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Certifiably Surly
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  1. it was a joke - her parents were born in the 1960's.
  2. burn the whole program to the ground - Penn State is irredeemable.
  3. You can avoid a lot of unnecessary confusion and noise if you can just get it through your head that IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM WAS CHOICE EVEN REMOTELY NUDGED OUT. Full stop. If you feel the urge to try to qualify or modify that statement, don't. That's it. Just leave it at that. Baker is very, very happy at Texas. I have no idea whether or not he'd leave to go to the NFL, if offered, but he is not disgruntled at Texas.
  4. The men's game is drastically different from the women's game. The men's game is played above the rim and the X's and O's are different. The talent pool is much, much deeper. There is much more money in the game and recruiting is much more competitive. The influence of the NBA is lurking all around and the WNBA's influence doesn't come close in the women's game. Vic is an awesome coach and exactly where he should be to maximize his success as a coach. He wouldn't automatically excel the same way in the men's game. My advice to you, or anyone, is to simply enjoy the women's game for what it is and the men's game for what it is and stop trying to compare the two.
  5. you should probably stop projecting and theorizing. You are terrible at it.
  6. went to high school at North Shore. Max Melton was drafted in the second round in the 2024 draft, which doesn't exactly happen often at Rutgers. There is reason to trust Sark when it comes to coaching hires.
  7. this is bad info this is mediocre info
  8. The absurdity is conflating hitting 22mph in a controlled practice setting with the speeds attained by NFL QB's in game conditions.
  9. I managed to snag tickets to the two Tennessee games, one LSU, and Kentucky games yesterday - only $6/ticket!
  10. I wouldn't have thought of City of God on my own, but I wholeheartedly endorse its inclusion as a top 5 gangster movie. Great call.
  11. yes, on campus today getting cleared.
  12. Please, elaborate what these injuries are, how he got them, and why they are ultimately tied to his frame's inability to hold up in the college game. Surely you have specific information and insight into the injuries than what is publicly available - otherwise you are grasping at data points and trying to cram them into a predetermined narrative you've formed based on some 9.95'er scouting reports. Do we need to pull up high school scouting reports for 5 star busts? For 3 star success stories? Nobody is saying such reports don't have a place, but you are making firm, sweeping conclusions based on conjecture. FWIW, I like both Vasek and Jackson. Don't sleep on Umeozulu as well. It is a deep and talented room, and if Jackson emerges it'll be a pleasant surprise.
  13. FWIW, Cosmi's in season weight would drift into the 280's.
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