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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. A friend that I met this summer while protesting told me about a young man that lost his life back in May. There are so many instances across this country of excessive force being used and this to me is among the worst. It wound up causing the death of a 16 year old named Cornelius Fredericks. He had a very rough life if you read about him. Throw a sandwich and lose your life not long after. This is another instance where actual professionals are needed who understand how to communicate without using overwhelming physical force. The video shows there was no reason to have restrained this young man as he was no threat to anyone. 

    The video is in the link. It is sad to say the least.



    Fredericks, 16, went into cardiac arrest after he was tackled and pinned to the ground for throwing a sandwich in the cafeteria.

    Cornelius Fredericks was restrained by staff for about twelve minutes
    Cornelius Fredericks was restrained by staff for about twelve minutesCredit: Fredericks Family Handout

    Shocking footage captured the incident and the teenager died two days later on May 1, according to a lawsuit his family filed. 

    Cornelius Fredericks was a teen living at Lakeside Academy, a residential treatment facility in Kalamazoo, Michigan. 

    The center accepted young adults ages 12 to 18 to receive behavioral health services as they were placed through the foster care system or by their parents.

    Fredericks had been a ward of the state for several years, following his mother’s death when his father was incarcerated.

    The young boy entered cardiac arrest while restrained
    The young boy entered cardiac arrest while restrainedCredit: Fredericks Family Handout

    When did he die?

    Fredericks passed away on May 1 at Bronson Methodist Hospital after entering cardiac arrest as he was restrained on the ground. 

    His family filed a lawsuit against the staff and center for not using proper protocol with their own restraint policy.

    The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) launched an investigation into the facility. 


    The department's documents stated that officials said that the staff initiated restraint that was "significantly disproportionate" to Fredericks' behavior, CNN reported.

    He passed away two days later after the accident
    He passed away two days later after the accidentCredit: Fredericks Family Handout

    The MDHHS has since terminated all contracts with Lakeside Academy and has begun the legal process to revoke its license, according to a press release from the agency. 

    At the time of the investigation, MDHHS found "10 licensing violations, including a failure to follow rules related to resident restraint and discipline," the press release said.

    Fredericks’ family is seeking $110M dollars in damages.

    What happened to him?

    A video from Lakeside taken on April 29 shows the young boy allegedly throwing a sandwich at a teen in the cafeteria.

    A member of the academy then tackled him on to the floor. 

    The footage shows Fredericks being held on the ground by about six other staff members of the academy for several minutes. 

    The family filed a lawsuit against Lakeside Academy for his death
    The family filed a lawsuit against Lakeside Academy for his deathCredit: NBC News

    The family's lawsuit says that Fredericks was already struggling and that he said "I can't breathe" while he was restrained.

    The members then release him and try to resuscitate him as the video ends. 

    The family's attorney, Geoffrey Fieger, obtained the security footage and claims that when the staff stopped restraining Fredericks, they tried to sit him up but his body was limp.

    Fredericks urinated on himself during the restraint, Fieger said.

    The family lawyer says his body was limp as they tried to sit him up
    The family lawyer says his body was limp as they tried to sit him upCredit: NBC News

    Fieger addressed the press during a conference.

    "Certainly this type of behavior is not human," he said.

    "It can only be akin to a subhuman-type species that would inflict this behavior on children."

    A medical examiner ruled his death a homicide. 

    What happened to the staff members?

    Two male staffers and a female nurse were fired after Frederick's death.

    Michael Mosley of Battle Creek, Zachary Solis of Lansing and Heather McLogan of Kalamazoo have been charged with involuntary manslaughter and second-degree child abuse in Fredericks’ death.

    Mosley, Solis, and McLogan were released on $500,000 personal bonds, according to court records.

    Fredericks had shouted that he 'couldn't breathe'
    Fredericks had shouted that he 'couldn't breathe'Credit: NBC News

    Mosley’s attorney said that he pled not guilty, citing that he was following guidelines and the proper protocol.

    The Kalamazoo County prosecutor also charged McLogan, 48, a nurse, with involuntary manslaughter and second-degree child abuse. 

    Prosecutors allege that she failed to seek timely medical care, as she did not dial 911 until 12 minutes after the restraint ended.


  2. 3 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Well this is quite the thread, but are there any opinions on the social justice options put out there by the NFL tonight?  I was very happy with Collinsworth putting out his opinion out of the gate as an announcer and it’s been really good to see them bring the player’s opinions out as well. 

    I could have put this in the football forum, but, you know. 

    It’s progress from what the NFL usually is. Jerry Jones is probably biting his tongue on what he wants to actually say about all of this. To me it still rings pretty hollow since Kaepernick still has no NFL job and a guy like Chad Henne does. Kap isn’t a Hall of Famer, but Good Lord some of the guys who have jobs over him is ridiculous. He is still being froze out by the NFL. Perhaps that leaves me jaded to the NFL’s social justice message, but that’s just how I feel about it.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    I thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster every day for Bill O’Brien. We’re so lucky to have the most hilariously shitty coach and the most hilariously shitty GM all in one person.

