’s another way:
    Take the 65 P5s and cut out any duplicate markets, if California has 4 and Florida has 3 Texas should have 4 and every other state should be capped at 2 until you get to states with less than 4 million in population which should be limited to 1.  This allows everyone to remain except Baylor, Purdue, NCSU, Wake Forest, Mississippi State, Kansas State, and Iowa St which drops the list down to 58, then add the best remaining non P5 following the same rules: Buffalo (#2 NY team, population 20mil/2=10mil), Cincy (#2 Ohio 12mil/2=6mil) UConn (#1 CT team 3.6 mil), UMass (#2 team 3.5 mil), Colorado St (#2 3 mil), Nevada (#1 3 mil), LA Tech or Tulane (#2 2.5 mil), UNM (#1 2.1 mil), Boise St (#1 1.8 mil)


    My point simply is look at these two ways you can decide this, by history and success or by markets and you generally find the same group of schools getting cut: Baylor, Kansas St, Iowa St, Wake Forest, Mississippi St and half of this list is the left behind Big 12 schools.

    This is why the outlook for Baylor, K State, and Iowa State aren’t so good.

    Another way is to look at football attendance.  If you take the top 64 in football attendance over the last 4 years, Boston College is #64 at 34,972.  Just missing the cut: South Florida and San Diego St. with over 34k.  Then its a drop to 32k for Boise, Navy and Cincinnati, 31k for Houston and Army.  Non P5s who make it: #30 BYU, #55 UCF, #60 East Carolina and #62 Memphis.  P5s out of luck, #72 Washington St. (30,572), #74 Vanderbilt (29,229), #78 Duke (27,287), #79 Wake Forest (27,183) and #80 Kansas (26,442).

    Baylor is #46 at 44,130; Kansas St. #35 at 50,444; Iowa St. #31 at 56,573 and Miss. St. #26 at 57,664.  Some of the teams in small markets have really good fan support.  Whereas Big 10 schools are in the #56-#59 spots-Illinois, Northwestern, Rutgers and Maryland, all below 40k.  Big 10 has 7 of the top 21 in attendance, but the other 7 are from #43 to #59.

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  9. What's a CR thread without a worthless Greg Swaim tweet?  (for those too new, it was a Greg Swaim tweet that started the Shaggy Bevo CR thread).
    This merger talk has been going on for almost two weeks, but a merger between the #Pac12 and remaining #Big12 allows both conferences to stay together, play their traditional rivals, add no additional travel (if two division winners play for the automatic Playoff qualifier spot.
    Quote Tweet
    · Jul 21
    This moving fast, as I'm getting calls, texts and e-mails now saying #Pac12 wants to add #OKState, #TexasTech, #KState and #ISU to go to 16 teams and those four in division with #SunDevils, #BearDown, #Utes and #Buffs.
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  10. 5 minutes ago, Hermanator said:

    Best case scenario would be KU going to big 10, Mizzou going with them, and the full press on to convince ND that the landscape is changing fast and if they want to keep up and have a chance to compete taking that vacated SEC spot is the way to do it. 

    No Yankees in the SEC.  KSU or KU would be ok, not ND.

  11. 1 hour ago, KYHorn said:

    Iowa on there twice, so you're short one

    And as the former ESPN President said, basketball bluebloods are important-KU, UK, UNC, Duke and Indiana are in, although Duke could be arguable as bad as they are and as little fan support as they have.  Kentucky actually is usually top 25 in attendance and has more recent SEC titles than the Mississippi schools.

  12. 19 hours ago, 'stache said:

    Heard a rumor that is supposedly credible that some Big 10 officials were in Stillwater this weekend. I have no doubt we are shooting our shot with them despite having almost no chance, but you gotta try. The best part if something like that were to happen is that it was David Boren's dream for OU to make the Big 10 for both academic and athletic prestige. Again, I know its like .00000001%, but a boy can dream.

    Maybe they are looking at your wrestling team.

  13. 40 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    What happened in that game is exactly what underdogs face in the SEC. The SEC doesn't have favorite teams like lots of them complain about, they have a consistent pattern of making terrible calls in favor of the higher ranked team, I'm sure purely by coincidence.

    This is true.  My concern with the SEC is that they don't protect the players.  Late hits out of bounds are ok.  And they allow some late hits on QBs, let alone RBs.

