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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Moore played 9 games last games in 2023. He'll be a true junior next year.
  2. I, on the other hand, did it the worst way possible. I turned it on early in the second half with a 20-something point lead and promptly watched the offense grind to a halt while OU came back (and not in that playing awesome everything falling kind of way - they weren't particularly impressive either). It was a staggering display of incompetent offense and lackluster defense. But hey, we won.
  3. I never thought I'd say this, but Helobious is exactly right.
  4. I mean not disrespect to Burton, but he is consistently terrible at these eligibility questions. Conner is out of eligibility. Bolden (another one he is frequently wrong talking about) is out of eligibility.
  5. The team is flying there tomorrow afternoon.
  6. Not saying the general sentiment is incorrect, but Holle is just not wired that way.
  7. According to Gerry, Gaad is pushing back his announcement until late January or early February, with plans to visit Texas again in late January.
  8. We did the manta-ray-night thing a few years ago and it was the most incredible experience of the whole trip. I've been on more than a dozen whale watches in my life - I very much enjoy a good whale watch - but i'd do the manta ray thing over a whale watch 10 out of 10 times. FWIW
  9. It is hilarious watching OU get stymied on 3rd and 4th and short over and over.
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