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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 4 hours ago, Bojack said:

    Fozzzz, you should start a thread entitled Fozzz's Manifesto where you lay out your beliefs.  At best, you come across as all over the place. Mostly what I see from you amounts to LOL, Dems suck.  LoL, the fascists are winning but it's ok cause the dems are actually worse.  


    Some poster:  Fuck you, Fozzz.  You sound like a trumpkin dumb shit.

    Fozzz:  Nope. Never voted Republican.  You'll never guess what I believe.  Here's another clue for you all:  RBG was the real fascist and the Walrus was Paul.   


    You act like you don't care about the negs but you're awfully close to getting banned from a site where you've made more than 6000 posts.  Anyone that posts that much cares somewhat.  Waka Waka.  

    He should start a thread entitled "Welcome to the American Inquisition 2: All Over the Map Boogaloo."

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Fletch said:

    Talked to a trump friend of mine. Yeah we’re fucked 


    Liberals in concentration camps 

    The next sentence from you should have been: “Well have a good life!” Then he should’ve been deleted and blocked. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. 48 minutes ago, Bruh Man said:

    If you're posting in here but not donating, organizing, and getting prepared to get in the street over the next few months, you are a part of the problem. I love this subforum, but there are too many observers on this site who pontificate all day about polls and "suburban voters" yet never get in the trenches and fight. 

    A big part of "getting involved" entails putting pressure on feckless Dems to pack the courts. You are already know Biden is going to have to be dragged to this position.

    I agree completely. Quit pontificating here and get out there and do your part. You cannot just sit on the sideline anymore and let others do the heavy lifting. I had to accept that I had not done enough so I got up and started helping. This stuff has to be stopped. We cannot function in any way that resembles how we should as a society when millions of us do not care enough to do their part. If you let this cult have their way going forward they will just keep gutting this country. Enough has to be enough.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Sbbruin said:

    Lakers taking control.  Nuggets falling apart.

    The size advantage is the biggest issue for Denver. Jokic can have his way with the hot garbage deluxe from the JV last round. Now he has to produce against this monstrosity of size and I don’t think he can do that as consistently in this series. 

  5. 58 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Brothahorn is a sock account.


    Well at least we know for sure who he gets his alcohol fueled rants from. 

    Barr also seems like he might just be itching to have some citizens killed.

  6. This overworked and understaffed excuse needs to be called out every single time it is uttered. This is what I see here in NYC over and over. I know others see the same thing here and in cities across the country. Their feelings got hurt and they cannot handle people not liking how they perform the job that WE PAY THEM TO DO. I am so glad I pay police to do this all day all over the city. I guess at least their phones keep them distracted enough to not be shooting unarmed black men and women.


  7. 2 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    I know I should be happy to be facing Murray and Jokic instead of Kawhi and PG, but not really sure.  LBJ and AD should feast, right?  

    They should have a field day on offense, but Murray is going to have a big series. I'm hoping AD kicks it up another gear in this series.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I have maintained this about Paul George since he was in Indiana and it's nothing personal against the guy, but if he is your best player, like he was in Indiana, you aren't winning anything. If he is your 2nd best player, like what he is supposed to be for the Clips, then you do not have a 2nd best player.

  9. 1 hour ago, hayden_horn said:

    i don't even need a crib sheet any longer.

    does this person have an (R) next to their name? yes? fuck this person.

    This is where I am too. I walked past a storefront yesterday for the guy running against AOC. I can’t vote for her AND against him and his cult fast enough.

  10. There’s a small coffee place in Harlem I really like called Lenox Coffee on 129th. It’s local and the people who work there are always really pleasant. I wasn’t paying attention that my jacket was unzipped and it showed the shirt I am wearing that I am sure many of y’all have seen that says “Arrest the Cops Who Killed Breonna Taylor.” It has her picture on the back and says “Say Her Name” The woman making my coffee saw the front of my shirt and put their sign back out front (Getting close to closing time). She said I should call the number so I did and left a message like I am sure thousands and thousands of other people have. The frustration with this case is so widespread. It’s embarrassing that these cops have still not been arrested. 


  11. 3 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Also note the plural.  He is extrapolating one animal into an entire, specious group of animalS.  The you-know-who.

