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Posts posted by bullet

  1. 2 hours ago, Orange&White said:

    From 73 to 81, the drinking  age in Texas was 18. From 81 to 86 it was 19. It was raised back to 21 in 1986.

    And with my full time in college being with an 18 year old drinking age, its hard to imagine it any other way.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 30 minutes ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    Speaking of Lone Star and maybe you or someone can answer this for me….  A couple of years ago, we went to a bar in Austin ( forgot the name right now) and it was probably filled with folks from their 20s to the 40s, maybe older….  Anyhow they had huge beer selection, leaning heavily on Crafts and brands  from Texas , but also your  typical domestic (piss waters)  and well known international beers from Mexico, etc.    But the majority of the folks walking around with a bottle  had a Lone Star.  I’m like what the heck with all the brands available on tap, can, or bottle are they drinking Lone Star.  I mean that was our cheap go to instead of The Beast ( Milwaukee’s Best) or it was easily accessible because many of parents kept some in stock back in the day.  If you want to show your Texas, Shiner Bock is much better choice, IMO.    

    My son says a lot drink PBR here in the Deep South-the cheap go to.  Maybe Lone Star is still the cheap go to even for 20 somethings in Texas.

  3. 3 hours ago, clapclapclap said:

    Tceh+TCU+Baylor is probably a political move.  If no P4 bites, then they can tell the politicians, "Hey, we tried."  Doesn't stop them from later shopping around or accepting lone offers.

    Likely a non-starter for the Pac (unless Fox/USC is/are really pushing this for some reason) and B1G, but in theory has a shot at working with the ACC.  Last week the previous ESPN president, John Skipper, said that while basketball is only about 20% of a school's value, in the ACC it's more like 35%.  So Baylor's title and recent bball history might save them.  I wouldn't predict it, but possible.  But in that scenario does the ACC really need TCU?

    OTOH, Skipper also said the ACC is concerned about saving spot 16 for ND.  Which makes no sense to me, why is 16 a magical number that no conference might go beyond?  Obviously if the B1G raids the best of the Pac, they aren't taking just 2 (non-football travel too painful if you don't have enough schools for a west coast division/pod/commune).  I have a hard time believing any conference would ever turn down ND.  And I'm skeptical that we'll ever end up with a tidy 4x16.

    The reason for saving 16 for ND is so that you don't have to go beyond 16.  With 16 you can offer ND a 7 game conference schedule, giving them some scheduling flexibility.  With 18, you have to play 8 to finish division play (yes there's all this division-less stuff out there, but it is not allowed now and no guarantee it will be).  Plus with 18 it gets harder and harder to pretend you are one conference and not two conferences joined by a TV contract.

  4. 4 hours ago, HookEm said:

    TCU does NOT bring the metroplex. Tech needs to distance themselves from every school except Oklahoma State.  And possibly Kansas.

    I went to LinkedIn and pulled alumni by school for DFW and Houston metro areas.  Tech has just about as many alumni in DFW as UT and also has a decent presence in Houston.  That is beyond their strong position in the 2M population in the Panhandle and South Plains.

    They need to be marketing to the PAC-10 that they give them:

    1. A foothold in Texas for recruiting
    2. Eyeballs in DFW and Houston
    3. Central time-zone game times
    4. Competitive teams in most sports
    5. Improving academics
    6. A very willing and motivated partner in Oklahoma State

    Dallas + Ft Worth

    • 142,027 – North Texas
    • 110,037 – UT Arlington
    • 76,036 – UT Dallas 
    • 63,992 – Texas A&M
    • 47,212 – UT Austin
    • 47,039 – Texas Tech
    • 42,684 – SMU
    • 31,061 – TCU
    • 22,230 – Baylor
    • 17,797 – OU
    • 16,703 – Texas State
    • 15,297 – OSU
    • 11,319 – Arkansas
    • 9,896 – Houston
    • 8,091 – LSU
    • 5,719 – UTSA


