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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    "JuST LisTEN to COmManDS ANd u wON't GeT SHOT!"

    I want to say some witty here, but this one really tugs at me man. I called a friend and we talked about it and he had read the story already and was as unhappy as I was with what happened. 

  2. Here you go blue lives matter supporters. Your heroes shot a 13 year old with autism because of course they did. His picture needs to be here and be seen. This is Linden Cameron from Glendale, Utah. This is sickening.





  3. 18 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    So for all our “social workers for bank robberies” idiots, a question; would a social worker be better suited for this type of call or are we still pretending police should do this work?

    This one absolutely upsets me a lot. I do not have many words that would be of any use right now. This is ridiculous on a level that is hard to fully comprehend. The young man has autism and he gets shot because he is communicating in a way where a trained professional was needed. Instead the mother calls the police and they show up guns blazin’. I am not happy with the mother here either. Why in the world would you call the police when you know your child has autism? This is quite literally the last thing you should do, especially if someone has what used to be labeled Asperger’s (If you still call it that please do not. The man it was named after was not a good guy and I will leave it at that).

    Putting a kid in that situation with someone not trained in how to properly respond was like throwing gasoline on a bonfire. You do not, EVER, put a child like this in a situation with a new variable they are not expecting, this is especially so when the variable yells at you (BIG MISTAKE to do that to this kid), makes demands of the kid (You guessed it, another gigantic mistake) and then shoots when the kid is non-compliant and runs. This is horrific to see happen and it should take around, oh I don’t know, the time it took to write this message to fire the officer or officers that shot him and charge them with attempted murder.  

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  4. 32 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    Replace your scenario with pointing Elizabeth Warren at Facebook and Twitter and telling her to have fun.

    I would be ecstatic to see Elizabeth Warren given free rein to go after them. I believe she has the ability to do more to rebuild this country post-Dotard than anyone in Washington if she is given the ability to do so.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Yeah, going to somewhat disagree with you here. As Kevwun said, Facebook is much more culpable. Dorsey has done something, at least. Granted, later than was needed but ahead of FB who still won't do shit. Additionally, the people NEED to see what the president says. I absolutely get that point. Hopefully posterity it will all be saved and rehashed and beaten into people how dangerous things were, etc. Or in other parlance, you give him the rope to hang himself. 

    I am no fan of Facebook either. They are equally as culpable, but Dorsey was mentioned so I commented to the culpability they have in this. 

    When the words of the President of the United States are being used as justification for harm and punishment of “the others” you just cannot allow that speech to find its way onto a platform where it will be used to in effect brainwash people into believing they are committing lawful acts that the president condones. If his blatant racism has led to the loss of just a single life that is one too many. We know that is not the case. Dorsey and Zuckerberg both should get fines that have the word billion(s) attached to it. They have been willing conduits that have spread a hateful and racist rhetoric that has damaged the minds of millions of people we share a country with. That in and of itself is incredibly sad. 

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  6. 26 minutes ago, DigDug said:

    Beyond ridiculous. @jack and his cohorts are the biggest fucking scared pussies to let this lunatic just keep posting lie after blatant lie

    I would be okay with a Biden administration bringing in Dorsey the day he is sworn in and letting him know that his company will be fined into oblivion for its role in disseminating hateful and racist rhetoric from Trump and his cohorts. You want to speak freely? Go for it. You want to give a gigantic platform to racist remarks and rants that millions of people wound up nodding in agreement with? You deserve to be fined right into bankruptcy. Dorsey should not be let off the hook for the role he played in all of this. Excusing it because it is the president is no excuse at all.

  7. Our president is directly responsible for racist hate groups like the one above. His rhetoric has absolutely empowered cowardly white men and women into believing they are either at war or getting ready to wage one against "the others" who are trying to take away their way of life. The longer Dotard has a platform the worse the violence will be. Eventually it won't just be fists hitting those protestors. It'll be many more incidents with guns being the weapon of choice and it's because our big, dumb president gives his approval to the behavior.

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  8. 22 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    yeah, i remember all the flag waving boat parades for beto. or the giant pickup trucks in my neighborhood flying beto flags from the bed of their truck. 

    oh wait, no i don't, because that didn't fucking happen. yard signs, bumper stickers, whatever. but hoisting and waving a flag? go fuck yourself. (not you, personally, slorch, just generally, all flag wavers. i say this knowing that of course you weren't a trump voter, and won't be, and definitely don't wave trump flags, despite going to every length to defend him on this forum from the evil detractors of the orange shitgoblin)

    He's quite the contrarian. People do what he does because being a contrarian, among other things that he is, brings attention and you get to pontificate from a point of reference that only YOU and YOU ALONE understand. If the masses only saw things the way YOU see it they would see how these two things are equal. We have a few contrarians on this board that do this and I am sure you could quickly make a list of them. 