    In fairness to the Big 12, nobody is as bad as the Pac refs.  Their calls are so bad you can't even link it to corruption.  You can't figure out why they call what they do!

  14. 55 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    The only team Mackovic had that was good was 1995. The Nebraska game makes people forget all the horrible underachieving that team did in 1996.

    And this despite having tons of future NFL players at every position on offense. In fact Mackovic's teams were probably more talented than Mack's last 4. He left the cupboard full for Mack...at least on offense.

    That team that beat Nebraska had 2 future NFL rushing leaders as its 2nd and 3rd running backs (Ricky and Priest).  Shon Mitchell (#1) might have been great if he hadn't gotten hurt.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 29 minutes ago, Eskimohorn said:

    Better than nothing. How Mack Brown only won 2 is crazy. And we were two seconds away from choking away another.

    From 2000-2009 UT had the best record in college football.  Mack only won 2 conference titles and he should have won 3 MNCs and played for a 4th (but gotten stomped by Miami), but for his failure to put Major in, his using Colt on QB sneaks and Mike Leach in 2008 making sure UT didn't get in with his poll vote, his fold vs. OU and the game in Lubbock.

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  16. 12 minutes ago, TKthunder2 said:

    Literally any school in the SWC would have been better than Baylor.

    The Waco market is a non factor, Houston or DFW would have been better.  Baylor’s academics were far behind SMU and Rice.  And competitively they fucking sucked too.

    Seriously, the lege forcing Baylor on the Big 12 was asinine.  Why force a small market private school only 90 miles away from UT/aggy versus getting another public like UH, or a private school in a major metro?  Nepotism at its finest.

    At the time (1994), Baylor's program was heads above the other 4 in competitiveness and fan support.  They just quickly sunk into the gutter in more ways than one.  And they are much bigger than SMU, TCU and Rice.

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  17. 43 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Would make me chuckle if the SEC said "sorry Clemson and FSU but you see we have these gentlemen's agreements not to take other schools from the same state as existing SEC members". 

    My other thought, this is going to make doing pods a lot harder with 18 members. 

    Well with 18, you have 8 division games so it makes it a lot harder to keep non-pod rivalries.

  18. 1 hour ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    I’m guessing it’s a wait and see thing. KU or any school worth anything is looking to bolt ASAP and the conference may crumble without the need to pay any buy outs. 

    No insight.  But I'm guessing both sides do nothing for a few weeks to see if the other reaches out first, all the while paying lawyers to work on things.

    Then somebody on the UT or OU board of regents talks to friends on other boards and eventually the two sides lawyers start talking.

  19. 50 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    My two favorite "fake aggy" letters are 1) the 2013 Auburn one where the fan got lost seven times between where he parked his car and the stadium and 2) the 2020 Florida one where the "fan" was glad Florida lost because A&M "deserved the win" more than Florida.

    That whole series of fake letters is a simply fascinating peek into the aggy mindset.

    Sounds like Figurelli's work.

  20. 1 hour ago, ABSR said:

    The Big 12 WAS one of the autonomous 5 conferences.  Once the move is done it will become, or shortly become, autonomous 4 or Power 4.

    A conference with Oklahoma State or Tech (or pick any other Irate 8 school) as the lead dog is how that conference will be defined, and all of the candidates to join the Big 12 don't elevate it's profile, or more importantly it's financial position, ...or they would have been added before this.

    And with the incredibly poor leadership shown by Bowlsby and the Big 12, why would anyone want to leave their conference to join them which would generally be a lateral move to what likely may be a dying conference.  Additionally, there is no remaining Irate 8 school that every believes would not jump at the chance to move to one of the remaining P4 conferences.  So why do a lateral move to a conference with poor leadership filled with schools that are hoping and praying to find a new/better landing spot.

    Having said this I agree with most posters that I hope all the teams (excluding Baylor) find a good place to land.


    Nobody is going to remove the "A" label from the Big 12.  The college presidents simply will not do that.  The media is already removing the "P" label.

    The Big 12 will retain a status above the other conferences as long as the NCAA doesn't get pushed to the side (not that it won't happen).  They just aren't going to be in a hurry to dump on the remaining 8, just as they weren't with the Big East until they completely eviscerated it.

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