    I was watching Axios last night on HBO and they had a think about Trump boaters at Lake of the Ozarks.  They were all olds, 60+, and white, of course.  They ran out the usual defenses of Trump.  But one old dude said basically, I'm afraid, I've never been so afraid in all my life.  He was not a small or timid-looking man.  

    He is absolutely giving the signal to commit violence against “The-you-know-who.” 

    The fear quotient is a direct result of messaging from Dotard. He has repeated the same lie so many times that the person you saw on that show has bought the fear. That irrational fear of the others will drive every decision that man makes. There are millions more like him. I do not believe that to be an exaggeration. The messaging worked. I don’t want to use words to describe what we are seeing as something that causes me fear because it does not. I do have a genuine concern that this many of our fellow citizens hear his message of hate, fear and racism and either feel compelled to load up on weapons or feel fearful of this group that is coming for them even though this is not reality. It is not going to be easy to help these folks out.

  12. 34 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Uhh.  How is that not yelling fire in a theater?

    That would be a textbook example of it. A functioning government would not allow someone like that to be part of it, but we crossed that bridge a good while ago.

  13. 1 hour ago, Pancho said:

    It's been mentioned on this website thousands of times as to why Black people backed Biden while knowing full well that he wasn't the best candidate of the group.  Instead of constantly asking a question that's been answered numerous times, you should do more research first.  But it's not even about doing research, it's also about just having basic common sense. 

    It's not that common.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Of course he did.

    The current collapse of social order and peace has nothing to do with police consistently and arrogantly abusing people and violating the law with minimal repercussions for decades. Nope. The problem is them uppity...well, you know.

    I do not condone killing police. It is not constructive, at all. Anyone who attempts to use the BLM Movement to propagate violence needs to receive some help from a trained professional and needs some time away from society in order to get help. Short of that we as human beings need to recognize folks who have violent tendencies and get mental health professionals involved so lives are not senselessly taken. You can’t do an eye for an eye and expect to get the societal change that most of the country would like to see. The example John Lewis set with his life and beliefs is the one I follow. 

    However, I saw Dotard use the word ANIMALS in connection with the video of the shooting. He’s one step closer to saying the n word. We all know what calling people animals implies. Get ready to watch an escalation in violence towards black people because of it. He gave the cult the dog whistle they needed to use deadly force and now he has footage to fire them up with. 

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  15. 8 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    You should've taken a selfie with her. You know she wouldn't have turned you down. 

    It would’ve been cool I think. Most of the time if I see someone like her I just let them be. The only time I have made an exception recently was the March on Washington when I decided to briefly meet Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and take a selfie with her. She was standing 3 or 4 feet from me on the platform near the speakers so I asked and she was kind and obliged. She did the same for several others who recognized her.

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  16. 10 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

    Putting feelings you feel on others. He's mad that Slorch ain't voting for Biden, which makes him say "then your behavior is almost as disgraceful as Trump," somehow not voting for trump makes him as worse as Trump, since he isn't voting for Biden as well. Almost like he wish he didn't have to vote for .either as well, but since he doesn't believe that Biden will win, and that he knows that Biden is what he says Trump is, he has to call Slorch as worse as Trump to make himself better.

    So you have the definition right. 

    I do not believe he is mad at Slorch (I look at Slorch as a contrarian in every sense of the word) in particular. He is upset with the mindset of not voting for Biden because in Dbeasy's view, and my own as well, voting 3rd party or not voting at all in this election is the coward's way out. There is ample evidence, thousands of tweets, statements on the record, conversations our president has had publicly and privately that show he is a narcissistic racist, is completely in over his head and is actively destroying the country through his actions and his party does nothing to stop him. If he is upset about anything it is seeing a mountain of evidence right in front of someone's face and then seeing that person go "Yeah doesn't matter not gonna vote for Biden." 

    I am no Joe Biden fan, but I do think he is an actual decent human being. I will vote for him because voting for the other guy would implicity endorse a president who runs on a platform of racism, scare tactics and fascist rhetoric. Voting 3rd party or not at all does not abscond the voter of blame. It means you are not principled enough to take a stand and do the right thing. In this case the right thing, however hard that may be for some to do, is to vote for Joe Biden. I would have preferred the vote be for Warren, Sanders or Harris being at the top of the ticket. That is not the case, but I will vote for the guy who can put an administration in place that can at least attempt to fix all of the damage of the last four years. That is what is important right now. Whether it can be fixed none of us know, but Biden winning the election at least makes it a possibility and that is good enough for those of us voting for him. Taking a contrarian's stance is to say you have no actual stance at all.