    In the real world people running around flying a flag on their car, boat or motorized scooter are supporting a president that is racist and thereby reaffirming that they are okay with racism in America. If I had seen a flag for Beto on a car I would've looked at it and moved on mainly because BETO WAS NOT RUNNING ON A PLATFORM OF RACISM. This is how a human being not trafficking constantly in contrarianism would look at things. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:


    I laugh not at the ridiculousness of this tweet, but at the people that read this tweet and say to themselves "I will not let ANTIFA ruin my nice neighborhood in the suburbs!" The psychology of all of this is fairly amazing, but still disappointing to witness.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. On 9/3/2020 at 12:06 PM, Reagan1k said:

    Glad you are here.  Glad you could stop and stay stopped (without going batshit crazy).  

    Whatever works to stay sober and sane......!

    When I put the bottle down I went cold turkey and never had a craving for it. The entirety of the story is a bit long, but the last night I drank was not a good time to say the least. The things that have happened this year as a result of no longer drinking have been incredible. I do not wish to say a great about being overly blessed because I know it is a gigantic struggle for many people to walk away from drinking and their experience is not the one I have had. I wish we lived in a world where things like this did not happen, but this is part of the human experience that is not fun in any way, shape, form or fashion. It’s good to be able to try and help our fellow man or woman when they are at a dead end and need help. This thread provides that and that’s awesome!

  11. 1 hour ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    It's a testament to Trump's depravity that no sentient beings would be surprised if the Atlantic piece is truth. His soul is darker than a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night.

    I think being shocked by these stories is something I quit feeling a long time ago. We can say it and it would be true that his words about service members would’ve sunk any other president. This is just a normal day of the week in Dotardia. 

  12. 33 minutes ago, Brandywine said:

    Especially churches like Joel Osteen’s and First Baptist Dallas. 

    Well yes I think it should be a tiered system of taxation of churches. I would have those two in the 80 percent bracket. We'll find out real quick about their "calling" to preach the gospel.

  13. 4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    The unfortunate reality of American politics is that there are only two parties.

    I am a straight white man, and not ashamed or proud of it.

    I don't consider myself a Democrat, because I have no love for the party nor do I feel any need to defend the party or extol its virtues. If you want to say I'm a Democrat, that's wonderful have a great time. I have a feeling many right-leaning people here wouldn't call themselves "Republican".

    I don't consider myself a liberal in the sense used politically because that's generally fairly libertarian in its economic descriptions which doesn't fit me. I guess I'm a "liberal" in the sense that I don't hate black people and women, so sure OK. Again, I have a feeling many right-leaning people here wouldn't call themselves "conservative".

    I am a member of the party called Dotard isn’t the nominee of this Party. I do find Democrats to be very amenable as human beings most of the time and I am registered as one, but whatever. It would be nice if we had other viable parties, but hoo boy the Libertarians are just another shade of the Dotard Cult Party and the Green Party is just kind of there.

  14. 31 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

    Pretty sure the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare is separate in his mind as well.  

    This man was too young to likely know a thing about it. I give him credit for admitting up front how ridiculous the question was. You could’ve told him to register as a member of the Mythical Antifa Party so long as that wasn’t the one Trump is a part of. The recoil you see when people have to even say his name here happens a lot.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    I don’t really care to judge people on their physical descriptive elements. Now, a right good atheist, that believes in countering the redistribution of wealth that has been unabashedly taking place over the last 1/2 century, science and education supporting motherfucker would be awesome. If said candidate wasn’t some flag molesting xenophobic anti-oligarchic person with a conviction to restore sanity to representation and access to voting, well that would be the little umbrella or cherry sword in my erroneously ordered cocktail.

    I would have no issue with that kind of President and I am religious. We need to get that church and state line permanently separated because it is being used to hurt people.

    We need to be put on the shelf for awhile though. 44 out of 45 out front shoulda told ya.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    It reads more like the assembly instructions on some cheap shit you buy, with the instructions obviously just translated from Mandarin using some off-brand version of Google Translate:

    "Please to insert the A part at the junction of C part.  Safely to tighten much but not.  Seek insert of B into junction.  Use screw part D with strength."

    It’s nice to laugh this much so early in the day. Well done, sir.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, victory88 said:

    It's going to be hilarious when he loses this election and won't have people filtering his tweets and comments.  He's going to say all the racist shit he wants.  I still have some friends that are going to vote for him because of "christian" values.  I cannot comprehend how moronic these people are.  As if he embodies any values of Christianity.  I have another set of friends that make about 100k that say they will vote for him because of "taxes"... lmao.  


    You really have got to find some new friends.

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  18. I will do that. I found the answers I needed as to the why I drank, but it was not an easy process to get to the root cause. Thankfully I know the why of things and the easy part is honestly not drinking because I never enjoyed the taste of anything I ever drank. I realize how hard giving it up can be. I’ll do my best to check in here more often and provide support to those who need it and deserve it. Y’all really are doing God’s work in being so supportive to each other.

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