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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. I do not have sympathy for Graham because of how he has contributed to the destruction of our country. Does our big, dumb president likely have some information that Graham doesn't want to get out? Sure. I also believe that he is an opportunist of the worst kind. The compass that a decent human being would have on the inside about the decisions they make and how that will affect their fellow citizens is just not there for him. To be completely honest I am not certain how great a friend he was to John McCain. I think the opportunist in him used that friendship to advance his own agenda and what he wanted to do. 

    One thing that I know for sure is that the men and women who think like he does have got to go. The line has to be drawn on them. Lindsey Graham needs to be swept to the dustbin of history and be nothing more than a footnote and cautionary tale to future generations about the machinations of power and what it will do to you in the end.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 15 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    ^just came here to post that. I can't take this shit anymore.

    I reached my breaking point at the end of May. That video, however, is going to activate thousands and thousands of citizens who want to do something to stop what we are seeing from the police. That is sickening to see. They did not care in the least that they ran over the head of a human being.

  3. 18 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    Yeah, I guess these are some exciting times. 


    Our high energy Orange Goblin-in-Chief. 


    Giving up sports after college, the commander-in-chief developed a theory about exercise.

    "Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted. So he didn't work out," wrote The Washington Post 's Mike Kranisch and Marc Fisher in their book Trump Revealed. "When he learned that John O'Donnell, one of his top casino executives, was training for an Ironman triathlon, he told him, 'You are going to die young because of this.'"


  4. 26 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Right now, an anachronistic and broken Constitution and the institutions created pursuant to it are the only thing keeping us from the absolute horror movie that would ensue under an "honest representation of our political values."

    You might as well write "it's important that we get what we deserve."  Fuck no, I don't want what we deserve.  Because what we deserve is a fascist dictatorship, total economic collapse, and a century of suffering.  I'd like something better than that, thank you.   I want grace, not what we deserve.

    Grace would be nice for all of us, even those who do not believe in it. 

    See how easy that is Cult of Trump? I do not like you or your racist ilk in the least. I am tired of seeing the pain you are inflicting upon people based solely upon the color of their skin. While I  thoroughly feel that you would be getting exactly what would be what is coming to you if a Biden administration cut off all federal funds above what your state contributes to the coffers, I still think grace should be extended to you.


  5. 10 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    Do you believe that should be the case every time someone kills someone in self defense? That they are arrested and tried for murder?

    Please stop with the just asking questions guy routine. You know full well why no charges have been brought. If you would like to continue playing dumb I am certain that there is probably a thread over in DT for that.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

      For us Blacks this was par for the course. This is how it always is and always has been. Our lives are not important, and our rights are not important enough to fight for. Acceptance is the word for our culture.

    It makes me sad to see this, but I also will never experience the kind of terror from law enforcement that you will. I just cannot say words that would be adequate to describe the miscarriage of justice with Breonna Taylor and so many others. Too many of the people in this country just continue to condone these acts of violence. We as a people have to say this cannot go on any longer. You deserve to not have to fear a police officer, but that isn’t reality right now and never has been. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Jive Turkey said:


    I don’t condone violence in response to violence, but here we are. This is a really sad indictment of what we are right now as a country that people are so angry over police not being held accountable for murder that now we have police getting shot. It does not solve a thing and I think the guy I look up to the most on this, John Lewis, would say he does not condone this behavior and would not want to see officers get shot, but that he would understand the rage people are feeling, even if it is misplaced. We are on the precipice of widespread chaos and we seem content to keep stoking the flames. No words really can be adequate to say what I think of today’s decision.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Nothing good is going to come of this tonight.

    We keep doing awful things, and perpetuating awful systems...leading to the same outcome over and over and over.

    It’s a merry go round of shit, and it only spins faster.

    Day one of the Joe Biden administration needs to involve cutting off all federal funding to that backwards and racist cesspool of a state. If going in guns blazing and shooting and killing a black woman in her sleep is not enough to get murder indictments that state doesn’t deserve to have a single dime over what they take in. Let’s see how long it would take to get those indictments going when you take away the millions upon millions the money making states have to give to keep them afloat.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 17 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    Actually it's mostly white men. Rapine white men. Our good run was generally only good for us. White men should be banned from leadership of just about anything for ten years maybe 20.

    White women have advanced as far as anyone from under our foot, but you still have unequal pay, Me Too, and endless condescension.

    I considered myself fairly enlightened and aware. The last four years have relieved me of delusion. I wasn't seeing the world as clearly as I thought, and I didn't have a high opinion of the world to start with.