    I have watched more of the NFL tonight than all of last season. No idea how you watch an O’Brien coached team. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, Brothahorn said:

    Only crisis I have is having to drink Evan Williams while watching the Texans. Because I have cheap friends.

    Nice deflection, though. Gotta be something wrong, if I don't go with the approved message. So typical.


    In case you haven't noticed I'm not interacting with you. Yet, you keeping quoting me, quoting other posters regarding me. If anyone here has a problem, it is you. That's some pathetic internet stalking. Do I need to file a TRO on you?

    And trust me I'm much happier than you will ever be. How do I know this? Because I'm not the pathetic loser who is trying to get attention from me on the internet.


    No need. The idea of rep is more important to them than me.

    He asked, I answered. The negs just prove my point about the politics. 

    You need some help man. I do not like your constant attacks on people in this thread and most of them are filled with angry profanity-laced rants. You show zero restraint and your posts get progressively angrier consistently as the evening or night goes on. You need help. Many of us here needed help at some point and got it. You are displaying an anger that could eventually cause harm to people who interact with you in real life. Your pride is what is standing in the way of you receiving help. Get it and find a better way to live life like many posters here have done in their own lives. Or keep going down the path you are on that will not end well. I find it sad, whether I agree with someone or not, when they will be obstinate and steadfastly refuse help. Get evaluated or do an intake session by someone and go from there. I’ll never meet you, but you’re still a human being and I hope everyone, you included, that has personal demons is able to overcome them.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Brothahorn said:
    little no-life weasely loser who amounts to nothing.
    shut the fuck up and step aside you little pissant

    And there it is. Seriously please get some professional help before you harm someone in real life. It isn’t funny watching you break down repeatedly here and resort to this. If it’s a substance causing you issues there’s folks here that can help or find a person who can. Plenty of people here can point you in the direction of the help you desperately need to manage that anger if you would only set aside your ego and go for it. Going through life like you are is not a fun way to live.

  6. 7 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Then maybe you shouldn’t criticize others without knowing their story. You know the thing you accuse others of doing constantly 

    You haven’t done what this humble man, who would never write out a lengthy post bragging about he has done, is doing. If you aren’t doing what he is doing then you’re a punk who hates black people. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Except....effectively all major black advocacy groups ARE focused on both, and have been for a long time. It’s a popular narrative among folks with a certain agenda that black advocacy groups don’t care about reducing violence, community-building, addressing the underlying issues that lead to decaying communities and violence....but it’s just flat-out false. Again, most all of them have long had that exact agenda.

    I’m aware of two such organizations just in Austin, and am working with them on the education part of their efforts (that’s where I expect I can make the biggest difference). In other words...I’m not doing a lot to directly deal with police misconduct - I’m not in the best position to effectively advocate on that issue. But I can help a lot on the education and professional development front. So, I do. And the opportunities and mechanisms were already there...created by black community groups, quite some time ago.

    So, you’re not just selling the logical fallacy of whataboutism, you’ve built that fallacy on a premise that is a lie. I don’t know why you’ve done so, or why you’re so committed to that task, but that’s what it is.

    You presented the evidence of how you are helping and you provided context that this is how you can also do the most to further the BLM  Movement. A normal human being that is not a professional contrarian would see this and think “Okay this guy is doing his part to tear down barriers.”

    The contrarian sees this and thinks “Screw you for not caring about the specific thing I am focused on. If you saw the world how I did you would then get it. Instead your punk ass doesn’t care because you refuse to see this other thing that only I see.” 

    It really is such an interesting example of how the human mind can have a laser sharp focus, but when that focus engages others with constant name-calling and negativity it makes what that person says hold very little water.

  8. Right on time with another post that has zero to do with the BLM Movement. 

    Here I can play this game too Uncle Ruckus. Why aren't you out protesting about Linden Cameron being shot by the police? Do you not care about 13 year old white children that have autism who get shot by the police? Why are you not on a plane to Salt Lake City to protest this injustice? 

  9. I'm a bit late on posting this, but seeing Butler lead Miami to at least the Conference Finals is pretty cool.

    The before and after win totals of teams he left shows that every team's win percentage went down without him.

    Chicago 41 with 27 without.

    Minnesota 47 with 36 without (He was part of the team for 10 games that year)

    Philadelphia 51 with (43-30 in a shortened season after.). Philly went 42-25 with him during that 51 win season.

    Miami was 39-43 without him last year. This season they were on pace to win at least 50 games, but finished 44-29 in the shortened season.

