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Certifiably Surly
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About UpperWestside

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  1. I decided recently to leave the restaurant I was working for. The environment was something I struggled with and I knew I had to go. The older I get the more I value peace while working. I chose a local place near Pearl Harbor. We will see how this goes. I have a years and a half left to finish this degree so I try to have a schedule with work that makes sense when it comes to studying. I like to experience as much as I can in life and those experiences honestly help in my overall happiness. I think I would be in a deep rut emotionally if I did the same job for years on end. Nothing against those that can, but that would drive me nuts. i see the posts on here about what y’all are dealing with. The only advice I have is to just keep waking up each day and do something kind for someone else. If you can just do that you will have made someone else’s day better. Maybe open a door or say thank you to someone. Being a good person costs you nothing and you will just feel a little better about the journey through life you are on.
  2. I’m not too far behind you. This is 38 years of being a fan of the Purple and Gold. I still have the Magic jersey I got back in 1988. He made me love the sport by how he orchestrated things and the joy he played with. I was also glad to see Knecht back. The biggest puzzle piece is getting a serviceable starting center in the off-season that Luka will feel good throwing lobs to. He can do that with Hayes, but Hayes is not my idea of a starting center and probably no one else would think that either. Still this is a fun time to watch The Lakeshow. I’d love to stick to the JV team in the playoffs because of Ballmer running his mouth nonstop with nothing to show for it aside from a pretty cool arena it seems.
  3. I am posting this picture by itself because this is a guy who did more for America by his early 20’s than 99 percent of us will do in a lifetime. Next time you fly in here please stop by and spend a minute paying your respects to him. His grave is easy to find by the road. His Medal of Honor story is incredible as well.
  4. Which is just laughably insane to anyone with a functioning brain like yourself or millions of like-minded folks. His sexual preference supersedes his superior intellect in the year 2025 in America because too many insecure morons feel that takes precedence.
  5. Elmo is a garbage person that does not deserve to live in America. North Korea seems to be more up his alley.
  6. I liked the mini-series I watched as a kid more. It was scarier to me as a child than watching two movies about it as an adult.
  7. The Monkey. This did deliver comedy with the death scenes. I LOL’d out loud along with the rest of the people there when they happened. This was a well done movie and it went straight to the point of things. I would watch it again. If any of you have a frustrating day mark down watching this one once it starts streaming.
  8. Because I enjoy animated movies I went to see this. I liked it.
  9. 32-10-7. Is that good?
  10. What name total is he up to now with this one?
  11. AOC is consistent on this as well, but Pete just has an ability to communicate in plain talk that surpasses the rest of the Democrats by a country mile.
  12. If he runs for president he is who I will back. I am not going to allow the opinions of morons to dissuade me from casting a vote for him in a primary.
  13. He is the smartest politician in America. I know his being gay is going to be used against him almost all of the maga cultists, but this is the person we need to chart a course that betters our country. This guy is the American Dream personified. He just has that rare ability to connect positively with people when he talks to them. I do not care one bit about who he is married to (Although by all accounts his husband is a great guy), I just care about him being someone that has the required intelligence to lead us out of this crater. The more people focus on his words the higher his profile will go. Arguing with idiots focused on his sexuality does no good. Buttigieg is a big boy and we all know he can handle dealing with the barrage of attacks he will get.
  14. Every single time he uses the r word to attack someone he doesn’t like is exceedingly cringe-worthy to me. This is a child with no idea how to act. My niece just turned six amd she would never say something like that about another person and yet this guy has a press conference in the Oval Office acting like he is the president. Just incredible.
  15. That revised edition version with that chapter is only available in Ohio. No one there can read anyhow so no big deal.
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