    I'm not a bad guy. A large number of my pale brothers are the same. It's just hard for me to have benefitted from the collective advantage of my skin color and sex and then say, "but I'm different!"

    Passivity is not a defense. Writing pithy shit on a message board is not enough. 


    I do not want to see another white man as president or vice-president of the country for the rest of my life after Biden. It is time to fully cede power. 


    White man sick of all the pain we have intentionally inflicted on others.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Bama Chick said:

    I better not see one more person on this board ever give Romney any credit the next time he posts a tweet about be disappointed or concerned with Trump’s behavior.

    I’ve said it about all these spineless motherfuckers - talk don’t mean jack shit when they still fall in line when they have the opportunity to actually do something concrete.

    He’s just as bad as Graham and McConnell and all the rest of the enabling shitfucks.

    He may as well get a MAGA face tattoo because his victim noises are just another form of grifting and attention whoring.

    Fuck him. Fuck his stupid hair. Fuck his 54 kids. Fuck his magic underwear.

    He had a chance to back up the words he’s been spewing and he decided to bend the knee instead.

    Eat all the shit, Mitt.

    Where do I donate to your future congressional campaign? You would be a fantastic rep, especially for the committees you would get put on!

  11. 16 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    There is ALWAYS an "upcoming election" whenever there is a divided government.  So, the standard really is.....if the Senate is controlled by the opposition party, no SCOTUS justice can be appointed unless and until the president's party retakes the Senate in the next election.

    That's the rule.  It's winner-take-all.  Knowing the rule now, the Dems need to follow it:

    1 -- win both the White House and Senate

    2 -- take everything you want.  Everything.  All of it.

    And by everything I am okay with that including states who give far more to the federal government than they receive back currently in monetary terms to rectify that. There will be some red states that benefit from this such as Texas, but the big blue states will benefit as well. Kentucky and every other chronic welfare state can collapse under this scenario. I do not care. It is time to let these constant takers, these “Taking federal dollars from wealthier states to own the libs” people to have it all finally come home to roost. Let them see what selfishness looks like from the opposite point of view and when they complain just remind them of the havoc they inflicted upon our country by supporting a narcissistic cult leader. There has to be a price to pay for their behavior and a monetary one is the hardest to deal with. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  12. 2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Did everyone take a big dose of stupid this morning? The GOP has basically used biological warfare to kill 250,000 Americans and their poll numbers have barely budged. Yet we've got multiple posters here predicting decades in the wilderness for the GOP.

    Even if the Dems take a clean sweep this year, pass a new Voting Rights Act, pack the courts to ensure it's not thrown out, increase the minimum wage, pass some sort of universal healthcare, and add DC and Puerto Rico as states, you know what political results that will guarantee? Fucking nothing. For fuck's sake, stop pretending, and stop telling other people, that all we need to do is win this November. Winning in November is step one of a hundred. Not the fucking endgame.


    Inauguration Day is the end of the beginning. The real work starts then.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    Right, and the thing that I am disputing is that "politicians on both sides are hypocrites" is not a "get out of integrity free" card for people to think it is OK that the GOP is blatantly stealing the supreme court from the people of the United States

    We need not just repercussions for the senators who are trying to push this through, but the voters who back these people as well. They enabled these cowards to do what they are attempting to do. It really is as simple as enough of the voting minority doing stuff like this. It is time they all see there are consequences to subverting our democracy into a banana republic. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    Very successful career and active social life - I don’t initiate political conversation but if asked I articulate my beliefs truthfully and matter of factly.

    I have Doug Jones and Biden-Harris stickers on my car and both of their signs in my yard. I wear Jones and Biden t-shirts around town.

    I do flip the double bird to Trump and Tuberville yard signs from the privacy of my car and.

    This is my kind of woman right here. 

    • Like 2
  15. 24 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    Lakers D is going to win this series.

    If Dwight is going to keep punking Jokic this is going to be a quick series. This is the kind of energy Dwight played with a decade ago. You can see it is a point of emphasis to play Jokic as physical as they can and then some. As great as Murray is already the Nuggets go as Jokic goes and so far the Lakers are giving him the business in this series.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Mo Horn said:

    And I'm going to spend the weekend convincing the Kansas lottery office that I really intended to pick the winning numbers last night, but just didn't get to the store to buy the ticket. 

    Chris Coons seems like a nice guy. Neville Chamberlain also seemed like a nice guy.

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