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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

    the only thing i can think of is that he's going to put together his own stimulus bill somehow and then get that passed without the help of the house or the senate (lol).

    kinda like when he cancelled funding for the boy scouts or whatever, then reinstates it, then tweets, "i just saved the boy scouts!"

    invent the illness, sell the cure.

    Well, yes, this is what will happen. He creates a disaster and then claims he fixes the problem he created. He has done this too many times to count in the last four years. I expect an agreement on a stimulus by next Friday at the latest and he will claim he saved the American people all by himself. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    And the cool part, where he is (poorly) trying to hold the country hostage -- re-elect me, or I'll block incredibly necessary legislation to keep our country from collapse and avoid massive suffering.  He's blackmailing the American people for votes.  That's just evil, not much else to it.

    Oh, and nevermind his objection to spending any of that aid on states that don't vote for him -- he has now conceded that he is not the President of the United States.  He is the President of the States that Voted for Him, and he is in low-intensity war against American states that did not vote for him.

    This clownshow doesn’t want to help all Americans and only those from Maga loving states? Okay, cool. Blue states should withhold federal funding and let the red states, that have no means to stay solvent if not for those funds, suffer. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 50 minutes ago, conVINCEd said:

    Has anyone in NBA history had a bigger image makeover in the span of a couple of months than Jimmy Butler?

    Well it all goes back to being given an unearned and undeserved image. He has shown he was right about every team he left. Every single one had a worse record the following season without him. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Butler willed them to a win tonight. That was one of the most impressive performances I have ever seen in a Finals game, especially considering they were down two of their best players. Even though I am a Lakers fan you gotta give that man his due for tonight. I was watching  the game with a Sixers fan and he said he wished they had let Embiid go and found a way to keep Butler. He was just nails tonight.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, Doc Reeves said:

    people think that loving their country involves hating their countrymen. 

    They’re wrong 

    Millions upon millions absolutely hate people they share a country with. I am not fond of the cult members at all. I also think there should be a price for them to pay for actively encouraging and cheering on the destruction of our country, but I don’t hate them. I have gotten to a point where I feel more sad than anything for them that they are so far gone that they act like this.

    It is shameful and embarrassing to watch how this cult acts the longer this whole clown show of a presidency goes on. We are a country that has failed itself because of millions and millions getting conned by a broke sheister that played to the lowest form of humanity that was possible. He not only fooled them into believing he was on their side, but he gave them the bird while stealing hundreds of millions of our tax dollars. This guy has less net worth than the homeless guys I will see on the subway tonight and yet his cult stands right by his side. It is sickening to witness.

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  6. Nothing Dotard does is shocking. Expose those to the virus who are sworn to protect you? Why not. Go wave at his racist supporters because his narcissistic mind has to have the adoration? Sure sounds good. Make a complete joke out of a virus that will take somewhere between 260-300k Americans alone by the end of December. Sounds normal.

    The rest of the world can condemn us and freeze us out and they would be well with their rights to do so because of this continuing spectacle of lunacy. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  7. 8 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    I’d guess several hundred.  I look forward to making the trip.  I’ll also hold a bible upside down and pray for him.  

    I would guess somewhere in the thousands along with residents of DC who would be there.

  8. Just now, conVINCEd said:

    Can we get an over/under on how many people will be partying in front of the WH if this fat fuck croaks?  More or less than we we killed Bin Laden?

    I will be back in Washington again. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, lemonlime said:

    Why would he lie about this?  To deflect from his debate performance to a reminder that he knew this was deadly and lied to the American people repeatedly?

    He lies about EVERYTHING. He has no ability to tell the truth whatsoever. He is lying about this which is beyond pathetic considering we are well over 200k dead Americans because of this buffoon and his lies.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. I really have enjoyed watching this Heat team play in the playoffs. They mesh well together and play hard on both ends of the floor. Seeing Butler able to shed the undeserved label of malcontent this year was cool as well. He found a home in Miami and in retrospect it maybe should not have been as surprising for many people that Miami is where he would fit in since he and Riles share very similar views on how each wants the game to be played.

    That said I have been a Lakers fan since I was seven and there is one thing etched into my mind that I can still see clear as day. In the 80’s Boston would have a thing at the scorer’s table that always listed the number of World Championships. When I first saw it the thing said 16. I knew the Lakers were well behind, but I wanted to see my favorite team catch and surpass them. When I first saw the banner the Lakers were sitting on nine. Now my guys are on the precipice of tying them at seventeen. Makes me feel a little old to see them three wins away from being equal in titles for the first time since the early 1960’s.

  11. When I see Tim Scott, with a straight face no less, say that Dotard simply misspoke last night about white  supremacy, I get the belief reinforced of just how strong his pull is on his cult. Senator Scott is a disengenuous coward who is going right along with the rest of them. A human being with any conviction, that is not a full blown cultist and coward, would have immediately said he’s a racist.

    I really am becoming more and more convinced that we as a country are going to have to effectively ban the Republican Party so that it ceases to exist. They have no low they will not go to in order to protect this wannabe fascist dictator while at the same time covering for their party/cult first instead of honoring their duty to our country and Constitution. If you are a Republican and you vote for this clown show in November, despite all evidence showing the destruction he has wrought upon the populace, you do not deserve to have a say going forward in the governance of this country while it gets reconstructed. I have zero patience for anyone casting a vote for him. There are too many lines that have been crossed and we have to keep pushing back against a cult that wants a hostile takeover of the country because they enjoy the infliction of pain upon those they consider beneath them. This is something that people who do not have an addled mind should be able to agree on stopping.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    So I guess you decided to move over to the right side of the West River. 

    I had to explain this once before, but I chose the username because of the time I spent over there. It is a neighborhood I enjoy, but would not live in. I could spend a week in the Natural History Museum and not get bored.

  13. 32 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    But what’s important is that the story of one witness who changed his story and was never cross-examined was the determinative “fact” that meant that the cops shouldn’t even face charges. That’s the way it should be, right?

    It’s as good as the Gospel for McConnell’s prized protege.

  14. I don’t have a good read on what to expect tonight because the bubble negates things like home court and the adrenaline boost you get from the crowd. I think the Lakers close it out though and that they win by double digits. If Denver were playing anyone else in the West Finals I would want to see them win. Jokic and Murray are fun when they’re rollin’. Hopefully they keep their core together for a few years and see if it can get them a title.

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