    I am not pointing this out because I am a fan boy or anything like that, it's just to illustrate that the narrative about him not fitting in or being a bad teammate was incorrect. It was a narrative I always found to be exactly that and could never understand why people ran with it when the results of his career show his value to the teams he was on. Everywhere this guy goes the team gets better. It isn't a coincidence that every team he leaves does not improve. He just needed some mentally tough teammates that love the game as much as he does around him. The results speak for themselves.

  10. 1 hour ago, Foosters said:

    LOL @ failure to disperse as the reason to arrest. Just come out and say that "The perp said something I did not like and I either had to shoot him on the spot or arrest him. Since he is white, and is obviously no threat to me because of that, I placed him in handcuffs." 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    I'm sure NYPD will respond in a mature, respectful manner.

    Just kidding they're gonna cry

    "The billboard approached us in an aggressive manner. We couldn't take any chances and had to shoot the billboard as it attempted to flee the scene." 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. Just now, bad_teammate said:

    Gratefully, the officer made it home to his family.

    With a pay raise and promotion for his bravery in such a hostile situation. The officer's ego was on the line that day, but thankfully it survived!

    • Haha 1
  13. 21 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    What's wrong with them is they are members of a cult. You cannot reason with them because if they had the ability to do so they wouldn't be in a cult. Warren is an amazingly good human being who genuinely wants to do the right thing. I cannot wait for her to be unleashed next January on American corporations and our wealthiest citizens that raked in gigantic profits and personal wealth increases in the midst of the worst pandemic the world has seen in a century.

    As an aside, when I was in DC in early June protesting for the first time I was leaving the Lincoln Memorial where my first protest march ended. I was walking on a path and a couple walks by with their dog. I am certain it was her and while I wanted to say hi and tell her thank you for doing her best to help all of us I just walked by and left her alone. I am sure she gets people coming up to her regularly when she is out and about. When I walked past to go back to my hotel she was discussing something with her husband that Trump said that came up on her phone. 

    • Like 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I am cancelling Ace Hardware.


    I am guessing they forgot to mention the part where the boss likely threatened the employee with the loss of their job if they didn't apologize for making such a mean and hateful comment to such an upstanding and respected police officer.

  15. 39 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    This goes along with @HenryJames post regarding NYC a page ago. Watch the whole video if you've got one minute and twenty-two seconds. It's pretty good.


    I used to work right there before the pandemic shut everything down. Times Square is a ghost town now, but I am going to go by there today or tomorrow to see that for myself. I am certain I will probably see 5 or 6 officers standing around on their phone like I normally do in Manhattan.

  16. 2 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Whiny fucking cunts.



    This victim complex that so many police have is ridiculous. If the officer had any sense of humor or a part of him that was actually human he could've walked over and talked to the person who made the comment. They could've had a productive conversation about why the person said that to him. We all know why it was said, but you can diffuse a situation by being human. Cops, by and large, lack this component and it is why many of them who wind up shooting their fellow citizens do so without even thinking about it. Instead of looking at the people WHO PAY THEIR SALARY as an equal, they are looked at as being lesser than, this is especially so with minorities, but again we all know that as well.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  17. 3 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    I picture Brothahorn looking like this Ron Milner guy.

    He has an one-track mind and continues to post this stuff so he can take shots at an organization he doesn't like. I mean he's free to start his own organization but that would require doing some work and that's not his forte on this. Complaining and overwhelming amounts of negativity about everything is what he traffics in. The man needs some therapy to help right what ails him.

  18. 7 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    This is consistently the dumbest response to BLM.

    Which is why Uncle Ruckus will eventually do one of his drive-by swipes at all of us "Lil' men" that he thinks makes him look tough or clever. These people constantly taking swipes at BLM are doing so even knowing that the focus of the organization is on police brutality and how families are structured. 

  19. Just now, Nivek said:

    See, they're not racist, they just like killing people/pets/well everything!

    I want to /insert surly poster that would agree with that statement, but there are too many to choose from. I don’t even believe those cowards will step up to the plate and defend this shooting. 

  20. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    They all fucking tug at us, man.  Or they should.

    Every person shot by the cops is a human being.  Every one of them.  When someone gets shot, it's a fucking tragedy in some way, always.  PARTICULARLY when the person is mentally ill, has some other personal challenge, etc.  It doesn't have to be this way.  It shouldn't be this way.  But as a society, we fight tooth and nail to keep it this way.  It's fucking cruel, sick, and evil.

    Every last one should bother us and should lead us to a solution that doesn’t involve someone trying to execute a 13 year old that is desperately trying to communicate feelings of angst and anxiety. We do make the choice you said time and again. It is frustrating that we do not want to do the right thing because doing the right thing means hard work. I mean who has time for the hard work of police reform when we can just let them continue to shoot at whatever and whomever they please?

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