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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. I also saw the LBJ game the week before. Hoo boy did the officials have a not fun performance all night in that one. They cost Lampasas a defensive TD and stopped another drive on a fumble call well after the RB was down. Neither coaching staff seemed happy with the officials at all though. LBJ's DB's were legit though and I can see why they are going to Clemson and OU. Lampasas just had a massive advantage in line play in that one, especially on the offensive line. They ran it over 50 times in the game if I remember right. It was good to see that they can find ways to win like that when they have to.

  2. 23 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Lampasas 40 Canyon Lake 34

    I watched this game on my way back to the city again and it was a great game to watch as it was back and forth the entire game! It would be cool to see Lampasas win every game by 20 or more, but this game came right down to the end. If that pass had been just a foot or so closer on 4th down they would have beaten the Badgers. I remember 20 years ago I was at a Gatesville game when they had Taurean Henderson. They went 15-0 and won state that year, but during the regular season they almost lost to La Vega. The next game they had that was decided by single digits was the state title match-up they won against Abilene Wylie. Perhaps this game will help Lampasas in the same way that one helped Gatesville.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

       When I lived in LA the city of Santa Monica charged me per head for public transportation. It wasn't a lot of money, a few thousand bucks, but rather than pass it on to the employees I ate it. I also brokered a deal for parking, which if you know the area was huge for the employees, who were used to paying daily, or finding other means of transportation to avoid that hit. First year, 130% EBITDA. Hard to believe something so small to the company's bottom line could go so far in productivity.

    You humanized yourself to your employees. Those little things add up in the mind and makes people want to go above and beyond to see the company do well. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    This. It will never stop being funny how little the Economic Brain Geniuses actually understand about taxes or running a business.

    I do not run a business, but I do understand the human side of this fairly well I believe. If you want highly motivated employees who feel like they have a personal stake in the success of the business you make sure they are compensated well. You make sure they know that the work they put in is appreciated through your words towards them as well. The concept is simple to grasp, but so many well off business owners have the Mack Brown mentality of selfishness. F you pay me is a disease.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 3 hours ago, mchookem said:


    cool, whatever it takes... y'all know what i was trying to say...

    any D senator that can't/won't be replaced by a D needs to stay put for now. 

    ETA: calm down Hugo 🙄 i don't know shit about Massachusetts politics, which is why i said any senator.

    Joe Kennedy will likely get her seat. Running against Markey was kinda silly since he just had to bide his time to get Warren’s seat. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

       Immamac, I am gonna have to disagree on this one. I've been on the planet 40 years and some change. Never in my life have I ever seen a bunch of flags flying around with the current President's name on it. Never have I had so many arguments and life long friends willing to end friendships over a politician. It's a cult in every sense of the word.

    It is absolutely a cult. A very racist one at that that has targeted the African-American and Hispanic communities repeatedly as being the lesser than that needs to feel pain. You don’t just erase a cult through an election being lost. The amount of repair that has to go into attempting to convince these people that they were completely and utterly conned will take years to complete. Some will honestly never admit to being easy marks.

  7. Just now, immamac said:

    lol nah

    I am not talking about violence and that should’ve been clear since I did not say that. I know that is what you think I am implying. I am implying that his cult will not just turn away and realize they were conned. Some will, but the majority will not accept they were lied to. That’s just basic human psychology of not wanting to have to admit how badly they were conned. That is going to be a big hurdle to have to overcome as a country.

  8. 8 hours ago, Mdhorn said:

    Jerry Seinfeld Popcorn GIF by Sheets & Giggles

    These really aren't smart people. Here's to hoping they have to pay for emergency transport out of pocket since they hate assistance because socialism.  

    This is what happens when you are part of a cult. The mere thought that your leader is coming to see you and that you can just be near them will make people forego any rational line of thinking. I do not believe these folks to be smart people either, but they have been duped to the point that they will be out in this weather to see their cult leader. The accumulation of all of these different instances and stories of cult behavior by our fellow countrymen and women should show the depth of the problem we will have going forward even with Dotard no longer serving as president.

  9. 22 minutes ago, slorch said:

    yet they meted out the foundation of the greatest country in the history of the world.   LOLz

    Very repugnant.

    Please stop with the tired trope of American Exceptionalism. We are no better a group of human beings in this country than what resides in any other. Trying to claim any superiority over others is mostly a sad indictment on those who share that worldview that you used. 

    And also being a grown-up who uses LOLz on most of your messages is just odd. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  10. I voted about 30 minutes ago. I will never cast a vote the rest of my life that will be more satisfying than the one I submitted today. I stood in line behind about 150 or so people, but the line moved fast so it only took about 35 minutes to get inside and out of the rain. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  11. 3 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    I get the impulse to vote for who you think is a "good" Republican, but you don't kill the cancer by letting part of it live.

    This is akin to listening to people on here or in our daily interactions with others talk about family members who are good people that are voting for Republicans. There is something not well in a person’s psyche right now if they are running as a Republican. The whole lot of them needs to be voted out down to the county clerk in every municipality across this country.