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  17. 48 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    In an alternative universe, Nick Saban uses his enormous platform for good. 

    In an alternate universe he would come out in an ad supporting Doug Jones. The amount of death by exploding head in that state would give Jones an easy win.

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  18. I wonder how long it takes before Dotard rails about this article from LeBatard. I never thought I'd see ESPN run something like this even though it is absolutely spot-on. The last part of the article is what will get Goodell and Dotard to lose it. 



    The NFL's owners not only refused to be on Kaepernick's side regarding protests but exercised an obvious institutional pressure upon him and his peers ... choosing en masse, really, to kneel before Trump instead. These owners, with all their power and F-you money, either didn't have the stomach for any kind of public fight or chose the wrong side, and they did so for almost four damn years, while Trump was at the height of his powers but they were also at the height of theirs. That the NFL has totally about-faced on this is not an act of nobility; it is the spineless swaying blown in by the day's wind because of all the unrest in their huddles, in their banks, in their streets. Even as piñata Roger Goodell goes on an apology tour on their behalf, Kaepernick remains unemployed. The Dolphins are wondering: How can these owners be trusted to exert their power over anything in America when they can't even get Kaepernick a job in their own sport?


    Ah, regardless, turn on the big TV lights and get ready for action because here comes our beloved King Sport without a martyred Kaepernick again, grunting to push an apocalyptic 2020 like a blocking sled one note closer to normal, trying to give our sick, coughing country that escape elixir it needs, like a junkie.

    Goodell is probably relieved he can stop apologizing and get back to the escape of counting money, but some things require more than an "I'm sorry," even in the land of second chances.

    We all saw who you didn't kneel beside. And we all saw whom you kneeled before.

    Some things are so wrong that they can't ever be forgotten.

    Or forgiven.


    • Hook 'Em 4
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  19. 1 minute ago, Catdaddyhorn said:

    Great read!! Thanks for posting the article.

    "The researchers also couldn’t figure out why Black people are always initially charged with more serious crimes than white people. The easiest explanation was that Black suspects commit worse crimes than white people, but the data disproved that assumption. Then, they hypothesized that prosecutors may be overzealous when it came to convicting violent cases but that proved not to be the case. When all was said and done, Black people were arrested more often, had higher bail and received harsher sentences. But when they examined convictions, they discovered that Black people were surprisingly less likely to be convicted than white people. Essentially, according to the researchers, a white person has to commit an egregious offense to wind up behind bars while all a Black person has to do is...well, be a Black person."

    This part tells the tale so to speak. 


    The concept that the pigmentation of your skin will automatically put you in a position where you are viewed as more of a threat to others than someone who is white is still the dumbest construct that white people ever came up with. I mean it is startlingly dumb in every imaginable way to view African-Americans in the way the police do. The construct they have formed in their mind is obviously racist, but I just try and think about how we are in the year 2020 and we still cannot get past this as a society. The knuckledraggers continue to weigh down the part of society whose construct is not one with racist undertones. It's highly unfortunate that so many of the people who have this construct wind up in law enforcement.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  20. 20 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    First Baptist Church of Mabank had one of these when I was in about 7th grade.  One of my classmates started going on in the classroom about how Led Zeppelin had a song called "NATAS"  ("Satan" spelt backerds, get it?) and all the bad shit it said when you played it backwards.  I was like, "Man, I own ALL the Led Zep records and NONE of them have that shit.  You must have some cool ass bootleg shit.  Can you get me a copy?"  He didn't.  

    I was in Mabank exactly once in my life and Good God it was memorable for all the wrong reasons. It was a high school basketball tournament they hosted some years ago. They lost to a team from DISD and it was either the sheriff or one of the deputies that would not let the teams shake hands after the game. He told the team from DISD to get out of the gym or else while Mabank's players were waiting to shake hands. The storefront racism was on display that night.

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