    • 158,631 – Houston
    • 84,608 – Texas A&M
    • 52,535 – UT Austin
    • 30,912 – Texas Tech
    • 22,065 – Texas State
    • 14,807 – LSU
    • 12,337 – Baylor
    • 9,986 – UTSA
    • 9,016 – North Texas
    • 8,650 – UT-Arlington
    • 6,405 – OU
    • 5,372 – OSU
    • 4,280 – SMU
    • 3,794 – UT Dallas

    Houston would be vastly better than Baylor for a variety of reasons. The PAC-12 could do MUCH worse than a 4-some of Tech, Okie State, Houston and Kansas.  

    In 30 years in Houston I ran across 2 Texas Tech grads.  Ran into far more LSU, Baylor and even Texas St. people.  And UT-Dallas 3rd in DFW?  Until recently it was a very small school.  These numbers look suspicious.  As for aggy in DFW, A&M was a smaller school than UT until the last 10 years when they decided to supersize to keep Rick Perry happy.  They were much smaller prior to the 1990s.

    • Like 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, Horn of Gabriel said:

    Let’s get the usual troupes out of the way:

    - Austin isn’t big enough
    - not enough corporate sponsors
    - Cowboys will block it
    - Longhorns will block it
    - city council will block it
    - no good Stadium location

    Austin's nearly twice as big as Buffalo, let alone Jacksonville.  But UT isn't going to allow them to use the stadium.  I don't see Austin building a stadium.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 2 hours ago, 6th Street said:

    When I think of Deep South I think of:




    toothless hicks





    That's sad.  It conjures up in my mind pictures like that one of the Ole Miss girls 20 or so pages back.  

  7. 4 hours ago, WBT said:

    And when I ordered iced tea I didn't have to answer a dumbass followup question.  It's the dismal tide.

    If you are in the rest of the SEC country you HAVE to remember to specifically order unsweetened tea.  And 1 out of 5 times they will bring you tea poured in a sugar bowl anyways.  Spent a week in Houston, came back to Georgia and forgot to specify.  First sip was some nasty, nasty stuff.

  8. 15 hours ago, BachelorTrek said:

    This native Texan ALWAYS insists on his sweet tea.

    In the Houston area Shiner Bock was not available in the '70s-- showed up sometime in the '80s. There was only regular Shiner in the stores, now known as "Shiner Premium."

    The only thing you got right was beef BBQ.

    You must be another youngin'.

    The Shiner bock reference was for the young ones, especially since I don't really drink Lone Star.  I'm old enough to remember when Coors was new to Texas (think it hit Dallas in the 70s).  And was on the 40 acres when Earl and DKR were still there.

    As for the sweet tea, your people must be from East Texas.  Further west, we like it straight or prefer to sweeten it ourselves.  In the Deep South they put a little tea in their sugar bowl and serve it as tea.


  9. 22 hours ago, closetojumping said:


    Pretty sure it's been confirmed that Lacewell gave the playbook and gameplan to Holtz and left the hotel and event. I've heard that story from the early 80's forward from my father, who played at Rice but loves and cheers for Texas, and knew all of the parties involved and fucking hates Switzer to this day. He also hates Lou Holtz and Ken Hatfield for whatever reasons, I think because of Hatfield's time and failure at Rice, but I digress. 

    Hatfield did far better than anyone else at Rice over a 40 year period from the 60s on.

  10. 1 hour ago, msucolt45 said:

    Outside of Bama, LSU, Florida, and Georgia, what has the rest done over the last 20+ years? I rest my case with the SEC!

    Auburn has a title and a #2 behind USC.

    The ones most prone to chant SEC are the others, like aggy.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 1 hour ago, mdmost said:

    Ha, I guess. At least in the SEC we can cheat our asses off like we're Arizona State and get away with it. 

    ASU is up there with SMU on major violations.  We don't want to do it like Arizona St.  They get caught!