  12. On 10/24/2020 at 8:13 PM, pearlandhorn said:

    Biden literally stood on stage on Thursday and said he wants to phase out my industry in the next 5 years.  That's why I voted the way I did.

    This was not a wise use of your vote and that is not what he said. Your industry will be phased out and you will either be retired by that point or will have done what many in your profession will do and that is find a new job in the renewable energy industry.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. 10 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    Trump said

    The kids in cages are treated very well. 

    Immigrants who obey laws are idiots 

    Brought up Biden’s dead son

    Gaslight highlights include:

    The market will crash with Biden

    We are rounding the corner

    Fauci was wrong a lot 

    Biden is a criminal controlled by Russia 

    Joe is not from Scranton 



    This was only close if you ignore reality 

    The constant lying and just general negativity coming out of his mouth 24/7 is something that I will be glad to see gone in January. 

  14. 8 hours ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    I’m not gonna get into a global warming debate. I’ll just say that a shrinking but still large industry domestically and the jobs therein will trump global warming any day of the week when paired with the abundant nature of the resource and the cost. Particularly in this hurting economy. I’m just saying, there are more opportune times to have the renewables debate. Like, when oil is at $100/bbl and shalecos still aren’t really making money and being bailed out by a functioning A&D market.

    And that will happen again, and sooner than people think. This industry was dead in ‘82, ‘86, and ‘99, and probably more dead than it is now. It then went on a 15-year run featuring $147 crude. Probably best to have that argument then, when, you know, it’s economic. 

    This would be an example of a take that is not good. First sentence out front in it should probably tell ya.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 36 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    Another person chiming in to thank [mention]Thatguy [/mention] for his posts.

    I hate that that post and the good discussion it spawned is going to get buried in the daily garbage that is the Trump thread.

    Anyone up for a “Hey white people, you probably mean well and aren’t completely racist but you can probably do better!” thread?

    It might be a good time to ask the white people reading this thread to go read the book White Fragility. I read it this summer and it will definitely make you look at the world around you differently. I recommend it for folks who do not fully understand how we make black people feel through our words and actions that we may not even notice.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. 3 hours ago, Thatguy said:

      Let me be candid and honest here my man. I cannot be sympathetic to your comments because this is how adult life has always been. From the moment I stepped out of my home and headed off to college I have always been a small percentage of the population. Outside of Atlanta, the more money you make, the further away from the Black Community you are, and it happens really quickly. Every job you take. Every community you move to. Every school your kid goes to. All the same. So you have two choices. Make people walk on eggshells around you at the office all day long, or crack a couple Black jokes and watch the "oh, I can kinda be myself around this one" expressions as nervous laughter turns to comfortable over time.

       This may not seem ideal from the outside looking in, but it's how we have to operate if we wanna break the color lines for the next generation. As a Black guy out here you realize pretty quick that you are "the Black friend" to your White coworkers, neighbors, and your kid's friend's parents. So in the interest of civility you go out of your way to make everyone in the presence of you comfortable with you, as you are the outlier to their otherwise regular existence.

      If there is one thing Trump has shown me it's this. People can say it's tax cuts. People can say whatever they want. But for a large majority Trump is protecting their fragile view of what America is supposed to be. Where certain demographics are supposed to be in the pecking order, and where they are supposed to live. That is why they can excuse all the bullshit. All the rhetoric. All the illegal activities, and efforts to turn the US into a dictatorship. They want to make sure they don't have to walk outside and look around and see faces that don't look like theirs. They don't want to deal with other cultures. They don't want to have to watch the things they say, or think about how they are offending someone. For a lot it's not so much racism as it is an aversion to tolerism. Trump embodies anti tolerism and they love him for it. Thus they will follow him anywhere, even to the depths of hell.


    I would not expect that. I protested for the first time in my life this summer. I went to DC after seeing George Floyd’s death and then seeing what happened to the protesters that were cleared for a freaking photo op for our big, dumb president. What I did at the three dozen or so marches I attended between NYC and DC was just listen. I listened to stories that went into great detail about police violence. Families torn apart by the Child Welfare system. Black women who were beaten and ignored by the system that is supposed to protect them. I just listened though. Listening is powerful in that I learn about how millions of people are forced to operate in America just to survive, more so it gives people the chance to be heard and that is what millions of people want. 

    I will never walk a day in your shoes or have to be treated differently because of the color of my skin, but one day when I start a family my children will solely because of being bi-racial. I would like to hope the world they enter into is better than the one we currently live in. I have a friend I have known since we sang in a church choir 20 years ago in Oak Cliff in Dallas and she has two young sons now. Her and her husband are preparing for that day when they explain to their boys about what to do when a police officer approaches. I will never know that fear of the police, but the kids I have one day will have to face that reality. We live in such a messed up country and we have way too many people trying to drag us back to the 1950’s

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Pancho said:

    This is great.

    Not sure about you but I was taught at an early age to code switch for some of the very reasons you’ve brought up in this reply and your initial post. 

    His post should be stickied to the top of the DT and every single one of those posters hiding in their safe space there should have to read it.

    • Hook 'Em 6
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