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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 3 hours ago, Thatguy said:

       As a black guy in the burbs, I go out of the way to make sure my neighbors are comfortable. That way I can go for a jog in peace and not rest in peace!!!

    I am honestly sorry that where we are as a country right now still has yourself and many, many others having to take steps like this to help ensure your own safety. You should be able to enjoy a nice jog in the evening without having a justifiable fear that someone might decide your time is up.

    It upsets me to know how much more progress still has to be made in order for yourself and millions of others to be able to achieve basic equality in this country. We all just have to keep fighting until it happens. Good on you though my man for being proactive and realizing what you have to, or better yet forced to do in this current racially unstable climate, by taking steps to make sure everyone knows you in the area where you live.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Mole said:

    I want to run up the score. The country needs to go full Spurrier in rejecting this stain of a movement.

    I’ll take the Cougar High-SMU beat down from 1989 times 1000 on the beat down scale. This racist party/cult/movement needs to be completely eradicated from American society. The Republican Party needs to be given the same treatment and rejection as the Nazi Party received after the war ended. Letting them continue to exist is absolutely detrimental to our ability as a country and collective citizenry to move forward and progress.

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  3. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    A lot of these people need something to fill whatever need it is that they have.

    It is a need to belong to a group. It doesn’t matter that the group is inherently evil. The need to belong to something they feel identifies with them is what draws them in. Not the first group of people taken in by the words of a cult leader and it won’t be the last.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. I’ll be honest and say this one doesn’t shock me, at all. He has always come off kind of odd when I have listened to him talk. This though is crazy town. I want to say that this would ruin his career, but in this simulation he’ll probably wind up better off than he already is financially.

  5. 32 minutes ago, Gardner Barnes said:



    Fuck Goya. I used to buy their shit all the time. Fuck them.



    I didn’t buy a great deal of their products, but I did stop after I saw that press conference. Unanue was within his rights to be an opportunist and get up there and say nice things in order to curry favor with the head moron in charge. He obviously did not care about any negative reaction to what he did though.

  6. On 10/18/2020 at 12:09 AM, Celery Man said:

    i want my fucking tote

    I want a coffee cup! 

    I remember a childhood friend whose dad was working one of those PBS telethons growing up and that was the item they gave out. He was on whatever channel PBS is on for the Cen-Tex area and was giving away coffee mugs for donating a certain amount. It may have been channel 46 on the antenna if memory serves correct.

  7. 1 hour ago, Horn Dog said:

      It will suck to be a republican for a while while the party walks the desert like they deserve to do.

    They do not deserve to still be able to have a Republican Party. The party should be abolished and never allowed to re-form in this country in any way that even minutely resembles what it is and has come to represent. 

    If you cast a vote for even the candidate for county clerk for this party you should have your ability to vote taken away because you clearly are a detriment to the part of society trying to help this country recover from this colossal mess.

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  8. 26 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Should I just shut the board down? 

    The football board is just an incredibly backwards place to read. Page 7 of the Ehlinger thread about him staying for The Eyes of Texas was some of the worst most disturbing stuff I have read on this board. Everyone who liked that post (Some of the names that liked it are not shocking) should really re-examine who they are as human beings.

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  9. I was on the train back to the city from Long Island tonight and was watching the Lampasas-Burnet game that the Badgers won 45-7. Whitehead gave Troy (I use his first name because I remember him as a player) the kicking motion because he wanted to try a field goal. He nails a 46 yarder. There does not appear to be much he cannot do on the football field.

    • Fuck You 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    This is one of many reasons the potential Biden administration should avoid “turning the page” on Trump for the sake of “unity”, should he win.

    Trump needs to be prosecuted for his crimes in office.  A failure to do so will only enable Trumpism to fester and re-emerge worse.  

    I unfortunately expect the Biden administration to do exactly what they should not do and sweep Trump under the rug for political expediency reasons.  It is the wrong move and one of my major concerns with Biden. 

    The people around Biden are going to have to tell him in no uncertain terms that we are not going to move forward as a country unless we prosecute this clown and his sycophants for all the damage they did/American taxpayer dollars they stole while he was in office. Simply saying it is time for the country to heal is not going to cut it and Elizabeth Warren needs to be in his ear repeatedly reminding him of this. You cannot let this traitor off the hook just because he is no longer president. This is simply not an option that should be given any serious thought after we he has done.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, GW Hayduke said:

    Is it just me or do other people sometimes feel embarrassed for someone when they share a really terrible take?

    When I read something like the post you are referencing embarrassment is not what I feel for them, but I get why you do. I would describe the feeling for me being more along the lines of bewilderment at how not educated our voting populace is and how easily they can fall for false narratives and lies. Enchubben may have at some point been a somewhat normal person who got taken in by the Fox News narrative along the way and latched onto it hook, line and sinker. This led to them having zero ability to look at anything except through that frame of reference. 

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  12. 20 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    When people complain about "CR infecting" their forum, it seems like they usually mean "someone is criticizing me for being racist".

    I went and read some of that thread. Thanks for doing the right thing even when dealing with the people in that thread. If anyone needed a reminder of the racism and ignorance we are up against in this country that thread should do it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 30 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


    The answer to all of this is because the norms have been shattered.

    And they take a stand because that is what they believe that they are obligated to do.

    As the clergyman protesting the Vietnam war answered:

    “Do you think you can change the country with such a protest", he replied
    "I don't do this to change the country.
    I do this so the country won't change me."

    To speak, so firmly and directly, is to take an unequivocal stand for their mission. Maybe they got it wrong. But that’s why they did it.

    History is going to judge all of us when this is over. And we are going to have to account to ourselves. That matters. At least, it does to some of us.


    We are all going to be held to account by someone on some level for what we did, or better yet, did not do during this moment in history. The NEJM decided that sitting on the sidelines during a pandemic that has killed around 215k Americans alone was their breaking point. The denial of science and the senseless deaths of this many Americans and counting put them in a position where they wanted to be held to account. Good on them.

    The people and organizations that should be ashamed and be held up to ridicule are the ones who know what they are witnessing is wrong yet do NOTHING and say NOTHING. Being afraid to take a stand right now is utter cowardice. 

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