  12. UT Arlington is trying hard to get that National Research University Foundation money.  Houston, Texas Tech and UT-Dallas have qualified.  UTA, UTSA, UTEP, UNT and Texas St. are eligible, but UTA is the only one with any realistic shot anytime soon.  They are trying hard to have a "quality student body," which is one of the criteria to qualify.  The NRUF is something the state has thrown to the non-PUF schools to try to get them to be more AAU-like.  Rather than just giving the money to Houston, Texas Tech, and UTD who they knew would win the competition, they created a competition to keep a the politicians happy.

  13. 4 hours ago, jdhorn92 said:

    Yeah, right there with you.  Texas '92, We live in Fairhope, AL.   Soon to be Senior daughter is looking at Bama, Auburn,Texas of course (but wont get in unfortunately, though ive tried to warn her), Ole Miss and TCU.  I told her Texas is too damn competitive for oos.  Auburn is her first choice.

    My son's at Auburn.  Is very happy there.  Wife is a Georgia Bulldog, so it was hard at first, but she likes the campus atmosphere.  With Covid he didn't really have a chance to look at UT-Arlington, but I figured it would be too "commuter for him."  He was really thinking of them as a way to get to Austin, but they no longer do the automatic transfer to Austin there.  I think its only UTSA and UTRGV that have that program.

    We went to  a Texas recruiting "seminar" in Atlanta.  They told him to be sure to mention in his essay that he had a Dad who was a UT alum ('80) so they would have some idea of why he was interested.  But there was just no way.  He does have a friend who made it to Texas, but she had a really high GPA and SAT.

  14. 2 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    And that person should obviously be @Brisketexan because he has done it before.

    If you add UTEP, UTSA, UTA, Texas State, Sam Houston State, Stephen F. Austin, and Abilene Christian....that's a 14 school conference. 

    Este. Apparently UH has become more selective than aggy, but that's not saying much. But UH is not an easy school by any means and they deserve a better academic reputation. Same goes for UTD and I would even venture as far as to throw UTA in that group if we're talking about academics.

    We live in Georgia.  My son applied to Auburn, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia Southern, UTA and Houston.  He didn't even try UT or UGA.  He got accepted by all but Houston.  UTA offered him a small scholarship and in-state tuition.  Auburn was the only one he sweated at all.  Alabama-"if you sneeze on the application you get in there."  The schools west of Alabama in the SEC are easier to get into than Alabama (aggy excepted).

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Armybrat said:

    I would assume by the end of this year.

    I'm guessing we have a month or so of silence while everyone consults their lawyers and waits for the other to move first.  Then the rumors start and they actually start talking.

  16. 2 minutes ago, tbone_ said:

    How many more teams does the sec need to add before no one gives a shit about the CFB Playoff and winning the SEC becomes the prize that matters?

    In the Southeast, its been that way for at least 40 or 50 years!

  17. 2 minutes ago, tbone_ said:


    A meteor game if there ever was one.


    Idiocy of the post bowl polls.  Texas was ranked 4 behind pig who we beat on the road, despite both having only one loss.  Kentucky was ranked 6 behind Penn St. who they beat in Happy Valley despite both having one loss.

  18. On 4/27/2021 at 12:07 AM, Huckleberry said:

    Not only was Earl Campbell much better at football than Pete Rose was at baseball, but Pete Rose is indeed a clown. As a person, he's a clown. My post was not only reasonable but also accurate. Ric Flair is a professional clown, Pete Rose is just a clown.

    No.  Pete was to baseball what Earl was to football.  He was a winner who gave 110% every moment he was on the field.

  19. On 1/24/2019 at 10:35 PM, blutow said:

     RB's haven't gotten much bigger, but OL's in the 70's and  early 80's were tiny by today's standards.  Average would certainly be under 275, probably closer to 260.    

    There were other backs the size of the Earl in his day, but nobody with the speed and punishing running style.  


    That '69 title team's biggest guy was 275.  The rest were 225 or smaller.  They started getting bigger in the 70s and much bigger in the 80s.

    Earl was just strong.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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